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The Hill Articles: March 9, 2009
March 9
N.C. rep opts against challenging Sen. Burr
Senate Dems say they have omnibus votes
Geithner bucks up House Dem spirits
‘Card check’ to be introduced Tuesday
RNC dispute over $4 million
New Dems nip at Blue Dogs’ heels
Celebrity must-have: a political adviser
A $210 billion mystery inside Obama budget
Dana Perino returns
Subway confessions: Burris vents to Akaka
20 Questions: Yukking it up with Alexandra Wentworth
Beneficiaries of Sallie Mae, Nelnet fight Obama’s student-aid proposal
President tries to change Dems’ image in military
Frank wants Bank of America bonus info
Weyant’s World: March 10, 2009
Vets blast VA’s claims proposal
Healthcare debate now on for real
Tuesday Profile: Lobbyist has vision across from the Capitol
Bottom Line
Liberal groups to protest health insurance conference Tuesday
Supreme Court narrows minority district protections
DeMint: Obama ‘reigniting culture wars’
Dr. No leaves constituents guessing about reelection
The Journalist Bailout Bill of 2009
Baucus muscle
Obama to limit use of signing statements
When Karl Rove testifies, we won’t get fooled again
GM: Detroit meeting with Auto Task Force ‘constructive’
U.S. Manufacturing: The Key to Reviving the Economy
Biden adviser: Stock markets falling due to economy, not Obama
A ‘Welcome’ Change of Faith
Vogel to head DCCC
Santorum mum on Specter-Toomey rematch
The Power of 60
Draft Warren Buffett
Dems’ card-check sellout
The GOP & Rush Limbaugh
Tweet of the day
Hot on The Hill right now
Pelosi to appear with Richard Gere, her latest celeb meeting
DCCC hits airwaves in NY-20
Nancy Reagan praises Obama on stem cells
Opponents say stem cell reversal leaves too few rules
Barney Frank not too teed off over bank sponsorship for golf tourneys
Facing elimination, E-Verify use way up
Boehner slams Obama on stem cells
Campbell sticks by prediction: ‘Going Galt’ still a ways off
Top Dem aide joins utility trade group
Obama lifts ban on funding stem-cell research
Woodhouse out, McMahon in at AUC
Obama stresses science over ideology on stem cells
Lawmakers question bailout oversight
‘Going Galt?’ (Rep. John Campbell)
GOP reps refuse to sign earmark report
Lieberman, not so suprisingly, backing Obama
Meghan McCain blasts Coulter as ‘offensive, radical, insulting, and confusing’
Poll: GOPers see party as leaderless
Obama to risk rotator-cuff injury at Nats game
Capitol Hill Agenda: March 9, 2009
Buffett: Gov’t economic message ‘muddled’
Dem leader: Blame Congress for slow work on Obama agenda
Don’t D.C. Children Deserve an Equal Opportunity Education?
California Disappears: Panic Sets In
Sanford: GOP needs to be more like John Deere
From The Oakland (Calif.) Tribune — Originally published Monday, March 9
From the New Orleans Times-Picayune — Originally published Sunday, March 8
Public Education: NYC’s Joel Klein Putting Children First
Is Axelrod the left
Limbaugh-for-president domains snatched
Veteran conservative Donatelli to head GOPAC
Obama takes sharp turn on foreign policy
$410B omnibus expected to pass this week
Pelosi’s job program aids wounded vets
AUC: GOP is ‘Party of No’
Drudge Report
Daily Beast
Matthew Yglesias
The Corner
Open Left
Weekly Standard
Ezra Klein
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