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The Hill Articles: March 29, 2010
March 29
Dan Quayle’s son will run for Ariz. House seat
California Senate candidate severes “all ties” with Erik Brown
Obama says adjustments expected to further reduce healthcare costs
Administration warns insurers on children’s preexisting conditions
Cindy and Meghan McCain screamed at by an angry conservative
Jobs bill could provide boost for youth employment
Gregg cheers Citigroup stock sale, Wall Street bailout
Obama’s Passover shadowed by criticism from Israel group
Misspent money is latest mark against Michael Steele’s leadership at RNC
Joe the Plumber won’t endorse Hayworth
Nightclub patron who billed the RNC was also a Vegas poker player
Repeal & replace vs. repeal of HC reform
Murkowski slams EPA response to climate rule queries
Auto dealers, White House clash on financial agency
Monday tech roundup: IT troubles for census, technology benefits for healthcare
Obama calls Medveded with condolonces
DNC ad means Rep. Holt is vulnerable, says GOP
Republicans blast Democrats for questioning companies’ health care costs
Israel should not have to question America’s commitment (Rep. Tom Price)
Google mobile service access spotty in China
LeMieux is a father
Drop for public support to close Gitmo
Pawlenty to hold Facebook town hall
Sarah Palin trying to save John McCain — who would have ever thunk it?
DNC will give Cantor threat suspect’s donations to charity
Grassley cools toward bipartisanship after health debate
LeMieux and his wife welcome a baby girl
Pelosi: Repealing even part of health reform threatens it all
EPA affirms greenhouse gas regulations delay
California consultant to return $2K to RNC for trip to risque club
EPA initiates new reviews of common chemical
DOJ, European Commission approve Cisco-Tandberg deal
Pelosi to GOPers using her for fundraising: ‘I couldn’t care less’
Obama housing program gives $600 million to five states
Pelosi: Obama happier with healthcare’s passage than his own election
Ethics office: Former Rep. Deal acted improperly by continuing side business
Blue Dogs’ Minnick proposes bill to cut spending
‘John Murtha’ praises Pelosi in Washington Post poll
Poll: Americans oppose bill, but don’t want repeal
Healthcare reform extremists take a page from an ugly anti-choice playbook
Obama to throw out first pitch at Nationals opener
Man charged with making death threat against Rep. Cantor
Bair: Bank failures to rise in 2010
NY Senate races are story of ‘what if’
Finance could look at bank tax in April
State Dept. raised ‘concerns’ with Australia’s proposed Web censorship
Sen. Sanders sees ‘bonanza’ for coal in emerging climate bill
Green think tank tells environmentalists: Leave climate change science behind
Obama to throw out first pitch at Nats opener
President Obama’s Top 10 Failed Nominees and Appointees (Sen. Jim DeMint)
The Big Question: Will there be major recess appointment fallout?
Rendell calls lawsuits ‘open-and-shut, slam-dunk’
Fixing Washington: asking the right questions to buy stuff
Obama’s bracket in middle-of-pack heading into Final Four
Poll: 50 percent of Americans say they would support openly gay U.S. president
RNC investigating money spent at L.A. bondage nightclub
RNC’s lavish hotels and Hollywood nightclub
What future will be left for our children?
Obama to deliver remarks at Andrews Air Force Base
Martinez endoses Rep. Grayson opponent
Demi Moore lobbies senators via Twitter
Senate cyber crime bill gaining steam in House
Grassley blasts two of Obama’s recess appointments
Boswell acknowledges the battle he faces
Vitter’s son break-dances
The Moscow subway bombings
Obama’s bracket in middle-of-pack heading into Final Four
Report: U.S. could ‘surrender’ nanotechnology lead
Chaffetz goes skiing, Hoekstra recovers, and McCaskill takes a girls’ weekend; Lawmakers busy over Easter recess
Palin’s payback fashion
Orwell was wrong: They do not love Big Brother
Treasury announces Citigroup stock sale
Congressional disapproval ratings hit 72 percent, now at late-1994 levels
Which is the real Barack?
Huffington Post
Drudge Report
Obama condemns terror attacks on Moscow’s subway
E2 Round-up: Natural gas ‘fracking’ debate stays hot, the world goes dark for ‘Earth Hour,’ and oil sands on the march – or maybe not – in Utah
Power Line
Michelle Malkin
J. D. Hayworth banks on Tea Parties to overcome Sen. McCain
GOP views Supreme Court as last line of defense against healthcare reform
Dems: GOP backlash coming after unemployment benefits blocked
Politics makes strange bedfellows in fight against nonprofit hospitals
Plain-Dealer backs Fisher over Brunner
Clark wins Democratic endorsement to face Bachmann
Obama brought cool campaign persona to healthcare battle’s toughest days
Barbara Bush hospitalized
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