The Hill Articles: May 29, 2009

May 29
Critics see little change from Obama on China Obama to ‘voice concerns’ in Egypt speech Obama takes aim at hurricanes Empathy for the Devil in the Details DAY’S END ROUNDUP Black Panther Voter Intimidation No Need for Federal Workers’ Comp Commission Gibbs: Sotomayor words in describing backgrounds a poor choice Biggert taking advantage of live-tweeting UAW approves GM deal, clearing way for bankruptcy Gibbs: Sotomayor regrets word choice in speech Rangel: Ethics probe near completion A map to Rep. Murtha’s web of special interests White House: Queen should be at D-Day events Town committee backs Dodd over town committee member FLASHBACK: A young Sotomayor discusses life as a prosecutor U.S. refutes terrorism accusations by Iran Understanding Catholic Bishops’ Support of Prop 8 Report: Coburn to seek reelection Cornyn Throws Down the Gauntlet Senior Dem staffers called in corruption trial Davud Gregrey are the smarts Overdue: Tipped Workers Deserve a Fair Wage (Rep. Donna Edwards) Palin to ‘Colbert’ Palin to ‘Colbert’ Newspaper ad calls for Obama’s assassination TOP TWEETS MIDDAY ROUNDUP Education Sec. Duncan: Vouchers don’t work The RNC Pelosi Ad targets Democrats on healthcare Dodd uses Obama in new campaign ad Obama heads to Five Guys with NBC crew Confirm Judge Sotomayor quickly Banking lobby opposed to overhaul tenets Feds subpoena Rep. Visclosky’s offices McCotter rocks out Bankers’ association pushes back against ‘bank czar’ Poll: Majority approve of Sotomayor David Brooks: Relativist, or Just a Critical Legal Studies Theorist? Vitter vs. SEIU, Round One The Empathy Element Climate Change: Ending a “Free Ride” for the Global Shipping Industry Obama announces cyber-security czar Cornyn criticizes Gingrich … before Gingrich helps him raise money Cory Booker has a new girlfriend Obama: We were hacked! Pelosi presses Chinese on N. Korea and Tibet Bloomberg gets to Sesame Street Steele urges conservatives to tone down rhetoric Bush defends legacy, but steers clear of Obama Schumer: Use of background OK in Sotomayor’s decision Conservatives distances themselves from ‘racism’ charges On Sotomayor: Right-Wing Hate Targets American-Dream Judge Home Sales Up, Fed Should Act Quickly to Buy Jumbo Mortgages Bright’s campaigner manager starts firm John Cornyn: Superstar FCC official: Fairness Doctrine talk is ‘conspiratorial’ MORNING READ Huffington Post Drudge Report AMERICAblog The Corner TalkLeft contentions Daily Kos RedState MyDD Hot Air