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The Hill Articles: February 3, 2011
February 3
OVERNIGHT ENERGY: Oil sands in focus as Canadian leader visits
OVERNIGHT TECH: Patent reform bill moves to Senate
OVERNIGHT HEALTH: HHS defends Medicaid flexibility, but GOP criticism continues
Senators urge House leaders to pass trade-assistance bill
Republican leaders work hard to prove their budget-cutting credentials
Senate rejects GOP plan to lower labor cost of FAA construction projects
FEC increases contribution limits
Rep. Graves won’t challenge Sen. McCaskill
In maiden speech, Manchin steers towards center
Senate to vote on two amendments to FAA bill by 5:30 p.m.
Geithner: GOP default plan ‘harmful’ mobilizes to support Planned Parenthood amid controversy
Paging Batman? Consumer protection agency adopts familiar logo
Senators urge return of funds for orphaned earmarks
Perry to keynote Kentucky GOP dinner
Senators debate merits of high-speed rail
New consumer protection bureau gets a Hollywood narrator
Defining ‘clean’ is the energy challenge
Senators offer tributes to Ronald Reagan
Kucinich: Suspected WikiLeaks leaker could be facing ‘cruel and unusual’ treatment
House GOP readies budget numbers
Small-business demand for credit down for second straight year
Chambliss: Introduce deficit plan without tax deductions
GOP to move to regulations next week
House Appropriations details GOP cuts
Consumer agency open for online input
Montana Republican exits Senate race, clears way for Rehberg
‘Race to Green’ good for business
Rep. Speier to introduce ‘do not track’ bill next week
Sebelius offers alternatives to Medicaid waivers
Ohio Democrat wishes a happy new year in Chinese
Obama spokesman Bill Burton and wife expecting a child
Mubarak: Obama doesn’t understand Egypt, culture
McCain says a ‘much more centrist’ Obama ‘much’ easier to work with
Editorial: Let voters decide on Sen. Ensign
Public health groups launching campaign to defend EPA climate rules
Senators fear deficit focus will be roadblock to approval of Iraq funds
Senate hearing debates timing of fiscal austerity
Cut taxes on business to restore American competitiveness (Rep. Richard Hanna)
Bernanke: Default would be ‘catastrophic’
Shell scraps bid to drill off Alaska’s coast this year
Federal government cuts $15 billion in contract spending
White House condemns journalists’ detention: ‘The world is watching’
Reid blasts House GOP proposal as ‘draconian’ and ‘unworkable’
GOP offers $32 billion budget cut
Report: Blizzard traffic brought down National Weather Service website
More than $30 million in tax credits claimed in error
Obama calls for making buildings more efficient
VA Blue Button moves ahead with vets’ health records
Palin skipping CPAC
You win some. You lose some.
Bernanke: Congress must change budget’s ‘unsustainable path’
McCaskill challenger blames computer problems for erroneous fundraising report
Group wants net neutrality tied to USF reform
House Dem says oversight panel on healthcare law ‘fishing expedition’
Grassley, others tweet Prayer Breakfast
Sen. Moran talks tanker competition with Defense Secretary
Mossberg: Verizon iPhone has better voice service than AT&T
RNC sells Reagan’s favorite candy at 100th birthday website
Liberal House Dem to Obama: Use threat of cutting all Egypt aid
Romney doles out nearly $130K to House and Senate Republicans
White House suffers e-mail outage
Sen. Rockefeller says Democrats delaying FAA bill
Dodd-Frank fixes top financial industry group’s agenda
Merkley says U.S. should cut off Egypt aid if ‘thuggery’ continues
Giffords’s husband calls on country to ‘work better together’
Patent reform bill passes out of committee
GOP faces challenge sustaining ‘broad’ coalition
NRSC hits Manchin over healthcare vote
Service sector, productivity increase
Rove-backed group spends to bolster 19 targeted Republicans
Reid: GOP wasting time on ‘symbolic votes’ like healthcare repeal
Obama shares stage with Rep. Giffords’ husband at National Prayer Breakfast
Top senators: Egypt crisis a wake-up call on oil supplies
Virginia AG asks Supreme Court to rule
Sen. Leahy threatens to cut off Egyptian aid
Minority advocate: Underserved Americans, not the wireless carriers, were the SOTU ‘winners’
Barney Frank won’t challenge Sen. Scott Brown in 2012
Issa, lawmakers ask Pakistan to release U.S. embassy staffer
Initial unemployment claims fall by 42,000
New policy on Iran
Poll: Obama, Nelson approval below 50 percent in Fla.
Obama calls his Christian faith a ‘sustaining force’
Treasury risking trust in U.S. debt with ‘incorrect’ warnings, Republican says
Senate to mark Reagan’s 100th birthday
Hatch: Kagan should recuse herself from any challenge to healthcare reform
Lugar touts fundraising, vows he’s ready for primary challenge from Tea Party
News bites: DOE to tout ARPA-E, judge says Feinberg is not independent, and more
Judge holds Interior in contempt over drilling ban
China’s economic forward thinking
Romney: 2012 race would ‘take me to Iowa’
Rep. Giffords’s husband to speak at prayer breakfast
Obama to unveil energy agenda amid mounting GOP challenges
GOP plans ‘unrelenting’ healthcare repeal effort, even after Senate defeat
Effort to repeal health reform tax gains steam
Shooting the fat on the VAT
OVERNIGHT ENERGY: Bingaman’s challenges after Obama meeting
OVERNIGHT TECH: Senators deny cyber bill contains ‘kill switch’
OVERNIGHT HEALTH: Senate blocks repeal, but Republicans not done
OVERNIGHT MONEY: Thursday is Bernanke and Paul Ryan time
Sen. Whitehouse offers amendment to ban pointing lasers beams at airplanes
Senate to resume debate on FAA authorization and amendments on Thursday
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