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The Hill Articles: July 1, 2010
July 1
Cantwell to vote ‘yes’ on Wall St. bill
Two bills tackle online retail disparities
Planting a flag on immigration
Veto looms over war supplemental bill
Health law risks turning away sick
Byrd leaves an incomparable legacy
Camp blasts Democrats for missed opportunity on unemployment
Sens. Dodd, Lincoln issue letter easing worries on Buffett Wall Street provision
Chief adminstrative officer resigns after unfavorable report
Senator Byrd embodied the Senate
GOP faces pressure on confirmation
True statesman
$3.65 billion legislative spending bill gains approval
ACTA countries reveal little as talks conclude
Housing, transportation programs get $67.4 billion
Weyant’s World: July 2, 2010
Investigation clears ‘climate-gate’ researcher of wrongdoing
Lessons learned from ’96
Repeal 17th Amendment
Equinox: Rising from the ashes
Groups debate expansion of COPPA
Hungry? Heroes rush to the rescue
McEntee protege wins no. 2 spot at AFSCME
Federal judge hears first arguments against healthcare reform law
Rep. Richardson cleared by Ethics panel
Report: Chamber aims to spend $75 million in 2010
House Dems unveil mine safety bill
Supreme Court gun rights ruling will add to death toll (Sen. Roland Burris)
House passes unemployment benefits but it is stalled until after recess
Survey: Government has lost its telework momentum
Health plans take issue with portrayal in Obama administration’s new insurance portal
Progressives to Obama: Don’t ‘back away’ from net neutrality
President Obama hit the nail on the head in immigration speech (Rep. Mike Honda)
Issa wants to know who killed data transparency amendment
Senate GOP fine with Obama spill commission subpoena power
Beau Biden joins Twitter
White House: Revised drilling ban coming ‘in the next few days’
Dahlkemper: Let me in. I’m a member of Congress!
Patton Boggs acquires lobbying firm of former Sens. Lott, Breaux
Giannoulias fires back, Kirk touts 2nd quarter cash (updated)
Robert Byrd: A true statesman (Rep. John Lewis)
Manufacturing expansion slows in June
Rove-backed conservative group raises $8 million in June
Pelosi: Pay for the war by repealing tax cuts for the wealthy
E&C Dems want health info surrounding Exxon Valdez spill
Lawmakers push back against health insurers’ stance on mental health parity law
‘Speaker Boehner’ spooks liberals
Schwarzenegger to candidates: ‘You can’t neglect the abs’
20 Questions with Sebastian Junger
Sens. Dorgan, Enzi say they have 60 votes necessary to lift Cuba travel ban
Gibbs says passage of immigration reform hinges on GOP
McCain announces trip to Middle East
Spill response chief bullish on relief wells stopping the BP gusher
NRSC to host fundraiser for Lee
An exemplar to forever look up to (Rep. Nick Rahall)
Consumer groups cheer arrival of online health insurance menu
With Boucher talks, four simultaneous efforts take on net neutrality
Byrd brings colleagues to Senate for last time
Turkish dislike: The need for a measured response
Gun control group endorses Kagan
Environmental groups press Obama to take stronger lead on climate
Sen. Schumer calls for tougher fines against unsanitary airline caterers
Administration backs cloud computing while agencies weigh risks
Job growth expected to continue on same slow path
Top Republican pans Obama immigration speech as meant to calm supporters
Menendez supports U.S. bid for World Cup
The loneliness of Al Gore: Love is never having to say you’re sorry
NRA: Kagan a threat to gun rights
Lift the ban on Skyping between members and constituents (Rep. Michele Bachmann)
Lawsuit claims BP is burning endangered sea turtles alive
Sen. Feingold challengers remain unknown to GOP
Pelosi joins Boehner criticism
The Big Question: Should the U.S. military get out of Afghanistan?
Pelosi attacks GOP argument on benefits as ‘insult’ to workers
Franken blasts Comcast-NBC merger, presses Kagan on net neutrality
War funding bill to get Thursday vote
E & C Republicans request briefing on high-risk insurance pools
Count on Barbara’ … to mix up your name?
Boehner slams Obama for ‘failing to lead’
Obama pans ‘ill-conceived’ laws on immigration while calling for reform
Dems: House bill to track health on Gulf Coast might be scrapped
Hatch calls Kagan filibuster ‘dirty thing to do’
Vulnerable Dems switch votes on Wall Street reform
Menendez supports U.S. bid for World Cup
Wired: Holes emerge in Wikileaks
Be honest about the future when it comes to energy (Sen. Dick Durbin)
Sen. Graham predicts Tea Party movement will eventually ‘die out’
U.S. politicians deny the obvious injury; U.S. manufacturing bleeds
Sanctions strengthen Tehran’s resolve
On budget solutions, a call to drop the economists for the game theorists
Rand Paul brings in over $1 million in second quarter
Poll: Plurality opposes Kagan confirmation
Feingold’s mystery woman
HHS outlines plans for staying within high-risk insurance pool budget
Government is not the solution
GOP goes after Spratt on heels of ‘budget enforcement resolution’
Poll: Toomey leads Sestak in Pennsylvania Senate race
GSA to launch social network for feds and contractors
Solve the immediate problem first: Gushing oil into the ocean (Sen. Mitch McConnell)
Give General Petraeus every opportunity to succeed (Sen. John McCain)
Democrats clarify derivatives regs after industry outrcy
House budget move kicks tough decisions down the road
Weekly jobless claims rise unexpectedly
Treasury grosses more than $10 billion in sale of Citigroup stock
Republicans starve the jobless, Democrats head for the hills
Mines dropped from special safety review get a closer look
Obama and Biden to speak at Byrd memorial service in W.Va. on Friday
Drudge Report
Huffington Post
Hot Air
Members of Congress steal the spotlight from panelists
Red State
Daily Kos
Poll shows independents leaning toward GOP for midterms
General Petraeus will render invaluable service to our nation (Sen. Carl Levin)
Progressives issue challenge to conservatives on war spending (Congressional Progressive Caucus & Out of Afghanistan Caucus)
Dems lean toward Midwest locations among options for 2012 DNC convention
Manchin spokesman: No plans to change Byrd succession process
RGA flush with cash ahead of crucial gubernatorial races
Tapping into America’s volunteer spirit
Good morning tech
Van Hollen expects Senate to tweak Disclose Act
DNC reveals finalists for 2012 convention
Boehner, Cantor dismiss reports of internal GOP tension
Health news look-ahead
E2 Round-up: Hurricane slows oil cleanup effort, EPA weighs effects of oil dispersants, and Interior pushes back hearings on oil drilling expansion
New report slams White House spill response
Democrats to punt on taxes
Visitors’ Center headsets often broken
Disclose Act requirements might end 30-second campaign advertisements
South Korean trade deal pits Obama against labor base
Byrd special election date may change
Former prime minister of Thailand hires trio of lobby and law firms
House panel slows work on oil spill safeguards bill
Bipartisan group of lawmakers calls for $8,700 pay cut in 2011
Senate adjourns for July Fourth without passing unemployment benefits extension
U.S., Israel united in common cause: Peace and security in the Middle East
Memo to Obama, Reid, Pelosi
Weyant’s World: July 1, 2010
Pressure to pass war funding bill lacking Pelosi’s iron fist
Obama exchanges jabs with Boehner
Senate panel approves creation of competing Gulf oil spill commission
Senate needs to ratify New START to reduce nuclear weapon levels
New agency will house export rules
Americans are fed up with special interest campaigns
F-35 competition vital to reliability of aircraft fleet
Congress has power to end Afghan war
Petraeus offers new chance for mission in Afghanistan
20 Questions with Sebastian Junger
Feingold’s mystery woman
Dahlkemper: Let me in. I’m a member of Congress
US needs to define mission, goals in Afghanistan
Obama can’t ‘keep the change’
Senate begins vote on unemployment benefits
George Allen spotted near Union Station
‘Count on Barbara’ … to mix up your name?
Members of Congress steal spotlight from panelists
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