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The Hill Articles: April 28, 2010
April 28
Republicans want CMS actuary to testify
Antiquated food safety laws showcase a need for reform
GOP: $50 billion fund dropped from Wall Street bill
Protecting U.S. jobs and our children’s toys
Grassley criticizes GM loan repayment with bailout funds
On safety issues, we need to put our children first
Goal: A food system the public can trust
Democrats step up probe of Gulf of Mexico oil rig explosion
Van Hollen to intro bill responding to Citizens United case tomorrow
Sen. Kohl enthused by his Bucks’ playoff success
More effective congressional oversight is the key to protecting consumers and ensuring their safety
Toyota and NHTSA have opportunity to hit ‘reset’ and change their course on behalf of U.S. citizens
Wall Street reform bill advances, debate to begin on Thursday
Wyden wants clients to know firm’s portfolio
Senate agrees to debate Wall Street reform bill
No vote, Senate moves to financial regulatory reform bill
Guzman’s op-ed piece wrong on every count
Pawlenty a skeptic of the Wall Street reform bill
Majority of Republicans ready to move to debate
Trent Lott upset with Crist’s reported independent bid
Chavez joins Twitter
Poll: GOP without a clear leader
Financial crisis cost taxpayers at least $11,000 per household
Arizona Law Normalizes Racial and Ethnic Profiling (Rep. Mike Honda)
D.C. delegate: Obama unlikely to pick African-American for Court
Senate Democrats push bonus tax on TARP firms
Dems in ‘mood of cautious celebration’ about financial reform
Volcker: Current tax code ‘exhausted’; VAT or carbon tax may be needed
Wed. tech roundup: FB responds to lawmakers, HP buys Palm
Laura Bush suggests she and W. were poisoned
Facebook: Lawmakers aired ‘legitimate’ concerns, but most users like changes
Party caucus room gets new doors, but there’s a leak
Lies, Damned Lies and Employers
Senate climate bill sent to EPA as White House aide calls Obama ‘confident’ of progress
‘Saturday Night Live’ alums will help Franken raise cash in L.A.
Geithner to appear before Senate panel on bank tax
Greenspan: Healthcare rationing needed to deal with debt
Deal reached on part of the financial reform bill, could reach the floor soon
Poll shows McCain with comfortable lead over Hayworth
Genachowski reiterates ‘unwavering commitment’ to open Internet
Free Press: FCC’s Genachowski has ‘hemmed, hawed, hedged’ on net neutrality
Nelson says his vote isn’t the decisive one to bring financial reform to the floor
Cornyn: NRSC will do everything it can to support Rubio
Reid set to move on climate change bill ahead of immigration
Obama touts ethanol as vital piece of rural economic recovery
Cardin indicates session could last past midnight
Senior Republican derides repeated votes as ‘theatrics’
Federal Reserve holds interest rates near zero
Sen. DeMint: Obama manipulating, ‘thinks Americans are stupid’
White House keeps pressure on for financial reform during Midwest swing
Kaine scoffs at GOP charges of race-baiting
Sen. Levin says there was a conflict of interest at Goldman
GOP seeks changes to new healthcare law through Obama’s debt commission
Reid calls filibuster ‘anti-American’
Specter camp says he wasn’t reminiscing about GOP days
McCaskill tweets plan for all night Senate session
Republicans say bill will likely reach the floor before a bipartisan deal is in place
Rep. Levin could do a multi-year tax extender bill
The Big Question: Crist: Will he or won’t he?
Dems raffle off dinner with Obama and Pelosi
Bill Clinton ‘not sure’ Goldman Sachs broke law, but calls for changes
House Dems pressure Sen. Reid to act on immigration reform
Dodd and Shelby to meet on financial bill as it nears the floor
Senate Dems plan all-nighter to push GOP on Wall Street reform
Real Wall Street Reform (Sen. Bernie Sanders)
Wall Street vs. Main Street: Where do we go from here?
Salazar announces Cape Wind approval
Fiscal commission begins, but to what end?
China’s encryption rule could shut U.S. businesses out of big market
Senate Republicans block Wall Street bill a third time
Report: Crist will run as an Independent
Dems raffle dinner with Obama, Pelosi
Clinton: U.S. needs immigrants to spur economy, pay off debt
Reid rejects dropping immigration reform, knocking GOP ‘gall’
Kerry: Wall St. practices suffer from ‘lack of patriotism’
Democratic lawmaker: Arizona immigration law like apartheid
Ohio Senate: Fisher opens 17-point lead on Brunner in Tuesday primary
Franken to raise money with Aykroyd, other SNL alums
Lieberman to host fundraiser for Reid in Greenwich
Kaine says Tea Party will help Dems win seats
‘Start drinking decaf,’ Emanuel tells Chicago reporters
Scott Brown goes sleeveless for charity race
Nike, eBay, other companies press Senate on stalled climate bill as negotiations continue
Kerry: Immigration bill won’t happen in near future
Good luck, Jay: Comedians offer advice for Leno’s White House Correspondents’ Dinner gig
Florida Gov. Charlie Crist to announce Senate decision at 5 p.m. Thursday
House members say natural gas drilling is safe, but Sen. Casey not so sure
Garrett explains why Dodd’s reform bill perpetuates bailouts
Interior to approve Cape Wind energy project – report
Simpson says VAT critics distorting fiscal panel’s efforts
Goldman: Too big to succeed?
Just got done with grassroots innovation session at Veterans Affairs
Harry Reid’s opponent: An accident beginning to happen
Lieberman to host fundraiser for Reid
McCaskill defends use of ‘s**tty’
Growing the economy and reducing our dependence on foreign oil
Sen. Kaufman, others seek more efforts to get around Iran’s Web censorship
Accounting firm finds reforms hindering economic growth
Republican senators show signs of relenting on Wall Street reform bill
SCOTUS to play violent video games
Top of the ballot: Specter misses the GOP
E2 Round-up: Oil spill another hurdle for climate bill, officials may set fire to slick to minimize damage, EPA lists the evidence for global warming
Dodd: No deal yet on Wall St. bill, though some issues resolved
Poll shows anti-incumbency highest since ’94
Jonathan Chait
Matthew Yglesias
Hot Air
VIDEO: Democrats launch new TV ad attacking Senate GOP on Wall Street
Graham calls immigration reform dead if United States’ borders aren’t secured
Biden’s penchant for predictions
Republican candidates on defensive for using, criticizing bailout funds
Good luck, Jay Leno: Comedians who know the crowd offer advice
Capitol Police April 28, 2010
Republican centrists warn Reid’s tough tactics on reform bill could backfire
Don’t blame TARP’s losses on the banks
General Motor’s early repayment under fire
Report: Recession took toll on U.S. high-tech employment
Kaptur’s letter calling for criminal investigation into Goldman heads to DOJ
Senators grill Goldman Sachs
Citi chief supports financial reform bill
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