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The Hill Articles: March 4, 2010
March 4
Ethics confirms probe of Massa
Hoyer: Dems could create abortion bill to satisfy Stupak qualms
Quote of the day
GOP Ways and Means leader votes for jobs bill
Former Sestak aide says low wages ‘insane’
Liberals grill Obama on health reform
Obama uses constituent letter to press health execs
Thursday tech roundup: More on ACTA, Google fears another Google
Massa stops voting; spokesman on hiatus
Blue Dog chairwoman would vote against Senate bill
Jobs bill forces few crossovers
Senators lay out patent reform agreement
EPA issues cautious response to Rockefeller plan that blocks rules
Michigan could be winner in Ways & Means chairmanship shift
Harkin: GOP using ‘reverse psychology,’ actually afraid of health bill passing
Despite record snow, Boehner’s tan doesn’t fade
When pay-go doesn’t mean pay-go
Race ratings: Massa seat to toss-up; Bright, Teague downgraded
CPC chairman indicates liberals will support health bill
AIG subsidiaries pay $6 million in racial discrimination settlement
For most Dems, Stark was a non-starter
Turkey recalls its ambassador after House panel passes genocide resolution
Kerry on climate: Lawmakers must choose ‘whether they are going to vote for America or against it’
Pro-Choice Caucus leader: Stupak doesn’t have the votes to kill health bill
Deal won’t resign until after health care vote
Blue Dog Rep. Melancon steps down from his spot on Budget Committee
House approves $15B job bill, 217-201
Dems rebuff Brown, vote down amendment despite bipartisan plea
Lieberman: Arctic drilling a ‘deal breaker’
TiVo wins major patent ruling against EchoStar, Dish
Senators: Lift ban on gay blood donors
NY Gov. Paterson’s staff deserting him
Democrat’s ad embraces cap-and-trade opposition
Obama to appear on ‘America’s Most Wanted’
FCC promises broadband plan will encourage ‘competition,’ help small businesses
Environmentalists push back against Rockefeller
UPDATE: Gregg in 2005: ‘If you have 51 votes, you win’
Burton defends SEALs facing trial in abuse of terrorist
Palin to write second book
Biden to raise money for Driehaus
Ways and Means member believes Levin can hold chairmanship
Bill Richardson for MPAA head? Not likely, says insider
House approps members back Moran as Interior-EPA panel chairman
House Democrats seek minor changes to jobs legislation ahead of Thursday vote
Boehner: Stark gets ‘condolences’ for short chairmanship
Some Amtrak trains, stations now with free WiFi
Top Dem chairman: ‘The time has come to vote’ on healthcare
Levin asks for DoJ investigation into Blackwater contract
Brown calls for tax cut in first speech
WY Gov. Freudenthal won’t run for third term
Boehner says he expects health bill to hit House floor ‘within days’
Sen. Hutchison pitches sizable expansion to proposed NASA budget
Straight talk on the Territories’ rum war
Pelosi ‘very confident’ members will come around to health proposal
The Big Question: Should Obama get tough?
Desiree Rogers stops by The Source
Pelosi: Recent ethics problems are ‘behind us’
Dodd says ‘Volcker rule’ unlikely to be big part of financial reform bill
Palin to write second book
GOP attacks stimulus broadband projects
Finally, a bill to repeal DADT (Sen. Mark Udall)
Sarah Palin shops a reality show
Obama invites liberals, centrists to White House for healthcare talk
Speaker Pelosi fumbles in dealing with the ouster of Chairman Rangel
Howard Dean: Health bill hangs Dem incumbents and Obama out to dry in elections
Mahoney crowds primary to face Shea-Porter
Murkowski throws support behind Rockefeller plan to block EPA
Senior Republican seeks info on Energy Department, clean energy group secret talks
Obama and the real problem
Would they let Barry Goldwater into CPAC?
After helming DSCC, Menendez will have own reelect to worry about
Utility group to Waxman: We don’t doubt climate science
Consumer protection would help small businesses
Gregg suggests Obama may renege on fixing Senate health bill
Lincoln pushes away DC Dems in new ad
Healthcare and obesity
Holding Lawmakers accountable on Healthcare (Rep. Fleming)
Ed. Sec. Duncan pitches tech as key component of school reform
Second Ways and Means boss ousted; Levin replaces Stark
Biden, Pelosi, Gates remember Murtha at memorial service
Resolution vote sends the wrong message to Turkey
Bipartisan Senate group seeks long-term offshore wind credits
Haitian hope through debt relief
Free trade vital to our economy (Rep. Cuellar)
White House: March 18 goal for House vote on Senate healthcare bill
Bunning put a face on obstructionist, mean-spirited Republican Party
Why Pelosi stuck with Rangel
Sid Leiken, we hardly knew ye
Obama takes command of healthcare
Republican National Committee advocates a party of hate
Top of the ballot
Doug Hoffman’s New York and David Paterson’s
Report: Feds could extend Web monitoring program to private sphere
Stabenow: House and Dems hammering out final health bill details
Getting caught in the changing times
Drudge Report
Dems plan ‘pain’ for GOP if they drag out health debate
The Huffington Post
Power Line
The Washington Independent
The Corner
Stupak, Lee worry administration’s change will lead to wasted stimulus dollars
Obama’s new game plan: Be more assertive
McCain campaign pushes ties between Hayworth, Abramoff
E2 Round-up: Evolution and global warming debates merge, the fight over stimulus dollars, and more
Former Rep. Kuhl will consider bid for Massa’s seat
Leaders had been alerted of complaint by staffer against Massa
Rep. Eric Massa plans to retire, citing recurrence of cancer
K St.: Speaker Pelosi really holds reins of power on Ways and Means committee
Administration outlines ‘Volcker rule’ for banks
EPA head blasts effort to block regs
Gingrich-backed group slams Interior drilling plans
Top defense contractors warn that genocide measure will hurt business
Brown: Reconciliation is ‘political chicanery’
Barton tells FCC not to intervene in Disney-Cablevision dispute
Weyant’s World: March 4, 2010
Courage to break promises that we can’t afford to keep
Romney: My hair is glued on
Congress debates ‘The Cat in the Hat’
Time to make a deal
Humane Society gives awards to 131 lawmakers
Look out, Socks and Barney: Bo Obama has a new book out
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