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The Hill Articles: May 19, 2009
May 19
A message from the Commander-in-Chief
Rebuffing Obama on Gitmo
Auto lobby grudgingly strikes deal
Kennedy to return in June; Sens. say health improved
Lawmakers don’t expect Armageddon
Clinton-era hard drive missing from archives
Special Report: Tribute to the Troops
Dems rally around Pelosi while Republicans ponder next move
House Energy panel slow getting started on climate measure
McAuliffe emerges as leading candidate in Virginia primary
SCOTUS debate becomes conservatives’ cash cow
Dems say Obama backtracking on land preservation
Tribute to the Troops
Empathizing with the loved ones of soldiers at time of deployment
As soldiers, families tell of combat stress, Pentagon is listening
Honoring the American soldier, our veterans, and Army families
Vigilance at sea, on land, in air
Semper Fi — our pledge to America, to our mission, and to each other
A history of life-saving
An infinite honor
Not just another day
Reshaping the force to serve our soldiers better
Armed Services YMCA honors military children
The reservists stand ready
Trade battles brewing
Maintain ‘eminently sensible’ chemical-plant security rules
Democrats seek financial rescue of minority-owned broadcasters
Why Washington doesn’t get new media
Weyant’s World: May 20, 2009
Steele declares it’s time for GOP to focus on the future
How long until Obama gets blame?
Pro-life and pro-choice
A different recovery act
Carson aides keep Indiana’s 7th cooking
A Fair Way to Regulate Fuel Economy and Greenhouse Gass (Sen. Carl Levin)
Survey: Steve Wymer
Iran deal reported as Mideast sounds off after talks
Tent of white Christian men
Why Pelosi must go
Whose leg is it anyway?
The Incumbency Problem Has Everything to do with Money
Members seek abortion conscience protections
Napolitano dodges Gitmo questions
THE BIG QUESTION, May 18: Obama and the Middle East
Another Gillibrand challenger gone, as Obama wishes
Report: Rick Davis picked Palin as McCain’s Veep
Another Dem drops Gillibrand challenge
‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ isn’t going anywhere…for now
Announcements – May 20, 2009
Huntsman and Buffett go to China
Poll: Crist has commanding early lead in Fla. Senate race
Game Over: Federal Law Doesn’t Trump State Medical Marijuana Laws
Feingold briefly blocks Reagan commemoration
More Emissions Restrictions from the White House (Rep. Lee Terry)
Clinton to Senate Foreign Relations Committee Wednesday
DeMint: Upping the CAFE standard will just make cars more expensive
Obama, Democrats, Republicans Support Credit Card Rip-Offs and Rate Hikes
NRCC steps up new media game
Senate approves tougher credit card rules in 90-5 vote
Texas Senate OKs guns in college dorms, classrooms
McConnell hails Dems’ ‘flexibility’ on Gitmo
Marchant: One of 44
White House: Guantanamo still closing in January
Kennedy’s cancer in remission
FEC: Spending spree to dress Palin was legal
Obama plugs Pelosi for ‘cracking the whip’
VIDEO: AUC compares Obama to JFK
Candidate Hodes lunches with Senate Dems
Poll: Democrats close the gap on national security
Senate Democrats won’t give Obama money to close Gitmo
Steele: Dem assaults on Bush ‘classless’
Obama announces ‘historic’ fuel economy standard
Senate Dems to strip funds to close Guantanamo
Watchdog opposes Coleman’s request on campaign funds
Huntsman was moving towards run before nomination
Bunning: McConnell is a ‘control freak’
Obama Disses Vegas — Again
Is Ahnold on the shortlist for SCOTUS?
Pakistan fighting sparks $110M in Washington aid
Pelosi ally challenges CIA credibility
SCOTUS Roundup: A closer look at Granholm, Sotomayor
Steele’s Resolve
Issa teases The Hill’s readers…
Burgess on climate change markup: ‘Not a well run process’
Conyers: Judiciary has enough votes to overturn DOMA
Obey says CIA document incorrect
GOP senatorial committee zeroes out 2008 debt
Gingrich to join National Council for a New America
Ensign’s Iowa ad (sort of)
Stern: Working on a (EFCA) dream
King: DHS unit warning of right-wing extremists is ‘out of control’
Torture: The Ticking-Bomb Fallacy
James Bond’s secret mission to Free Willy
Reform in the Age of Plastic (Sen. Chris Dodd)
VIDEO: Macker: See, I really did campaign for Obama
VIDEO: Three GOP Reps. attack Pelosi
Poll: Nevada voters unhappy with Reid
Message from a Soldier Headed Overseas
Build More Autos Overseas: Marginalize More U.S. Families
White House sees rules saving 1.8 billion barrels
Pawlenty plays hardball
NRCC unveils first list of vulnerables
Steele speech today hopes to turn corner
Poll: Some troubling numbers for Reid
Poll: Pelosi’s numbers slide
Name-Changing Resolutions Won’t Change the Game for the GOP
Drudge Report
Huffington Post
The Foundry
Ezra Klein
Unions target Wyden in anti-tax push
Matthew Yglesias
Weekly Standard
Wyden is winning over the GOP on healthcare
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