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The Hill Articles: May 26, 2009
May 26
Obama wants Reid around for the long haul
Transcript: Roland Burris and Blago’s brother
America to be declared ‘center-left nation’ Wednesday
Obama to raise $2 million for Reid
Senate GOP eyes Obama’s pick warily
Sonia Sotomayor: ‘Her extraordinary journey’
Court pick could buy time on immigration
President opposes law that snared Blagojevich
Peaking gas prices may stymie GOP
House bill proposes new changes for drilling on public lands
California Democrats say Obama is neglecting parts of the Golden State
Lobbying World
FEC reports more lobbyist bundlers
Sixth annual Capitol PurSuit Drive
Holder pressed for answers on Murtha project
Taking the stairs, two steps at a time
Obama’s choice
A threat to women’s health, not to doctors’ consciences
Supreme Court pick has GOP, Democrats walking a fine line
GOP reform would net independents
Make haste for e-waste
Too big to fail
Independent GOP groups getting early start
The Bottom Line
Flashback: Limbaugh foresaw Sotomayor pick in ’97
U.S. goes after Philippines terrorist group
GOP’s lost moderates
The Incredible Shrinking Clintons
Announcements – May 27, 2009
Cap-and-trade for members — solving Congress’s own CO2 crisis
Schwarzenegger hints at Leno appearance
VIDEO: ‘Court of Appeals is where policy is made’
Sotomayor a compelling choice (Rep. Bobby Rush)
The Sotomayor Nomination: Here’s Hoping For Another Souter
Bush to Michigan on Thursday
Boehner suggests Sotomayor a judicial activist
State-Sponsored Discrimination and the Supreme Court Nominee
Republican governor supports Sotomayor
Toomey putting flame-thrower down?
Tapper shames jokesters who use his name
Sotomayor would be sixth Catholic on Court
Prop. 8 ruling is disappointing, says Pelosi
Weyant’s World: May 27, 2009
Obama emails OFA on Sotomayor
Sotomayor Values Identity Politics, Not Individual Rights
White House: Limbaugh ‘probably does not’ speak for GOP
Boxer: Supreme Court ruling sends California ‘back to square one’
New Funds Approved for IMF Would Worsen Global Economic Downturn
Palin focused on her own Supreme Court pick
Limbaugh hopes ‘racist’ Sotomayor fails
Sessions, Leahy to appear on MTP this Sunday
Gingrich-McCain 2012?
Reports: Weiner out of NYC mayoral race
Leahy on Sotomayor…in 1998
The Debate Begins Over Judicial Activism
Graham endorses Crist for FL senate
Gay rights group vows to overturn Prop. 8 in 2010
California court upholds gay-marriage ban
The Supreme Test for the Republican Party — To Fight or Not?
Durbin takes a shot at John Roberts
A friendly reminder from Rep. Walter Jones
Hispanic lawmakers pleased with court pick
Calif. Supreme Court upholds Prop. 8
NRSC’s ‘liberal’ attack on Sotomayor disappears
Sotomayor chosen over solicitor general, Napolitano
Franken praises Sotomayor
No ugly ducklings at the White House
Burris, Blago brother tapes OK’d for ethics panel
Romney, Huckabee lash out at Sotomayor nomination
On The President’s Nomination Of Sonia Sotomayor (Sen. Patrick Leahy)
Senate GOP risks alienating Hispanics over court pick
Pelosi applauds Sotomayor
EPA Reforms to Toxins Assessment Process Will Improve Transparency (Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse)
Tucker Carlson to launch right-leaning HuffPo alternative
U.S. Chamber of Commerce: Betting Against the American Middle Class
Bipartisan Legislation to Help Families Afford Medical Expenses (Rep. Dave Camp)
Renewing My Commitment To Our Veterans (Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand)
Lawmakers largely avoid tweeting on Sotomayor
Lieberman likes Sotomayor
Specter cautious on Sotomayor
Domestic Partnerships / Nevada
Sotomayor and Prop 8
Sotomayor opinion won conservative praise
Conservative groups criticize Sotomayor pick
RNC fumbles Sotomayor talking points
RNC fumbles Sotomayor talking points
House climate bill has laudable goals but negative impacts on consumers
Obama hails Sotomayor’s experience
Gillibrand takes credit for Sotomayor
Sessions: Nominee will receive more scrutiny
Obama emphasizes Sotomayor’s experience
Leahy: Sotomayor will be like Souter
Who’s who in the East Room
Flashback: Bipartisan backing for Sotomayor in ’98
Is Sotomayor a judicial activist?
More reaction from the right
Grassley: Sotomayor starts with ‘clean slate’
Should Health Insurance Abandon “Risk Assessment”?
The right weighs in on Sotomayor
Serrano in tears over Sotomayor pick
Bernanke and Geithner take in a ballgame
Goldstein’s 4 likely lines of attack against Sotomayor
Obama to nominate Sotomayor
Obama picks Sotomayor for Supreme Court
Second Thoughts on Cheney Indictment
Doing More Than Just Remembering War Vets
Bailing Out Tiverton
Huffington Post
Drudge Report
Abbas to take settlement dispute to Obama
Michelle Malkin
Hot Air
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