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The Hill Articles: April 15, 2010
April 15
Weyant’s World: April 16, 2010
Dicks prefers U.S. firms not join EADS on tanker
House Democrats use Tax Day to publicize cuts for middle class
As flood insurance program lapses, ripple effects are felt
Senate votes to extend unemployment benefits
The story behind the numbers
Time to reinvigorate the trans-Atlantic partnership
Steele should resign
Canine politics
Zestfully done
Inside the Office of the House historian: Benjamin Timothy Christian Hayes
A movement, sure, but where’s it going?
Three Republicans help Dems pass stalled jobless benefits
Senate overwhelmingly approves resolution against VAT
Senate passes extension of unemployment benefits
Despite GOP protests, Dems to move forward on Liu nomination
Health mandate could absorb tax refund
Tax Day is here again (Rep. Paul Broun)
Gas tax off the table for energy, climate bill, White House says
Levin blasts OTS handling of WAMU meltdown
Candidates in Murtha special election battle to a draw in first quarter finances
Obama brushes off criticism, says he’s ‘100 percent’ committed to NASA
Thurs. tech roundup: Pelosi on music industry, Blackburn on net neutrality
Point Carbon estimates carbon costs of yet-to-be-released Senate climate bill
W.Va. lawmakers say investigation into mining disaster could take months
Louisiana Dem still trailing Sen. Vitter in campaign cash
Capitol Police beef up presence due to Tea Party rally
FDIC chief says financial regulatory reform bill ends taxpayer-funded bailouts
Congressman uses Twitter to plug NHL’s Sabres
Rep. Teague leads N.M. 2nd district money race
Lieberman warns he’ll issue subpoenas over Fort Hood shootings
Levin to leave FCC for Aspen Institute in May
Senate making headway on financial regulation reform bill
Manufacturing state Dems lay out climate bill demands
Acting Capitol architect praised by senators at confirmation hearing
Tea Party Express announces 2010 election targets, endorses Democrat
Lieberman not worried about losing chairmanship
Corker to Senate: Act like adults
MPAA, RIAA and other groups: ‘detect, monitor’ consumers to crack down on online piracy
Tiahrt narrowly outraises Moran in Kansas Senate race
Senate climate bill roll-out set for April 26
Sotomayor dines in Dirksen cafeteria
Hoyer: Credit Dems for lower earmarks
Thompson: ‘My family didn’t want me to run’
McConnell lacks support to block Wall Street reform bill
Boehner: GOP working to earn Tea Partiers’ votes
Pelosi says she plans to bring a budget resolution to House floor
Republicans question Pelosi’s tax cut comment
Tea Party Express announces 2010 targets, endorses Democrat
House committee clears bill to boost energy grid security
Former Sen. Coats’s first quarter fundraising comes up short
Defense spending chairman says he’d hope companies don’t partner with EADS
Blizer and Bobby Flay will be special guests at Capitol File’s WHCAD after-party
House committee clears bill to boost energy grid security
Graham confident KSM won’t be tried in civilian court
McCain calls for Senate to oppose value-added tax
Sen. Reid: Wall Street reform legislation likely to hit Senate floor next week
Pelosi to music industry: ‘You have an army of advocates’ in Congress
Clinton: U.S. will promote shale gas in the western hemisphere
Democrats push overhaul of chemical laws
Pataki eying higher prize than Senate says GOP campaign chief
LeMieux: Obama’s plan puts NASA on ‘life support’
Obama and Biden’s tax returns made public
Lincoln defends tough rules on derivatives as bid for transparency
White House releases Obama’s tax returns
President, first lady report more than $5.5 million in income
The American consensus
McMahon up to $14M of self-funding in Conn. Senate race
Clinton, WH debt panel to headline fiscal summit
Candi Harrison on useful Web design practices
Will Obamalism make all Americans economically equal?
Cohen whips up the Neely’s Spanish grilled shrimp
John McCain: Suddenly just an old, bitter man?
N.C. Dems debate Jimmy Buffett lyrics
Crist vetoes GOP-backed education bill
Quote of the day: Colorado Senate race fallout
Ohio Dems blast Boehner on economy, unemployment
Fed: Economy continues to improve
Ohio Dems blast Boehner on economy, unemployment
Poll: Obama (barely) trails Huckabee, Romney
The Big Question: What should a new ‘Contract with America’ say?
Supreme Court calls for more security money, citing increased threats
IRS official urges additional action to curb offshore tax abuse
Porn star passes on challenging Vitter
Rep. Blackburn says net neutrality is a ‘naked power grab’
Carnahan ramps up fundraising in Missouri Senate race, outraises Blunt $1.5M to $1.3M
Ex-congressman Sweeney jailed for drunk driving
Republican line-up change adds Latta to Commerce Committee
Obama takes on mining industry in new push for tougher laws, rules
Ex-NFL star has poor first quarter in N.J. House race
College paper takes on Huckabee
The Circus: Fox, MSNBC and CNN all hire Sarah Palin
N.C. Dems debate the meaning of ‘covered in oil’
Chaffetz 1 Deer 0
Hatch vows filibuster of D.C. voting rights bill
Nominee sheds light on U.S. Cyber Command’s likely powers
Immigration and your taxes (Rep. Lamar Smith)
Bennet challenger Photoshopped black woman into banner
Waxman calls on Major League Baseball to ban chewing tobacco
Obama’s vision has turned into concrete victories
Pelosi says Democratic Congress has cut taxes by more than $800B
Video: Interview with Five Q’s on Tech
VIDEO: Baucus chuckles at Vitter’s remarks on unemployment benefits
Congressman justifies vote against honoring undefeated football team
Development bank boosts climate lending
E2 Round-up: Mines delay sanctions through appeals, Cape Wind fight winding down, Lautenberg proposes rewrite of chemical laws, and more
Corker would be ‘stunned’ if bipartisan deal not reached on reg reform
Top of the ballot: FEC Day cometh; Crist leads as an indy
Morning tech tipsheet: News & events for Thursday, April 15
Poll: 47 percent of Tea Party supporters say Palin wouldn’t be effective president
GAO again faults Interior royalty collection efforts
White House defends space spending plan ahead of trip to Cape Canaveral
McConnell faces tough test keeping Republican unity in financial reform fight
Setting expectations for FEC reports
War bill vote to be less dramatic than ’09
Snyder’s retirement more than politics
Dems struggle to find deficit solutions
Weyant’s World: April 15, 2010
In mix-up, lawmaker gets wake-up call from Richmond police
Few lawmakers file their own tax returns, citing code’s complexity
Tea Party snubs GOP leaders
Waxman calls on Major League Baseball officials to ban smokeless tobacco
Inside the Office of The House historian: Anthony Wallis
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