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The Hill Articles: August 30, 2010
August 30
Oval Office: right choice for Iraq Speech?
FDIC will hold first roundtable on financial reform law
Obama sets himself up for failure on peace talks
HHS authorizes first firms to certify electronic health record systems
DCCC targets Duffy in Wisconsin
Democrats and Lieberman dig deep in their pockets for Harry Reid
Business lobby to highlight ‘barriers to job creation’
Intel’s Otellini: My advice for President Obama
Boehner: GOP election document coming shortly after recess
Clemens pleads not guilty to charges of lying to Congress
RIM avoids BlackBerry ban in India
Boehner: GOP majority still an ‘uphill climb’
NRSC mocks Crist in letter, wants its money back
Court thwarts Va. probe of climate scholar
GOP may win Byrd’s Senate seat
Business lobby to highlight ‘barriers to job creation’
Watchdogs not sure Johnson will face ethics probe over scholarship scandal
No announcements expected this week on Romer’s opening, Warren post
AFL-CIO plans Labor Day blitz for Dem candidates
Iraq and the spin cycle
Sparring continues over small business bill, tax cuts
Obama may call Bush before Iraq speech
WaPo goes after DOJ for ‘tolerance of rape’
American spirit stronger than Katrina (Sen. Harry Reid)
Obama to appear at Labor Day rally with AFL-CIO president
Obama advisor predicts hard road for extending all Bush tax cuts
Iraq: An end or an escalation? (Rep. Ron Paul)
Tea Party Express ready to spend on Rep. Castle challenger
Clemens pleads not guilty to charges of lying to Congress
Obama should fire his economic advisors (Rep. John Boehner)
Obama administration awards $27 million grant under new health emergency strategy
Translations of National Broadband Plan coming on Tuesday
Intel to buy Infineon’s wireless unit for $1.4 billion
New York lawmaker: ‘You with the builders or the asses?’
Philippines loses court case for citing Wikipedia
Obama returns from vacation to blast Republicans on small-business bill
No Libertarian option for Murkowski
Obama renews call for Senate to pass small-business bill
Rendell suggests need for more transportation infrastructure spending
Medical device industry joins Supreme Court case on disclosure requirements
Race ratings: Ranks of Democratic toss-up seats grow
Newark mayor tweets all-nighter
Dodd says he won’t turn to lobbying
Administration building computer network to control exports
Dodd: ‘No lobbying’ in post-Senate plans
Muslim congressional staffers respond to mosque controversy
Auto-mileage labels to get climate revamp
Are you now being drained by the swamp, Speaker Pelosi?
GOP lawmaker warns U.S. faces ‘lost decade’ because of debt
Rediscovering the American Dream
Steelworkers union calls on Congress to stop China’s currency manipulation
The Big Question: Was Glenn Beck’s rally a success?
Millionth senior receives Medicare ‘doughnut hole’ check
How Republicans will win the Senate
NRSC pledges neutrality in Alaska; Miller says effort to ‘skew’ results continues
Americans divided over ‘Snooki tax’
Sen. Brown: ‘I’m a Massachusetts Republican’
Nebraska governor says health reform a threat to state education funding
Dangerous climate picture impossible to ignore (Rep. Ed Markey)
Cory Booker pulls an all-nighter, jams to Aretha Franklin
People born after 1981 have lower privacy standards, Loopt CEO says
Polls show good news for New Mexico Democrats
Consumer spending increases, savings rate drops slightly
Watchdog: Bush White House ignored e-mail archiving problem
Saturday’s big non-event on the Mall
Biden visits Iraq as combat mission ends
RNC Chairman Steele headed to Guam
Be ‘seen but not heard,’ intelligence director tells agents
Illinois Senate candidate Giannoulias brings in Wesley Clark to campaign
Crist clarifies stance on same-sex marriage
Jon Huntsman is father of the bride at National Cathedral
Labor report points to jobless summer for young people
Ron Paul questions whether there’s gold at Fort Knox, NY Fed
Clay Shirky mulls whether the Web is dead
Mrs. Grassley: My hubby’s a tweetaholic
Reports: Traficant likely has signatures to appear on ballot
Rep. Skelton battling challenge with emphasis on military
EPA chief says carbon rules won’t be a ‘shock to the system’
Sarah Palin and the apocalypse, Part II
New Orleans shows resilience after Katrina
Uptick in personal income, but economy still fragile
Accusations fly over Alaska vote count
Senate Democrat: Immigration reform not happening this year
59 percent think Palin lacks ability to be effective as president
Good morning tech
Morning Health
E2 Morning Roundup: Obama pledges no letup in spill response, moment of truth for U.N. on climate, NRA claims victory over EPA, spill panel chief presses Senate on subpoena power, greens at a crossroads, and much more
Obama says he didn’t watch Beck rally
Boehner to take on Obama administration over national security
All eyes on the lookout for Bush as Obama marks the end of the war in Iraq
GOP chances of winning House are rising as midterm election nears
Money in the Morning
Boehner’s spending-cut savings canceled out by tax-cut extension
Jindal calls for greater ‘urgency’ from Obama on ending drilling moratorium
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