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The Hill Articles: August 17, 2011
August 17
Huntsman camp knocks Perry on climate science
Secret Service agent on Obama bus trip arrested
Coburn is given new platform to battle special tax breaks
Upton: Balanced-budget amendment will be ‘issue’ in 2012
Credit card delinquencies drop to 17-year low
Media Matters: Mica revising history on FAA shutdown
GOP field encroaches on Paul’s turf with sharp attacks on the Federal Reserve
GPS industry group denies responsibility for interference issues
Group: Public transit systems forced to raise fares because of government budget cuts
O’Donnell reportedly goes barefoot on NYC streets
Judiciary Committee’s Smith supports China visa bill
New Bachmann super-PAC forms
T.V. journos appear in country music video
Administration energy doublespeak
Rep. Young questions PBM merger
Bachmann to headline Rep. Scott’s second SC town hall
Airports council to supercommittee: ‘Free’ airports as part of debt reduction deal
Ferrari president ‘doesn’t believe in’ electric cars
GOP member of supercommittee leaves door open to raising revenue
Grassley asks SEC if it has destroyed investigation files
Verizon threatens to stop paying worker healthcare benefits
Pawlenty tells AP he won’t run for Senate in 2012
Conservative congresswomen appear in calendar
Herman Cain: Impeaching Obama ‘a great thing to do’
Meghan McCain wants Palin to stop ‘flirting’ with presidential decision
Analysis: Debt panel members represent broad differences in views on spending
Wilson: ‘You lie’ has been vindicated
‘Where are the jobs?’
McConnell’s message to Obama: Stop pushing your failed economic policies
Obama: Congress should focus on country, not loyalty to a pledge
GOP signals opposition to jobs supercommittee
Obama hints proposal will go further than $1.5T in deficit cuts
Fed dissenter: Economy’s biggest problem is distrust of Washington
Cantor urges House GOP to avoid brinksmanship in spending fights
Tancredo forms anti-immigration super PAC
Dean: Bush camp will ‘take Perry out’
Now Obama must lead
HHS releases new labeling rules for insurance
Aviation manufacturers counter Obama visit to Iowa to talk up corporate jets
Lieberman defends Bachmann and Perry for talking about their Christianity on the trail
Report: South Korean iPhone users sue Apple
Gingrich takes campaign to Democratic stronghold Hawaii
Challenges for female candidates are more than skin deep
Rep. Gohmert casts Obama as ‘evil emperor,’ slams ‘Darth Vader’ bus
Bachmann: If elected, gas prices would fall to less than $2 per gallon
Christie still not looking at presidential run
Government agencies offer new tool to boost access
Proposals continue emerging to boost housing market
Speaker at Tucson shooting memorial joins Giffords’ staff
GOP torn over whether Romney or Perry would best make case against Obama
Hold Israel accountable with Leahy law
Ferrari president ‘doesn’t believe in’ electric cars
Napolitano calls on business to support expanded security-awareness campaign
GOP rep. slams Dems for rejecting debt-ceiling deal
Perry: Scientists are manipulating data to prove climate change
Former surgeon general may be inching toward Ariz. Senate run
Amazon still top global e-commerce site
Palin challenges Obama over Lincoln comparison
Head of group that manages Web names to step down
Spending cuts & long-term deficit reduction
Ted Nugent pens op-ed supporting Perry
Home refinancing increases as mortgage rates hit record lows
Supercommittee Dems want stimulus in deal
Gov. Haley rules out VP nomination
Private sector colleges must play a role in America’s future
Sen. McCain: Pawlenty ‘should be proud of his effort’
Poll: Sen. Menendez vulnerable in New Jersey
News bites: AT&T/T-Mobile deal could spur regulations
Start small, think big: Why we want repatriation, too
Poll shows NJ voters disapprove of Obama
No ‘lines in the sand’ on protecting Medicare and Medicaid, says co-chairman of supercommittee
An Arms Trade Treaty makes sense for US interests
Petraeus for VP in a Rick Perry administration
Norquist says he won’t oppose gas tax renewal
Boehner, Cantor urge Obama to embrace spending cuts
Perry responds to Obama ‘lecture’: ‘Actions speak louder than words’
News bites: Captain ‘Sully’s’ not happy
News bites: Downgrade, debt dance
Giuliani: Obama ‘silly’ to take on GOP competition
News bites: Law doesn’t fund federal exchange
Warren readies for run against Scott Brown
If Obama can’t articulate his position on marijuana, why won’t he reconsider it?
Democrats hold seats in Wisconsin recalls
The supercommittee should not opt for discriminatory tax policies
Towns on President Obama’s Midwest bus trip hope to cash in on spotlight
Obama 2012: Return of the road warrior
News bites: Solar firm’s woes highlight global race, a high-stakes oil fight in Alaska, and more
Economy top concern for YouTube users
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