The Hill Articles: May 3, 2010

May 3
Bottom Line DCCC adds targets, launches program Dentists fear pain from finance reform bill Merkley backing a push to give states strong powers to regulate insurance Hedge funds donate big to Democrats CBO: Financial reform bill reduces the deficit by nearly $20 billion SEIU’s Stern says fiscal commission should look at ‘add-on’ private retirement accounts Americans most concerned about unemployment, inflation Gov’t giving Mexicans reasons to come to U.S. Ethanol fuel tax credit redundant, unnecessary CRC: Allow the consumers to respond for themselves Schwarzenegger ends backing for offshore drilling project following Gulf spill Player of the week: Sen. Bob Bennett (R-Utah) Senate taking the lead Sen. Reid wants to pump you up The date doctor: New matchmaker helps Washingtonians find love Senate legislation may leave BP with bigger clean-up bill Vitter does not want immediate hearing on Gulf oil spill IRS holds second open house for taxpayers Vitter does not want immediate hearing on Gulf oil spill ‘Casino Jack’ premiere reunites players at the scene of the crime Boehner reiterates support for GOP energy bill that includes new drilling Addressing deficit: Difficult but necessary Hypocrites bash Arizona law Weyant’s World: May 4, 2010 Bill White: No nonsense Obama seeks economic advice from nation’s CEOs Treasury rebuffs GOP suggestion it misrepresented GM loan repayment Border Tax Equity Act wouldn’t impose VAT, supporters say Lifetime lobbying ban for lawmakers picks up Tester’s backing DAY’S END ROUNDUP Tea Party pushes 17th Amendment to the forefront Pelosi announces economic forum for tomorrow Sanford cleared of criminal conduct on Argentine mistress getaway Monday tech roundup: Reclassification? Fed probe of Apple apps? Demi Moore to stop by Capitol Hill, White House on Tuesday Florida GOP auctions off Crist portrait … on EBay G20 backs bailout of Greece Sen. Pryor pushing bill to adapt Net, tech for deaf, blind Green groups: expanding offshore drilling ‘not acceptable’ in light of Gulf disaster Financial crisis cost households $17 trillion, Treasury official says CBS/NYT Poll: Public sees economy improving, split on Obama’s performance Durbin: Dems might not have to accept GOP amendments to pass Wall St. reform Florida GOP puts Crist portrait on eBay Issa to probe regulation of BP Issa to probe regulation of BP New MoveOn ad presses Obama to block new drilling Defense Secretary Gates warns shipbuilding budget unlikely to grow Michelle Obama sends her first tweet Airlines collect nearly $8 billion in extra fees Agency that initiated open gov process ranks near last in open gov study Durbin blasts GOP financial reform bill Sen. Vitter grows lead on Melancon Kyl jokes about Obama drowning Report: FTC, DOJ considering probe of Apple’s app rules White House says Times Square bomb an attempted terrorist attack House Dems jab at GOP with Tuesday economic forum Sanford cleared of criminal wrongdoing in mistress case Nelson seeks probe of industry influence over offshore rig safety rules MoveOn asks Obama to ban new drilling Buffett backs financial reform, says economy improving Prom weekend Gulf state GOPers tour oil spill site White House says Supreme Court announcement could come this week WH: BP will have to pay to compensate for economic effects of oil spill Rahall, Hastings dispatch staff to monitor oil spill During Arizona speech, Biden criticizes immigration law Bloomberg/Vanity Fair afterparty long on celebs, short on pols What is the attorney general doing? DCCC adds two targets Meek presses Crist, Rubio to back drilling bans after oil spill Stars tour the White House, but Obama isn’t home Whitehouse: Congress needs clarity on who handles cybersecurity Embattled former Illinois Lt. Gov. candidate to run for governor as independent The Big Question: Did Obama respond quickly enough to the oil spill? Schumer wants federal security funds for NYC Specter: ‘Re-evaluation of taxes’ needed to balance budgets MIDDAY ROUNDUP Consumer spending outpaces income growth U.S. will not permit Iran to possess nuclear weapons capability (Rep. Steve Rothman) New York pols: Obama bank tax makes N.Y. pay for Detroit ‘sins’ Free Press blasts FCC amid talk it may not push net neutrality Romney backs Perry in Mass. House primary Grayson calls on voters to urge Senate support for Fed audit Manufacturing expands at fastest pace since 2004 Transgenders call on Congress for jobs Top GOPer says no ‘foreign connection’ in Times Square threat Grayson poll shows tie in Kentucky Senate race Health care reform or a war on minorities? Rep. Israel wants Ahmadinejad arrested, tried Traficant to challenge Rep. Tim Ryan Traficant files as independent to challenge Rep. Tim Ryan Plurality say they trust CNN above other news outlets Rep. King: ‘South Park’ could be to blame for Times Square car bomb Rep. Israel wants Ahmadinejad arrested Slippery oil slicks Obama and Democrats struggle with details of proposed tax on banks Arrest Mahmoud Ahmadinejad BP chief calls failure of blowout preventer ‘unprecedented’ BP = better pay! Baucus expands witness list for bank tax hearing Mook to lead House Democrats’ campaign spending program E2 Round-up: BP struggles to contain spill that threatens the Gulf coast, BP’s own reputation and future plans to drill offshore Obama surveys ‘potentially unprecedented’ Gulf disaster while senators clash on new drilling Top of the ballot: Expectations rise for GOP in specials; Dobson switches endorsement in Kentucky Drudge Report Huffington Post The Corner Firedoglake Hot Air Daily Kos MORNING READ Cardin wants new drilling ‘off the table’ in Senate’s energy bill Morning tech tipsheet: Monday May 3 Napolitano: ‘Premature’ to say car bomb wasn’t organized act of terror Value-added tax has some GOP backers Healthcare debate drives fundraising efforts on abortion (updated) WEEK AHEAD: Primaries, Laura Bush’s new book, elections across the pond FDIC wary of Wall Street derivatives ‘spin-off’ provision in financial bill Obama vows ‘to see that justice is done’ in Times Square bomb N.C. Dems target Sen. Burr as they wait for nominee to emerge Obama sees ‘massive, potentially unprecedented’ Gulf oil disaster