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The Hill Articles: August 11, 2011
August 11
Postal Service mulls 20 percent workforce cut
House Dem proposes $2T in deficit reduction
Pressure mounts on presidential hopefuls in Iowa ahead of debate
Boehner: ‘Nothing adult about political grandstanding’
White House advances its energy policy without help from polarized Congress
House committees continue work in August on energy, education, terrorism
Kucinich pens letter defending Washington state workers
LightSquared blames GPS makers for network problems
Business group to supercommittee: Think big on tax code
AP: Perry will say Saturday that he’s running for president
Sebelius highlights national health plans
Clinton: US to give $17M for African famine
Dem: President Perry would have people ‘praying for our country to survive’
Stocks finish up as historic volatility persists
White House faces Senate, industry pressure on smog rule
FOX News host masters FX cameo
Report: Foreclosure filings drop to nearly four-year low
GOP senator blames Reid for Senate gridlock
Warren takes steps toward possible Senate run in Massachusetts
Hatch demands details from Geithner
Retailers press supercommittee to focus on jobs, economic growth
VIDEO: Colbert’s super-PAC urges ‘Parry’ vote with second ad, features ‘cornography’
Obama: Tell Congress to ‘get past differences and send me’ highway bill
Supercommittee member Rep. Becerra to be feted by lobbyists at DC fundraiser
Obama: ‘Last thing we need’ is for Congress to return to DC
Service workers’ union launches ad campaign against Republicans
Tennessee governor calls for online sales tax
GOP spokesman: Camp’s position on tax hikes ‘has not changed’
Chaffetz takes swipes at Hatch but doesn’t announce Senate run
Pork on stick and corndogs — candidates enjoy Iowa State Fair
More on Obama’s twofer
Sen. Cornyn restarts the deficit countdown
Sen. Leahy calls for transparency in supercommittee negotiations
Sen. Kirk: Supercommittee should start work Monday
Camp doesn’t rule out tax increases to reduce debt, spur growth
Kucinich asks UN to hold nations accountable for civilian deaths in Libya
Huntsman enjoys pork chop on a stick, butter cow at Iowa fair
Following criticism, official says spy plane costs are dropping
Romney gets in heated exchange with hecklers at Iowa State Fair
Report faults state efforts on cancer
Fla. Gov. Rick Scott tackles questions on rail from Tampa Bay Bucs coach
AARP urges supercommittee to protect entitlements
Elizabeth Warren teaching course at Harvard this fall
Dozens of activists protest outside McConnell’s Kentucky office
Wisconsin results bad news for House Republicans and Gov. Walker
Facebook ads to target zip codes
Celebs make hefty donations to Obama
Pelosi picks Clyburn, Van Hollen, Becerra for supercommittee
Mortgage rates continue to drop
Department of Labor fiduciary rule: Major unintended consequences
Greens, industry mine ‘fracking’ report for political ammo
The most hated person in America is…
Newspapers: Rep. Issa right to subpoena documents in NLRB Boeing case
Poll: Democrats have biggest advantage in Hawaii, Republicans in Utah
Rep. West calls on Congress to return to work on spending bills
Report: Federal probe of Google has zeroed in on Android, search results
Government consumes Americans’ earnings
Stock market up as seesaw continues
EMILY’s List makes endorsement in special election to replace Wu
Rep. Ellmers wants health IT push to focus on errors
Kyl predicts ‘real challenge’ in convincing supercommittee Dems to slash spending without raising taxes
Senate Democrats urge Republicans to focus on jobs in ‘supercommittee’ talks
Mitt Romney says he foresees ‘real ugly’ general-election fight against Obama
Congressman compares being gay to ice cream flavor
Former Gov. Rendell and Arizona mayor Scott Smith argue transportation spending is ‘right stimulus’
Poll: Majority of public opposes mountaintop-removal mining
Trade deficit unexpectedly widened in June
Solving the Iranian puzzle through trade
News bites: FTC sharpens its Google investigation
MORNING VIDEOS: Toomey: ‘Real desire’ to reach supercommittee deal
Keep calm and carry on
Sen. Toomey on deficit-reduction supercommittee: ‘Give us a chance’
Iowa governor expects straw poll winner to go on to win caucuses
House Financial Services subcommittee to explore bank failures in Georgia next week
Initial jobless claims fall to 395,000
News bites: Delays
West: Congress should be at ‘Defcon 1’
Gov. Perry wants presidency, says Bush prodded him to run
News bites: Supercommittee examined
News bites: Japan eyes small nuke reactors, taxing drivers by the mile, and more
Ahead of caucus, Iowa Latino voters get little play from GOP field
Debate offers GOP contenders last chance to woo Iowa voters
Defense community raises concerns over supercommittee membership
Debt panel gives Kerry chance to shine
Department of Energy panel backs ‘fracking’ chemicals disclosure
Anti-nuclear groups shower federal regulators with legal challenges
GOP lawmaker seeks to clarify tax statement
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