The Hill Articles: May 6, 2010

May 6
Sanders agrees to modify Fed audit FCC’s Democrat members rally behind Genachowski on broadband reform Markets plunge amid worries over Greece as Senate debates reform House Dems push for price transparency bill GOP continues effort to thwart EU bailouts House passes ‘cash for caulkers’ Durbin sees ‘organized party strategy’ in GOP’s holds on nominees Lieberman and Crist agree to ‘keep in touch’ Oil liability bill could face court challenge GOP brings in legal heavyweights to fight campaign finance bill House Dems stop short of committing to vote on health pricing bill this year Lawmakers admit $10 billion oil liability cap may not be enough to cover spills Dems launch early attack against Rep. Shuler challenger Warner: ‘Lack of oversight’ contributed to stock freefall Lieberman, Collins leaning toward taking administration to court over Fort Hood Both Obama and Boehner find room for praise in weatherization bill votes Markey, Capps seek ‘blue-ribbon commission’ to probe Gulf spill Talks advance on estate tax Sanders modifies Fed audit legislation DAY’S END ROUNDUP Thurs. tech roundup: Reaction to FCC’s net neutrality ‘third way’ Senate Republicans delay controversial appellate court pick Goodwin Liu Congressional aides will discuss climate bill with business execs Friday Congressional aides will discuss climate bill with business execs Friday Van Hollen sets ambitious tax agenda before August break Lawmakers’ reaction to FCC’s broadband move could signal hard fight ahead Thompson offers advice to would-be lawmakers Obama in ‘frequent communication’ with Europe over Greek debt crisis Voinovich: More changes needed to consumer protection in Wall St. bill Obama satisfied with ‘slow and steady’ progress in Afghanistan security Two Republicans vote against Shelby amendment Boehner, in ‘pre-buttal,’ says Census jobs pad unemployment numbers Schumer asks Ariz. Gov. to delay immigration law for a year For Dems, a welcome change of gears NBA Suns beat the Spurs after Obama shout-out Sarah Palin backs Carly Fiorina in Calif. Senate race Bernanke: New audit powers would “seriously threaten” monetary policy Interior suspends planning for Virginia offshore oil-and-gas lease sale White House opposes Fed audit, hasn’t decided on veto Boehner slams FCC for ‘takeover of Internet’ Union leaders pledge support for Dems this November Obama: Republican amendment weakens consumer protections Backed by ‘Joe the Plumber,’ talk-show host Herman Cain looks at 2012 WH bid Oil spill surfaces in political campaign Financial execs concerned but hopeful on reform, survey finds Dems come out swinging against GOP consumer protection measure VIDEO: Dems make own ‘demon sheep’ ad Democrats, Republicans spar over role of the consumer protection agency Pelosi: ‘Be very careful’ about Lieberman, Brown terror citizen bill VIDEO: Dems make own ‘demon sheep’ ad Growing calls for a special election to fill ex-Rep. Massa’s seat Signs point to climate, energy legislation rollout without Graham Lawmakers unveil bill to strip terrorist suspects of citizenship, hoping for broad support Dem leader says GOP obstruction imperils summer break Extender bill could return to House committee The Big Question: Does the U.S. need a terror watch list gun ban? Obama urges Senate to vote down GOP amendment on reg reform, hints at veto Holder insists Times Square bomber came under heavy questioning FCC’s Republicans: New broadband rules would ruin credibility, have global impact Biden: Iran’s nuclear program risks sparking Middle East arms race SEIU announces Arizona boycott Tester sponsors public information bill MIDDAY ROUNDUP Schwarzenegger hams it up for Cinco de Mayo Bernanke backs financial reform, says Fed is moving forward Poll: Blumenthal still leading Connecticut Senate race Kerry declines to confirm climate bill rollout next week Gibbs fires back at Pence over spill response Obama jokes about a ‘wise Latina’ CBC urges approval of $1.5B jobs bill to stem summer violence Dodd doesn’t think consumer protection agency overreaches FCC to seek net neutrality using new legal framework Rahall seeks information on deepwater drilling safeguards Kerry on energy bill: ‘We haven’t locked it in yet’ Reid: Get ready for a late night Sanders notes ‘high hurdle’ for audit the Fed measure Key GOP: Suicide bombers will hit U.S. Murkowski wants exemption from consumer bureau for banks, credit unions with less than $5 billion Kerry: FCC’s push forward on net neutrality a ‘leadership moment’ David Obey Drudge Report Huffington Post The Corner Case gets second Hawaii newspaper nod, Hanabusa vows not to quit Firedoglake Hot Air Oscar de la Renta and Roberto Cavalli are the duds of choice at Bush book party Daily Kos Gibbs fires back at Pence over spill response Geithner blames financial meltdown on lack of regulator reach More amendments on the Senate’s agenda Geithner: “More work” needed on money market funds West Coast lawmakers push permanent drilling ban Republican Party and black advancement Top of the ballot: Bennett’s got weekend plans MORNING READ E2 Round-up: Federal rules under fire in BP disaster, the murky outlook for climate legislation, and environmental fears about dispersant chemicals. Morning tech tip sheet: Thurs., May 6 — Reaction to the FCC’s net neutrality move and more Schumer vs. Chamber flares up, throwing immigration roadblock Rifts emerge among Dems over federal powers on consumer financial regs Congress asking questions about Times Square arrest Georgia Democrat aims for history with win against Sen. Johnny Isakson Documentary director on ‘Jack’: Truth much stranger than fiction Several more incumbents face tough primaries Obey’s retirement throws Dems for a loop, but party remains confident Obey’s decision to retire stuns House Norm Dicks aims to become the top House money man with chairmanship Dems propose massive increase in oil company liability to $10 billion Weyant’s World: May 6, 2010 GOP mulls pay-go challenge to Wall Street reform legislation Bloomberg: Close ‘terror gap’ on guns