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The Hill Articles: March 22, 2010
March 22
Pelosi methodically moved members
Healthcare finished, House Democrats switch to jobs agenda
Mood cools for Obama at Israel lobby group’s annual D.C. conference
Late bedtime for Murphy kids when Dad is babysitting
For Pelosi, healthcare vote was a family affair
Culture war looms as members shift back into campaign mode
Senate press secretaries prepare for tug-of-war
Autograph hounds prowl the House floor Sunday
Michigan duo in spotlight
Meek heads back to Haiti to continue relief efforts
Weyant’s World: March 23, 2010
Health bill’s last stop
Lawmakers: Navy and Marines facing larger than expected fighter jet shortfall
Office happy hours: They’re more than just good fun
Obama’s energy, ag policies not selling in rural America
For many members, another tough vote
Bottom Line
Police, fire chiefs say plan will not improve communications
Graham: Colleagues will be ‘risk averse’ following health care debate
House will consider small business tax bill Tuesday
Obama trade initiatives are a good start
Veterans’ healthcare still falls far short
Agreeing on what’s best for children
Lunch line can be front line in fighting childhood obesity
Reid, Kerry to huddle on climate and energy
Report: Nation’s metro areas grew in the fourth quarter
Centrist Democrats split over reconciliation bill
Nelson to oppose reconciliation package, cites student lending
Pawlenty asks state AG to examine health bill’s legality
Senate passes $34.5 billion FAA bill
Obama’s transparency haze
Financial overhaul legislation moves without GOP votes
The Female Century
Poizner ad targets ‘benefits for illegal immigrants’
Monday tech roundup: Google stops censoring in China
Emergency spending bill pays for programs
Dems ask supporters to ‘co-sign’ health bill with Obama
Lawmakers warn Navy, Marines face large fighter jet shortfall
Reid faces new climate pressure
Malone enters race for Delahunt seat
Union boss threatens Dem with primary over healthcare vote
Senate estate tax proposal gains steam in the House
Liberal caucus leader will introduce new public option bill
What President Obama should say after meeting with Netanyahu
Neugebauer’s website crashes after he admits to yelling ‘Baby killer!’
Two protesters arrested in House gallery are members of Glenn Beck offshoot
Late bedtime for Murphy kids when Dad’s on babysitting duty
Reset for Obama-Clinton team in Russia
Democrats dispute the Republicans’ IRS expansion estimates
Google stops censoring in China
Small business advocate blasts health reform bill
Obama plans to sign health bill late Tuesday morning
The good, the bad and the ugly
Clyburn: Tough to distinguish GOP from weekend’s protesters
A tough vote in the right direction (Rep. Loretta Sanchez)
Keith Olbermann to make special comment on healthcare passage on MSNBC
Dodd limits Fed’s 13(3) powers in overhaul
Neugebauer’s website crashes
Neugebauer admits shouting ‘baby killer’
Crist wants repeal too
Growth Energy adds staff
Direct loan program could save $60 billion
EPA plans tighter standards on water
Senate global Web freedom caucus launching Wednesday
Former Clinton aide to join Obama debt commission
GOP quick to release ‘repeal’ bills
Bill for winter storm damage, summer jobs on agenda
Meek heads back to Haiti to continue relief efforts
Nancy Pelosi: A historically great Speaker
Give Obama a break — and a cheer
IRS relaxes OIC rules
The American people deserve better (Rep. Frank Lucas)
The Two Americas: Greater New York and the 37 states
Poll: Majority oppose health bill, still trust Dems and Obama
Sen. Corker: Overhaul to pass quickly without full committee markup
Romney urges repeal: ‘That campaign begins today’
Ayotte hops on the ‘repeal’ bandwagon
Ayotte hops on the ‘repeal’ bandwagon
White House fires back at Rove over e-mails sent during healthcare push
Drugmaker shares rise after passage of health care bill
Rockefeller, Voinovich press coal tech incentives, long phase-in for emissions standards
For Pelosi, vote was a family affair
What yesterday’s healthcare vote means for America’s pocketbook (Rep. Mike Honda)
Radanovich tweets: I didn’t shout ‘baby killer’
McCain: Don’t expect GOP cooperation on legislation for the rest of this year
UPDATED: Millions of unintended taxpayers hit by Medicare tax
Maybe no fallout after the fall
Clinton holds line on Israeli settlements in addressing AIPAC
Liberal group targets GOP lawmakers on healthcare
AFL-CIO plans to bolster lawmakers who voted for health bill
Group urges Congress not to tinker with Cadillac tax
Full repeal supporters vs. GOP leaders
Tea Party stupidity
Healthcare reform — A little history
Obama and Democrats gain political momentum with healthcare bill vote
Business should get credit for saving forests, coalition says
Stupak stripped of ‘Defender of Life’ award he was to receive this week
Cornyn predicts fix bill going back to House
More from the Veterans Affairs innovation initiative
Frist: I would have negotiated more on healthcare legislation
The Big Question: Will healthcare votes hurt Dems in November?
Obama to sign bill Tuesday
Recovery Act boosts tax refunds by 10 percent
Broadband plan, NASA dominate exceptionally busy week of tech on the Hill
Capitol Police arrest two health bill protesters
Smoot to helm DSCC I.E. program
Lincoln opposes House Reconciliation bill
Senor camp denies Senate announcement is imminent
Rum battle heats up over U.S. subsidies
Levin takes up the bank tax
E2 Round-up: Utilities plan big investment in wind, the link between carbon and cement, and industry moves forward on climate
Top of the ballot
Study: Administration’s broadband plan must increase U.S. ranking
Stimulus website wins award despite early complaints
Senate GOP skeptical of chances to take down healthcare reform
Texas senators call on Obama to refocus on U.S.-Mexico border drug violence
Obama call for partial spending freeze plan sets off flurry of budget proposals
Hodes: healthcare reform is a ‘jobs bill’
Three Dems switch votes between Senate bill and reconciliation bill
Reid: Senate Dems ‘reaffirm commitment to reform’
Steele calls on voters to ‘fire’ Pelosi, Dems over health vote
Rep. Kennedy: Health bill’s passage the best tribute to my father
Gates praises healthcare bill after vote
Obama: House healthcare vote proves country ‘still capable of big things’
Obama: Health vote ‘answered the call of history’
GOPer: It’s not over
Stupak stripped of ‘Defender of Life’ award he was to receive this week
‘Baby killer’ shout aimed at Stupak
As GOP makes hay, a few Dems weigh in
House roll call on healthcare bill: 34 Dems vote against
Pawlenty, Santorum decry healthcare bill
Stupak speaks out against GOP motion to recommit on abortion language
House sends Senate healthcare bill to Obama’s desk after 219-212 vote
Pelosi achieves biggest political victory of her career with healthcare reform bill
Dem tweets: Pelosi ‘best Speaker in American history’
A robust missile defense program is essential for Israel (Rep. Steve Rothman)
Boucher and Sanchez wait till last minute
Tracking the undecided vulnerables
Van Hollen confident on motion to recommit
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