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The Hill Articles: September 14, 2010
September 14
Democrats reveal little on Bush tax cuts at presser
Murkowski says no to Libertarian bid, will decide on write-in nod Friday
Senate defeats plan to strip filing requirement from health law
Ohio GOP senator leans against extending Bush-era tax cuts
Senators won’t back defeated Murkowski in write-in campaign
Campaign Tactics: Tax, Tea, Boehner
Rahm’s next move
A more effective approach to foreign aid is necessary
House leaders call press conference on Bush tax cuts
Polling the right people
Right time for Snowe switch
Mea culpa, theya culpas
Durbin supports Warren in head consumer agency
Demonizing John Boehner
Pentagon unveils markers for cutting defense costs
EPA chief slams industry lobbyists over ‘trumped-up’ climate rule claims
Weyants World: September 15, 2010
Adrian Grenier
Lobbying World
Banks and large investors are clashing over new SEC-proposed disclosure rules
Dems might use lame-duck period to force job killer
Byrd bill’s reforms will ensure worker safety
WTO myths blocking China currency progress
Nation’s miner welfare is paramount and must be industry’s first priority
An investment in infrastructure will put us on road to economic recovery
New Jersey on second stimulus: Fugetaboutit
Missouri insurance director slated for federal financial risk council
Stark raises questions with federal payments for dialysis drugs
Sen. Cornyn hedges on backing O’Donnell after Delaware primary
Durbin: Democrats stand by president on tax cuts
Groups reiterate Craigslist disapproval
Defense Authorization bill will address the DREAM Act and discrimination in the military (Sen. Harry Reid)
House GOP appropriators call for “clean” bill to extend funding for fiscal 2011
Legislation to lift cell-phone reg advances
Bill Walton asks lawmakers to combat piracy and fund science and math education
Reid to Lady Gaga: ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’ vote will be next week
Senate Appropriations Committee delays Interior-EPA markup
Lawmakers demand answers on egg recall
Gen. Petraeus still in touch with McChrystal
Rep. Calvert’s dog wins cutest dog on Capitol Hill
Cornyn: Packaging ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’ repeal with military bill ‘cynical, transparent’
IBM CEO blasts HP, Hurd
Carper predicts Castle primary win
Democratic leadership hides behind failed policies by proposing more spending (Rep. Frank Lucas)
Boehner to call for open debate on Bush tax cuts
House likely to consider Senate-passed small-business bill
Obama administration announces new prevention and wellness awards
Ex-Rep. Lazio fights back conservative challenge in governor’s race
Obama to publish children’s book this fall
Baucus: One-year extension of Bush tax cuts a ‘bad idea’
White House believes assaults on Boehner are bearing fruit
The Tea Party’s false steps
Ending tax cuts for small businesses would hurt the economy (Rep. Tom Cole)
Pro-health reform group focuses spotlight on law’s benefits for the middle class
Support the Restore Truthiness movement!
Boehner against possible Dem maneuver to stymie GOP on taxes
President Obama: Focus on your education
California Dem targets Rep. Lungren for ‘double-dipping’
Dems on Senate spending panel want separate EPA rules vote
Meghan McCain ‘stuns’ Don Imus
U.S. Chamber, energy trade groups urge spending panels to block EPA climate rules
South Korean ambassador touts net-neutrality policies
No last-minute Fenty endorsement from Obama
Qualcomm chief: Wireless industry ‘caught by surprise’ about wireless data traffic
Corker: START treaty much improved
Landrieu offers a bill to change 1099 provision
Labeling China as a currency manipulator invites trade retaliation (Rep. Peter Roskam)
Reid to Lady Gaga: ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’ vote will be next week
Pawlenty adds full-time Iowa staffer and plans another visit
Lady Gaga: Call ‘Harry Reid’
Consumer group calls for state ballot initiatives to rein in premium hikes
The Big Question: What would a Castle loss mean for the GOP?
Senate appropriators reduce funding for Lockheed’s F-35 Joint Strike Fighter
Graham says he could agree to temporary extension of tax cuts
Obama administration working on new framework for IT procurement
Senate Interior Dept. spending bill to block West Coast drilling
Palin to raise money for Rand Paul in Kentucky
Collins seeks two-year extension of all Bush tax cuts
Rep. Van Hollen has ‘no intention’ of making bid to be House Speaker
Senate votes to move forward on small-business bill
Senate defeats Nelson plan to limit Big Oil tax break
Sen. Carper blasts Medicare agency’s response to his concerns on prescription-drug program integrity
Calif. Republican calls The New York Times newsroom a ‘lion’s den’
Pew: Cell-phone applications not yet ‘indispensable’
Trade groups spar over proposed mandate for FM radio on cell phones
Questions over USC’s capitol shout-out since title stripped
Johanns amendment would have weakened individual mandate
Senate votes against ending debate on 1099 repeal
Dr. Ronald Walters: The W.E.B. DuBois of our time (Rep. Bobby Rush)
High-tech job market flat in first half of 2010
Rep. Maloney says House seniority will pull her through
McCain: Obama playing politics with security; GOP can take Senate
Report links interdependency between large and small businesses
GOP’s Civil War 2010 — a prelude to 2012
We’re just getting started
McCaskill praises iPad as tool for handling trial documents
Protecting small business from the Health Bill’s consequences (Sen. Mitch McConnell)
The Senate’s call to action on ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’
Gutierrez keeps Pelosi waiting for check
Lady Gaga: ‘Call Harry Reid’ about ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’
D.C. mayor hints Obama makes it look too easy
U.S. health plans seek profits abroad
Consumer Reports disses iPhone 4 again
Illinois Republican tweets birthday wishes at Gibbs
Obama’s problem that won’t go away
Confidence in economy weaker than a year ago, poll finds
McConnell says he’ll back Tea Party candidate if she wins Delaware primary
Grassley ad highlights Twitter, social media
Attention child nutrition shoppers no-brainer for WIC in CNA
Where are all the female chiefs of staff?
Marmaduke, Mr. Jinx on Capitol Hill today
American hiker released on bail by Iran
Obama will publish a children’s book this fall
Lieberman ‘hopes’ Democrats will hold Senate majority, but won’t campaign
Mixing the message on purpose
Rangel: This marks the ‘final judgment of my constituents’
Clyburn: Dems aren’t thinking about a future without Pelosi
Google wants the FCC to compel more ISP data
Good morning tech
Union leader: Ohio GOP candidates represent ‘false populism’
Democrats launch TV ad targeting Boehner’s ties to lobbyists
E2 Morning Roundup: White House seeks drilling oversight cash, the battle over EPA climate rules heats up, DOJ readies oil spill lawsuit, and much more
Republicans rally around Boehner in battle over taxes
Deficit talk cools as parties spar over extension of tax cuts
Biden warns against O’Donnell victory in Delaware
Healthcare Tuesday
Pelosi faces tense caucus as Nov. looms
Campaign finance showdown in works
The envoy of Europe
Question over USC’s capitol shout-out since title stripped
Gutierrez keeps Pelosi waiting for check
Player of the Week: Nancy Pelosi
Money in the Morning
Obama recounts identity struggles in back-to-school speech
Democratic aides may get cold shoulder from K Street after midterms
Labor unions haven’t forgotten their pledge on healthcare vote
Internal disputes on taxes spread to GOP
GOP considers plan to stymie new greenhouse gas rules at Senate markup
Reid seeks to move ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’ repeal legislation
President Obama seeks his inner Bill Clinton and feels voters’ pain
Nelson, Begich suggest using stimulus funds to pay for repeal of 1099 requirement
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