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The Hill Articles: May 20, 2009
May 20
GOP on offense on Gitmo, and plans to stay that way
Cap-and-trade showdown
Specter defends Speaker
House GOP mulls life without Blunt
Obama faces major test in Gitmo speech
Sens: Time has come for decisions on healthcare
Financial bill draws Obama signing statement
GOP shelves resolution labeling Dems ‘socialists’
Weyant’s World: May 21, 2009
Officials improving access to Capitol for the disabled
Weakened Rep. Kilpatrick big target in Dem primary
Shurtleff aims to Cannon-ize Bennett
Rank-and-file aren’t waiting on leadership in healthcare debate
Bill on climate change offers hope to Wall St.
Manufacturers remain at odds on patent reform
Gates: Two POTUS choppers are likely
Bath time with Rep. Massa
20 Questions with Amy Poehler
National parks, credit card bill: Guns belong in neither
Congressional fasting: A brief history
Meet the Lawmaker Rep. Tom Perriello (D-Va.), 5th District
Prison politics
The Light Switch Tax (Rep. John Culberson)
Diplomatic aims stressed despite Iranian missile test
Special Report: Climate Change
Issa asks FBI to investigate Pelosi claims
Calif. fraud, secrecy should give us pause about cap-and-trade
Time to start the energy revolution
Compromise protects jobs, utility ratepayers
Global warming concern wrongly overlooks oceans
It’s showtime: Gettin’ down and gettin’ mo’ with Gitmo
Gitmo traps Obama
Calif.’s omen for the nation
Powell to ‘Face’
House considers Supplemental Appropriations (Rep. Mike Honda)
A Conviction Here, An Indictment There (Rep. Michele Bachmann)
Poll: Majority think GOP proposals are bad for the country
House OKs credit card bill with gun amendment
Defense companies see new markets overseas
Making Treasury Accountable (Rep. John Boozman)
Obama activates the e-mail list
When in Washington…
VIDEO: Middle East reacts to swine flu with infomercials, conspiracy theories
Cable networks to cover Cheney speech live, right after Obama
The Supreme Court Got it Wrong and Women Suffer
Weapon Systems Acquisition Reform is a Step in the Right Direction (Rep. Ike Skelton)
Davis: About 25% of Alabama votes determined by race
Obama to offer Gitmo ‘framework’ after rebuke
Lieberman: I agree with GOP on Gitmo
Specter defends Pelosi, questions CIA’s honesty
DCCC outraises NRCC, paying down debt fast
Utah AG announces Bennett challenge sans Twitter
Gates floats two-helicopter proposal for president
Graham slams Bush, praises Obama
McCain downplays Palin report
Governator vows significant cuts in services
Is your member of Congress under investigation?
Shelby on detainees: Try them or send them back
Crist opens strong lead in Fla. Senate race
SCOTUS ROUNDUP: Diane Wood in D.C.
Rep. Paul Ryan’s uncle is Mike Barnicle’s doctor
Guantanamo closure funds stripped by Senate, 90-6
Guantanamo closure funds stripped by Senate, 90-6
FBI Chief skeptical of bringing Gitmo detainees to U.S.
Barbour makes pitch for bigger GOP tent
Small Bites Vs. One Big Bite
BOW TIE SMACKDOWN: Blumenauer challenges Will to debate
BOW TIE SMACKDOWN: Blumenauer challenges George Will to debate
Equitable distribution of Gitmo inmates encouraged
You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours
Cap and trade and ‘tele townhalls’
Speed-reading cap and trade
Strokes are a Health Problem for All Ages (Rep. John Boozman)
Pelosi isn’t lying, says biographer
Second Amendment Rights Need Protection on Federal Lands (Rep. Doc Hastings)
Colorado judge is latest SCOTUS name to surface
The Economy is a Reason to Enact Immigration Reform Now, Not an Excuse for Delay
Gingrich: Pelosi should step down or be replaced
VIDEO: Dems say GOP hearts Cheney
Republicans Outfox Democrats on Gitmo
Conservative bloggers petition NRSC to stay out of Florida
Chu wins Dem nod for Solis seat
McGoff to run against Burton, again
Poll: Christie pads primary lead
Chu wins Dem nod for Solis’s former seat
Jon Huntsman Jr. — Good for Everybody
Drudge Report
Huffington Post
Matthew Yglesias
The Corner
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