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The Hill Articles: March 10, 2010
March 10
Black Caucus to meet with Obama about jobs
Coal mining continues legacy of affordable energy, job source in an era of dubious ‘green’ alternatives
Poverty and tyranny central to immoral practice of mountain destruction, water and air poisoning
China’s ‘disappointing’ stubbornness on Tibet
Time to restore the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board
FedEx riled by pro-union bill language
Sheehan turning attention to Obama, camping out at Washington Monument
Georgia Dems want House to conclude Deal investigation
Inside the Office of Rep. Betty McCollum: Ben Peterson
Biden: Media focus on Emanuel because of lack of drama
GOP govs to Congress: Block EPA climate rules
Current Afghanistan strategy falls short (Rep. Michael Honda)
Lawmakers roast Capitol Police over budget shortfalls
Buck stops with Obama
Dems push back against RNC’s new ethics ad
Specter: I will stand with Obama this fall
The president’s rebound
Sergeant at arms says waving staffers through checkpoints is security breach
Another poll has Crist down 30-plus
FCC’s Clyburn rebukes ISPs for broadband rate hike
Entire Senate GOP vows to block policy changes in health bill
Levin: Climate bill must take go-slow approach with factories, block state tailpipe rules
Pelosi says she backs ban on earmarks to corporations
Former Rep. Kuhl won’t seek vacant Massa seat
Bill Gates criticizes China for not guarding intellectual property
GOP attorney general hits NRCC for robocalls
Wed. tech roundup: Pacts to reduce patents, gripes with Google
The American people understand that Obamacare will kill jobs (Rep. Paul Broun)
Levin could close international tax breaks outside of tax reform
DeMint slams for-profit earmark ban
House committee approves caller ID ‘spoofing’ bill, spectrum measures
Music industry lobbyists debut giant inflatable pig in radio royalty battle
Wife of Rep. Conyers sentenced to 37 months in prison
Van Hollen: Massa ethics probe has ended
Patrick Kennedy slams media for covering Massa while avoiding Afghan war
Reid: Dems will ‘take a look’ at filibuster reform next year
Members introduce rural utility loan bill designed to spur energy efficiency efforts
Boeing: Pentagon process didn’t favor us
UN lays out plans for outside review of IPCC
Democrats set to unveil $100B jobs legislation
Dems’ top campaigner says health debate won’t hurt in the fall
Sunstein touts WH record on transparency, accountability
Inouye slams Obey’s decision to ban for-profit earmarks
Sean Penn and daughter Dillon get a Capitol tour from Kucinich
Dem senators push for tough version of ‘Volcker rule’
Grassley: Getting GOP support to close Gitmo a ‘longshot’
Environmental groups target Blunt in close Missouri Senate race
Is lack of money the primary cause of our education crisis?
Gates warns Obama at risk of falling short on global health pledge
Harkin and Moran share a fondness for children’s books
Kyl says GOP has the votes to stop some health bill fixes in the Senate
Donnelly’s switch to ‘no’ heartens GOP
Jeb finally endorses … in Arizona
The Big Question: Will Speaker Pelosi get the votes for healthcare?
Obama reiterates U.S. support of Haiti
Issa: Slight possibility of more ‘undetected’ Toyota problems
House panel bans for-profit earmarks as Dems, Republicans race toward reform
White House begins review of auto emissions and mileage rule
Privacy group, TSA spar again over full-body scanners
Pelosi says House has votes for healthcare if vote were held today
RNC targets Pelosi on ethics in new TV ad
Chief Justice Roberts decries atmosphere at State of the Union address
Sebelius urges health insurers to change course
Blue Dogs want member on fiscal commission
Google: We will pull out of China before accepting country’s censorship laws
Pawlenty to Tennessee
New friends vs. a steady approach
Top U.S. trade official ‘studying’ possible WTO complaint on China’s Web rules
AARP prefers Cantwell-Collins climate bill
The D.C. tickle-fight
Lugar seeks ‘practical’ energy plan
Time is of the essence for a balanced budget (Rep. Mike Coffman)
Levin’s face appears on Ways and Means Twitter
House to blanket congressional offices with wireless Internet
Reed won’t run for Linder’s seat
More Crist-as-independent fodder
Dems expect CBO score on health reform today or tomorrow
Rep. Boehner asks for GOP meeting on earmark moratorium
Introducing the Ten Million Solar Roofs Act (Sen. Bernard Sanders)
FCC chair to field YouTube questions on broadband plan
Boehner asks for meeting on earmark moratorium
The self-destruction of Eric Massa
GOP senators attend House Republican meeting
Rubio launches first ad
Massa refuses to answer Larry King’s question ‘are you gay?’
Senate warned not to visit Drudge
Six Dems push party to rethink student lending bill
Massa scandal explodes
Ben Nelson does not support closing Gitmo, but open to proposals
Senate warned not to visit Drudge
Murtha seat: Hafer clears way for Critz
‘When I’m 64’ — History and the Taylor Swift happy dance
Two Blue Dog Dems get new subcomittee posts
U.S. and U.K. make pact to reduce patent backlog
Top of the ballot
FCC fell victim to $2.5M video relay scam
Obama’s obsession?
DCCC puts 13 on Red to Blue campaign list
Massa refuses to answer Larry King’s question, ‘Are you gay?’
Cautious Obama joins climate fray
Hoyer: GOP using Massa’s downfall for ‘political purposes’
Rep. Flake pushes House ethics panel on depth of pay-to-play investigation
E2 Round-up: Oil execs say fossil fuels remain king, the UN picks reviewers for embattled climate panel, and China and India sign up for Copenhagen deal
New GOP heavyweight takes a few political punches from Dems
Cautious Obama joins climate fray
War over fries
Bailed-out firms start rebuilding on K St.
Floored: Advocate group visits House
GOP eyes Murray’s seat; Rossi ponders bid
Levin sees conference on tax extenders bill
Massa scandal explodes
Disconnect: Gibbs, Hoyer dispute vote
Dems to Emanuel: No deadlines for health reform
Dems tell Emanuel they don’t want his deadlines
Dicks to succeed Murtha as top House Defense appropriator
White House climate discussion yields pledge to keep talking
Insurers open conference amid hostile atmosphere
Filibuster fixing
Immigration reform affords chance to improve economy
Some quick to write off Obama
Inside the Office of Rep. Betty McCollum: Alaina Lynch
Resentment over states, localities
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