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The Hill Articles: May 18, 2009
May 18
Tapper plays cupid
Dems change the subject from waterboarding
New mileage standards cheer green lobby
U.S., Israel leaders seek Iran progress
Wyden is winning over the GOP on healthcare
Pelosi struggles when away from home turf
Smokin’ healthcare discussion
Hill beauties make room for new class
Obama pushes back on funds for Guantánamo Bay closure
Unplugged: 50 Most Beautiful nominations
RNC members hope to bury the past, plan for the future
Schumer and Obama take control of Gillibrand’s fate in the primary
Exit strategy: Speaker Pelosi vs. the CIA
N.Y. state of mind
Tech lobby works both sides of aisle vs. Obama tax plans
Obama’s trade representative makes plea for business’s help
Before play, lawmakers must finish their work
Bottom Line
Dem candidates race to replace Hilda Solis in California’s 32nd
Vatican gives tepid approval to Notre Dame speech
Weyant’s World: May 19, 2009
Daschle backs McAuliffe
Poll: GOP losing ground in most Demographics
Panetta pledges to keep Congress fully informed on CIA
Perry loves boxers
Senators offer options to finance health reform
Born in the USA
Pelosi should ’fess up
Torture & Possible House Coup
Sen. Bennett launches ads featuring Romney
Video: Conservative group targets Kagan, Wood, Sotomayor
Larson: ‘Nancy Pelosi is not in any trouble’
Toss the Abacus, Uncle Sam (Rep. Darrell Issa)
Spell check fails Palin
Obama, Netanyahu stress Iran urgency
Obama to raise CAFE standards
Report: Bill Clinton to be U.N. Envoy to Haiti
House panel kicks off climate change markup
Bank Regulations Should Not Govern Small Health Care Practices (Rep. Mike Simpson)
Rubio pleads patience for Facebook friends
VALOR Act Would Correct Injustice in VA Health Care (Rep. Tom Latham)
Old boss to intern: Don’t challenge Dodd gets a senatorial makeover
Netanyahu’s gift to Obama: Twain, of course
Geithner says no to salary caps for execs, yes to bonus rules
Axelrod to address Dem caucus
Obama to seek $100B for IMF in supplemental
Moran hits McAuliffe for backing Clinton, not Obama
Court: Ashcroft, Mueller not liable for detention
That’s a lot of grandkids
VIDEO: Graham heckled at S.C. convention
Dodd gets primary challenger
Road trip!
When Will Obama Own the Recession?
Poll: 31 percent of Israelis call Obama pro-Israel
Shurtleff could be tempted by GOV race
Stop. Talking.
Pelosi: Dems in Congress ‘committed’ to EFCA
Worth the click: Obamaites hitting the commencement circuit
Why small state governors are popular
Byrd hospitalized for infection
Issa loves dead languages
McCollum announces run for Fla. Gov.
Huckabee calls on Pelosi to resign — in verse
Ty launches First Dog Beanie Baby
Capitol Hill Agenda: May 18, 2009
Granholm in D.C. today; attracting Dem, GOP critics
Price: Not up to Limbaugh to decide who’s in the GOP
Clyburn a big fan of…Barry Goldwater?
Poll: Public believes Pelosi over CIA, barely
Ryan welcomes fellow Ohioans
Gates: I don’t like my job
Cat Scratch Fever: The Ted Nugent Conservatives
From the Chicago Sun-Times — Originally published Monday, May 18
From the Charleston, S.C. Post and Courier — Originally published Monday, May 18
The Cheney Dare
Drudge Report
Huffington Post
The Corner
Matthew Yglesias
Ezra Klein
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