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The Hill Articles: September 16, 2009
September 16
Air Force to take over fuel tankers contract
GOP lawmakers criticize Obama for snubbing Fox News
Navy overhauls troubled ship program
Cedar: a lot of flavor in a little space
Linda McMahon joins Twitter
Searching for wine tips on the Internet turns up sour grapes
Sotomayor dances salsa, Solis talks healthcare
For Va. and N.J. races, victory is in the spin
GOP, Dem defectors on Wilson measure explain their votes
Non-union, salaried workers shafted in U.S. deal with GM
W.H. responds to ‘czar’ critiques
House Dem factions entrench further with centrist-friendly Baucus bill
Maverick conservative
Quieting the health circus
Family benefits from lawmakers’ campaigns: Chart
DNC calls Fox News an RNC arm
McCain: Baucus bill just like previous ones
Gibbs blasts GOP critics of Obama czars
Gibbs: Protests are not about race
White House thinks Baucus bill will change
‘Competition is good’: Abercrombie lobbies for second fighter engine
Obama disagrees with ex-President Carter’s race comments
Feingold questions Obama ‘czars’
CBO estimate: Baucus plan reduces deficit, covers 29 million by 2019
W.H. requests Rockefeller for meeting
AFL-CIO: Baucus bill ‘absolutely fails’
Snowe: Baucus bill ‘moves in right direction’
Yes, we can have bipartisan healthcare reform this year
Obama plans to reform economy, not just health insurance
Sanford ‘came close’ to resigning
Senators confident Gitmo prisoners not coming to Kansas
Senate approves amendment to permit guns on Amtrak
What’s missing from this press release?
Grassley won’t shut door to supporting Baucus bill
Romney to fundraise for McDonnell, mingle in DC
Stupak threatens to block House healthcare bill
Reid tweet: Must ‘scale back’ Medicaid spending in Baucus bill
I’m mad at Obama, and I’m no racist
The tiresome topic
Pelosi hoping for changes to the Baucus proposal
Blue Dogs praise Baucus bill
House Blue Dog leader hails Baucus health bill
Anti-NRSC fundraising drive sluggish
Ayotte has early lead in NH poll
The difference and similarity between Kanye West and Joe Wilson
The truth about the Capps amendment (Rep. Lois Capps)
Waters: Probe ‘birthers and the teabaggers’ at rallies for racist views
House ethics panel defers Jackson probe
Issa, Smith want czar vetting info revealed
Joe Wilson helps define Republican Party
Enzi does not support Baucus bill
DeLay challenges martial arts fighter on ‘Dancing with Stars’
Gates: Air Force to pick tanker fleet
McCain attending Afghanistan briefing with W.H. officials
NASA’s Future (Rep. Pete Olson)
McConnell slams Baucus bill as partisan, nonsensical
Carper: Healthcare surtax could affect plan holders
Conrad praises Baucus bill, defends concessions to GOP
Specter: Single-payer should be ‘on the table’
King gives Conyers an acorn, literally
Baucus predicts broad support for $856B health bill despite criticism
Congressman criticizes Carter racism claim
Obama to meet with Colin Powell
GOP should stick to values in the immigration debate (Rep. Lamar Smith)
Rep. Blumenauer’s DOMA shift
Bayh: Use anti-trust laws to fix healthcare
Sanford ally wins legislative primary
Buffett says economy has reached bottom
Pence: Wilson outburst served ‘the broader national interest’
The distraction
Baucus releases $856B health reform plan
Steelman passes on 2010 bid
Obama stumps in Pa. for Specter
Beware the public option trap
The girl who cried wolf
Carter: Protests motivated by race
Drudge Report
Huffington Post
Hot Air
Red State
WWE’s McMahon announces Dodd Senate challenge
Afghanistan: War without honor
Campaign update: Ohio Dems up, Specter up, McMahon in
Memo defends Abramoff figure
Family benefits from campaigns
China tires a deal for steelworkers union
Democrats divided over Waxman’s plan to grill insurance executives
Cochran presses for faster appropriations pace
Snowe falls away, leaving Senate Dems without GOP support on healthcare
Obama woos blue-collar Rust Belt
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