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The Hill Articles: April 29, 2011
April 29
NLRB sets dangerous precedent
Treasury proposes exemptions for exchange swaps
Indiana Gov. Daniels to sign bill defunding Planned Parenthood
Report outlines possible savings for Medicaid
Obama meets Giffords at Cape Canaveral
Pawlenty names staff to prepare for Iowa
Obama’s visit to Florida shows need to mend fences over NASA
House slates bill to name courthouse for Presidents Bush
A closer look at next week…
Palin: ‘Hells no’ I wouldn’t raise debt limit
Conservative lawmaker meets another crowd angered by Rep. Ryan’s budget
Republican Treasury secretary warns against Republican debt-ceiling terrorism
Angle preps for battle with ‘left wing of the Republican Party’
Watchdogs to call for investigation of new liberal groups
Consumer spending, incomes rise in March
Hoyer reminisces about Queen Elizabeth
Tea Party’s Armey on 2012: Daniels would be ‘perfect pick for us’
Pentagon releases mostly upbeat assessment of fighting in Afghanistan
Is the press finally waking up?
Ryan says constituents ‘overwhelmingly’ support budget plan
Ryan says constituents ‘overwhelmingly’ support budget plan
NY Republican: Trump’s an SOB
US imposes new sanctions on Syria for democracy crackdown
Traditional vs. restrictionist conservatism
CBO says energy bill up next week in the House would increase federal revenues
Ryan’s GOP budget has ‘no chance’ of becoming law, says Dem senator
House Dem says Panetta understands cybersecurity
Rep. Weiner tweets zinger about royal wedding
Bono Mack to hold data-theft hearing
Poll: Wilson would start with big lead in NM Senate primary
Tornadoes revive debate about climate change and extreme weather
Twitter hit with class-action suit for unwanted texts
CBO says energy bill up next week in the House would increase federal revenues
FCC reform hearing postponed
Van Hollen: All groups should disclose donors
NASA pushes back Endeavour launch until at least Monday
Hensarling says Obama administration to blame for weak economic growth
Obama in Alabama after storms: ‘I’ve never seen devastation like this’
Appeals court upholds Obama administration on stem-cell research
Obama watches ‘some’ of royal wedding
FAA switches up management as part of air controller review
Terrorist tweets
Senator: US borrowing a ‘Ponzi scheme’
Don’t forget Iran
Donald Trump, Thaddeus McCotter and the GOP establishment
Medicare to start paying hospitals based on quality, not quantity
Democrats decry cuts to energy statistics agency
White House: Obama ‘position on disclosure remains the same’
Boehner, Cantor want House to use open data formats
It’s not the birth certificate, stupid. (It’s jobs.)
Club for Growth: Schumer a ‘job-killing protectionist’
Blumenthal wants DOJ to investigate Sony PlayStation Network breach
Dogfighting app pulled from Android Market
Lawmakers team wins Political Pursuit
Higher education: The Senate’s golden opportunity
Rep. Weiner tweets zinger about royal wedding
Report: Healthcare law ‘devastating’ for insurance agents
Poll: Dem within striking distance in NY special election
GOP bill would require birth certificate from presidential candidates
Santa Ana Sucker: Balancing conservation efforts
Production, not taxes, will ease fuel price spikes
Tony Perkins: Planned Parenthood bill ‘defining moment’ for Daniels
Hollywood stars talk arts funding
News bites: Google sued over phone tracking
Obama Medicare chief says Ryan plan would shift costs to seniors
Sen. Sessions says Dem plan to split GOP with budget vote will backfire
McDermott feels confident US, Korea will complete trade deal
News bites: Operator error
News bites: Planned Parenthood debate roils Indiana
House Republicans mull plan to hike debt ceiling every two months
It’s not the birth certificate, stupid. (It’s racism.)
News bites: Average gas price reaches $3.90
Prevention: Saving seniors, Medicare — and a trillion dollars
Donald Trump ties made in China
Poll: Romney bests Obama by 7 points in New Hampshire
Pawlenty to attend first GOP debate
News bites: Debt-ceiling drama
Obama alumni launch new outside group to boost reelection
White House hopefuls set for NH summit on job creation
In tough economy, Hollywood stars make novel arguments for arts funding
Poll: Trump slides a bit in race for GOP presidential nod
Economy puts crimp on Obama
NH Dems accuse Romney of campaign finance violations
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