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The Hill Articles: October 5, 2009
October 5
House Republican calls for special prosecutor to investigate ACORN
Feds expand case against Renzi
GOP leads in race for Gregg seat
Obama, Biden to meet with lawmakers on Afghanistan
Bachmann: Pelosi will ‘beat’ or ‘bludgeon’ Blue Dogs
Violante: The soldier’s voice on Capitol Hill
Spotlight on healthcare moving from committees
Bottom Line
Music industry: Pass Performance Rights Act
Making people homebuyers without burdening taxpayers
Sen. McCaskill cooking with Julia
A young adult point of view
Meet the Lawmaker Rep. Mary Jo Kilroy (D-Ohio), 15th District
State secrets, Congress, and the DOJ’s perilous policy
America vulnerable to Iranian missile attack
How Dems win in 2010
Two Democratic holdouts on Finance Committee
Enemy combatants — maybe
Apple leaves U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Senate committee to hold hearing on czars
House looks at BofA, Merrill Lynch merger
Lawmakers still investigating BofA, Merrill Lynch merger
Taking up the president on his offer (Rep. Bill Posey)
Fighting Frank
Weyant’s World: October 6, 2009
Republicans tell FCC chief to tread carefully with net neutrality proposal
Obama to golf with Tiger?
Texas lawmakers to Obama: Divert some stimulus funds to NASA
Congress acts to extend unemployment benefits (Rep. Mike Honda)
Animal cruelty leads to crimes against humans (Rep. Elton Gallegly)
Steele takes shot at AMA’s credibility
Gibbs: McChrystal’s criticism ‘doesn’t detract’ from troop decision
Common ground lost in the health debate (Rep. Mike Rogers)
Misrepresenting rural Americans in the politics of healthcare reform
Kirk changes campaign Twitter handle
Jesus would support the public option
GOP: Doctors at White House misrepresent physicians
Rep. Kirk raises $1.6 million in third quarter
Taking your eye off the ball
House GOP leaders to meet with Obama
No Tet
Romney goes on fundraising tear
Obama to speak at gay rights dinner
Frist backtracks support for healthcare reform bill
Army gives new secretary a ‘hooah!’
Doctors make White House call to back Obama ahead of vote
Report: Regulation would commoditize wireless industry
Sen. candidate likens his campaign to World War II
Frank: President Obama is wrong to be ‘post-partisan’ in face of GOP opposition
Jindal gets wonky on healthcare
Report: Healthcare reform does little to help legal immigrants
McCain believes Obama will agree with generals, increase troops in Afghanistan
Ros-Lehtinen embarks on second Honduras trip by GOP lawmakers
NRCC head: GOP ‘far ahead’ of where it was by this time in 1994
Paterson not taking Obama’s election intervention personally
McCain welcomes Imus back to national television
Barofsky: No ‘dollar-for-dollar’ TARP return
House data breach bill gets kudos from marketers
L.A. Times to Colombia: Prosecute corporate supporters of terrorism
Upon further review
We need a new political party with true Federalist features
Universal coverage, private competition and reduced deficits
Olympic Vanitas
Sen. Schumer says centrists are ‘very open’ to public option
Merkel to address Congress next month
Venture capitalists not treated as hedge funds under new House bill
Drudge Report
Huffington Post
Telecom sponsors flock to Rockefeller’s broadband event
Daily Beast
Open Left
Talking Points Memo
Dems face choices on public option
Reid, Baucus ready to split on public option for healthcare as vote nears
TARP overseer: No undue pressure on BofA, Merrill Lynch
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