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The Hill Articles: April 22, 2010
April 22
Sens. Schumer and McConnell go head-to-head in filibuster reform
GOP senator warns NASA budget cuts will help China beat U.S.
Boeing CEO urges Democrats to move forward on trade deals
Sen. Webb, Rep. Nye hail documents they say will keep Navy carrier in Virginia
Democrats’ worries grow as sharp words are exchanged in Pennsylvania primary
NRCC will not punish Cao on earmarks
Thank goodness Schumer is taking charge of the airlines
Liberty and justice for diners
Truth stranger than fiction
What’s on your nightstand? Rep. Dan Lungren (R-Calif.)
Voters split evenly on financial reform bill
Senate passes bill to forego 2011 pay raise
Obama endorses lawmaker who said Guam might ‘tip over and capsize’
Democrats’ campaign bill forces execs to stand by their ads
White House surveys potential offsets for extenders
Genetically modified crops are not the answer
Changing course on Iran sanctions
Hoyer pessimistic on prospects for deficit commission’s success
Rep. Meek says a Crist Indie bid would help him (updated)
Obama endorses congressman who said Guam may ‘capsize’
Grassley: Health care mandate breaks Obama’s tax pledge
Pelosi: GOP backs insurer that drops breast cancer patients through ‘repeal’ efforts
First principles
New Jersey Dems say explosion ‘sober reminder’ of hazards of offshore drilling
For animals’ sake, or yours
Pawlenty, Romney to raise money for House candidates in S.C., Nevada
Senate panel approves budget-cutting bill
Officials unsure if oil still flowing in Gulf after explosion
Pelosi hints bank tax may not be in financial reform
Lawmaker says there’s ‘absolutely no discussion’ of VAT on tax-writing committee
Thurs. tech roundup: FB activism, NASA pushback
Senators ask for end to secret ‘holds’
Weyant’s World April 23 2010
Weyant’s World April 22, 2010
Pelosi downplays Wall St. influence: ‘They don’t get anything’
Latest polls find majority of West Coast voters, Californians, back marijuana legalization
VIDEO: Rohrabacher’s music video debut
Kucinich gets some love on an escalator
Sen. Hutchison gets leadership post
Green the fast-growing gadget industry (Rep. Mike Honda)
Look out, navy bean soup: New menu item hits White House mess
Next wave of activist lobbying: ‘Hijack’ Congress members’ Facebook profiles
The power of Earth Day in America (Sen. John Kerry)
Citizens United and the political fallout of the SCOTUS pick
Brunner gets some tough press in Ohio Senate primary
Carville: Palin and Santorum are ‘reptiles’
GOPers accuse WH of conditioning auto bailouts on support for stronger fuel standards
Dodd, Shelby upbeat about financial reform bill
Shocked, shocked
Shaheen blasts GOP for holds on nominees who appear to have been confirmed
Kucinich gets some love on an escalator
Carville calls Palin and Santorum ‘reptiles’
Reid files cloture on Wall St. bill, setting up key Monday vote
World Series champion Yankees to be honored at WH next week
Goldman’s executive suite to testify before Congress
Reid on immigration and energy: ‘I’m not going to be saying that one is more important than the other’
Florida lawmaker tweets thoughts on Tebow
Sestak accuses Specter of ‘swiftboating,’ asks Biden to condemn new ad
The Big Question: Will financial reform work?
CBO estimates collection of $4 billion in health insurance penalties between 2017-2019
Gen. Petraeus’ biggest fan
VAT and Flat: Whuzzat?
Goldman Sachs CEO to testify before Congress on Tuesday
House names conferees for Iran sanctions bill
Graham: Immigration would ‘destroy ability to do climate change’
FCC commissioner says a major fight over net neutrality is not far off
Blagojevich wants to subpoena Obama
Cloture vote set for Monday on financial reform bill
Michelle Obama adviser moves to the West Wing
Reid readies to cut off bipartisan talks on Wall Street reform bill
Wall Street traders on board with proposed reforms
Obama hires longtime Dem press aide to handle healthcare communications
Inhofe: Many GOP colleagues politically vulnerable on bailouts
Lawmakers tweet Earth Day priorities
Goldman Sachs execs to Congress for hearing Tuesday
Outrageous stimulus waste
CREW lodges FEC complaint against Sen. Vitter
Kerry: 2010 is ‘last, best’ shot at climate
Sen. Sherrod Brown: Caps on bank size could win bipartisan majority
U.S. pledges $475 million to new global food security program
Federal contractor database opens for business today
Inouye, 85, welcomes first grandchild
Pelosi: House won’t object to moving immigration first
Romney endorses Hoekstra in Michigan GOP governor primary
Goldman Sachs CEO attends Obama speech
Obama on Wall Street: A vote for reform is a vote to stop tax-payer bailouts
Group claims VAT would break Obama’s tax promise to middle class
Pelosi: ‘No concerns’ about Massa investigation; willing to talk to panel
Biden: China will agree to Iran sanctions
Orrin Hatch the book critic
Report: Crist campaign also subject to credit card probe
Landrieu calls for investigation into oil fire
Pelosi: Immigration reform must start in the Senate
Obama stresses ‘renewed’ commitment to climate bill in Earth Day message
Report: Crist campaign also subject to credit card probe
DeMint not ruling out presidential bid
Sens. Schumer and McConnell go head-to-head in filibuster reform fight
DeMint not ruling out presidential bid
Oil sands fight heats up in Washington as climate debate edges forward
GOP Rep.: Spot illegal immigrants by their clothes
Campaign finance bill has GOP wary
Existing home sales surge 16.1 percent
Mikulski: U.S. cannot afford new NASA ‘every four years’
Obama administration signals support for patent compromise
World Series champion Yankees to be honored at WH next week
Republicans avoid primary in Rep. Moore’s district
Comedy battle between Pence and McCaskill ends in a draw
Cheney endorses Rubio, takes shot at Gov. Charlie Crist
Poll shows strong opposition to Citizens ruling
Orszag weighing whether to remain WH budget director
Time may not be on GOP’s side in Washington Senate race
E2 Round-up: Search continues for missing oil workers, a mine safety inspection blitz, Senate climate bill changes are afoot, and the nuclear ‘renaissance’ lopes along.
Top of the ballot: GOP Senate primaries take shape in N.H., California
Geithner: Obama ‘does not support’ the VAT for the U.S.
Weekly Standard
Politics Daily
Geithner: Both sides in Congress want a strong Wall Street bill
Obama set to warn of another crisis without new financial reforms
Bachmann standing by ‘gangster government’
Well-connected Goldman Sachs uniquely positioned to fight fraud allegations
Anti-incumbent sentiment may flare up among voters in Indiana’s GOP primaries
Goldman Sachs CEO heading to Capitol Hill
Hoyer calls for training review as former Rep. Massa investigations heat up
Collins, Snowe stymie Dems’ tactics
EPA prods Congress to act by issuing rules
Fast-track resolution instructions likely to be used to push tax legislation
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