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The Hill Articles: January 5, 2011
January 5
Global health is important foreign policy issue for 2011
OVERNIGHT HEALTH: Senate Dem ‘hopes’ for individual mandate alternatives
In call with Obama, Cantor says Republicans want to cooperate on spending cuts
Rule could endanger transportation budget, building trade jobs sector
‘Systemic’ industry failure to blame for Gulf oil spill, commission concludes
Cantor, Obama speak after new Congress established
Utah Republican to attack Interior wilderness policy with ‘whatever mechanism’ possible
Cantor asks Obama to work together on earmarks, spending
Daley visits White House, renewing chief of staff speculation
Report: Volcker to step down as top Obama economic adviser
Boehner’s moment
New on YouTube: Oversight and government reform
White House battle mode
Bernanke to speak with the press
Rep. Bachmann’s Iowa trip ignites White House speculation
House approves GOP rules package for 112th Congress in 240-191 vote
Weyants World: January 06, 2011
Democrats make motion to delay House rules package, add healthcare language
Taxpayers for Common Sense blasts GOP spending rules
Amendments to health reform repeal filed by Dems to force vote
Welcome to the people’s House (Speaker John Boehner)
Pawlenty, Romney to appear on ‘The View’
Joe Scarborough runs afoul of the rules, sort of
Issa says Congress is at fault for TARP misuse
Removing delegates’ voting rights has nothing to do with constitutionality (Rep. Mike Honda)
Rep. Blackburn gets Democrat’s support on legislation to strike net neutrality
House GOP kills voting rights for D.C., Puerto Rico, other delegates
Abortion rights group launches anti-Boehner effort
Gibbs defends Obama 2006 vote against raising debt ceiling
Centrist Dem Kissell a “no” vote on healthcare repeal
NAB, U.S. Telecom get Issa letters
Obama to address U.S. Chamber next month
House Oversight Committee to post complete hearing videos online
Boxer: EPA climate delay bill could pass, but would be rejected by Obama
Senate starts new Congress with sharp debate over filibuster rules
Department heads urge against repeal, outline reform’s benefits
Upton weighs plan of attack against EPA climate rules
Senate Dems introduce rules reform that weakens filibuster
Opening House ceremony wrap
Gibbs suggests his successor will inherit ‘PressSec’
Obama to address U.S. Chamber
FCC to take on public-safety network without addressing D Block controversy
112th Congress should work together to create jobs and help middle-class families (Sen. Harry Reid)
House Republicans, Democrats clash over delegates’ voting rights
Rep. Ryan says Priebus is ‘front-runner’ in RNC race
Boehner makes first fundraising pitch as Speaker
Unapologetic Pelosi vows partnership with GOP, and a bit of fight
Taxpayer advocate: Time for tax reform
Lawmaker tweets from House floor thanks to new rules
Gibbs: Healthcare repeal talk ‘a bit of huff and puff’
Departure of White House spokesman part of ‘major retooling’
FCC calls on industry to develop net-neutrality watchdog apps
Report: SEC reviewing disclosure rules in light of Facebook, Twitter
Passing the gavel: Congratulations Speaker Boehner (Rep. Nancy Pelosi)
McCain sends cross-Capitol congrats to Boehner
The 112th Congress: A new beginning (Sen. Mitch McConnell)
Sen. Graham: Gas prices will drive Senate energy debate
Service sector continues its rise, reflecting an improving economy
Tear watch — Boehner wipes eyes just before introduction
Pelosi: Democrats’ ‘first test’ is defending healthcare reform
Government flocks to Vegas for tech show
New Senate sworn in by Biden as 112th Congress convenes
A giant yawn over Ban Ki-moon
Pelosi loses 19 Dems in election as minority leader
Anti-abortion groups mobilize for fight over healthcare reform
Rep. Ross criticizes Republican rules package related to pay-go rules
Not all Democrats voted for Pelosi for House Speaker
Former Rep. Joe Scarborough on the House floor
Russ Feingold to become professor at Marquette University
Key Dem eyes ‘common ground’ on changes to healthcare reform
Ex-White House press secretary to Gibbs: Get some rest
Highlights from the opening day of the 112th Congress
State Medicaid ‘opt out’ will undermine seniors’ care quality, threaten healthcare jobs
Ben Nelson on filibuster: ‘The last thing we need to do is start changing rules’
Pelosi highlights longest-serving female senator
Employment report shows huge boost in jobs last month
Sen. Sherrod Brown: Healthcare repeal vote a ‘colossal waste of time’
Rep. Clyburn drops ‘whip’ from Twitter handle
Rep. Lungren to drop 1099 repeal bill
Rep. Lungren to drop 1099 repeal bill
Republicans abandon pay-as-you-go budgeting (Rep. Lloyd Doggett)
Education reform could be rare area for bipartisan cooperation, say Republicans
Paul Brigner joins MPAA as chief technology policy officer
Green lawyer: Interior policy might not free drillers from environmental review
Hutchison on net neutrality: The FCC is saying ‘innovate at your own risk’
Senate Democrats form new messaging operation
Blue Dog Democrat joins law, lobby firm
Reading the Constitution: Will familiarity lead to fidelity?
Gibbs shifting to Obama campaign adviser
Why ruin really necessary cybersecurity legislation with a really bad idea?
Romney hails new GOP House in tweet
Obama’s ‘Morning in America’ victory in 2012?
Alec Baldwin ‘very, very interested’ in running for office
Robert Gibbs will leave job as White House press secretary
Dem senator: Congress should pursue alternatives to individual health mandate
Federal regulators to review recently introduced tobacco products
Republican-hood: Steal from the workers; pander to the rich
GOP Policy Committee chairman says healthcare advisory board a target for defunding
Howard Dean endorses Daley for chief of staff, rips White House
Dem leaders attack GOP rules package
McCain favors comprehensive immigration reform after borders secured
EPA approval of E15 hurts consumers
No Comcast vote at January FCC meeting
CIR neutrality: A bipartisan solution
Uncertainty is the mother of hope
Bachmann to introduce Dodd-Frank repeal bill
Tea Party activists uninspired by race to lead GOP
House schedule, Jan. 5
Obama signs two energy/environment bills into law
Sen. Lugar meets with Tea Party but remains a primary target
Report: ‘Death panel’ provision out of Obama Medicare policy
Bachmann to Iowa as she considers presidential bid
House Republicans back away from pledge to cut $100 billion from budget
House Republicans approve final rules for 112th Congress
News bites: Pace of mine-safety probe faulted, a conservative scientist who fears climate change, oil prices threaten the economy, and more
Ousted Dem on sitting out the 112th: ‘There’ll be an emptiness’
Reid and McConnell: ‘As close as two people with limited social skills can be’
Boehner, congressional leaders change Twitter titles in Web change-of-power
Tea Party favorite DeMint goes easy on 2012 White House contenders, so far
President Obama content to let House Republicans thump their chests
Player of the week: Rep. John Boehner
A play-by-play of the 112th’s first day
A new era for Pelosi, with smaller office and shrunken troops
House Republican rule requires less spending, more transparency
Former GOP senator: Healthcare could sink Mitt Romney in 2012
Defying odds, Boehner ascends to Speaker, completing comeback
Set to lead, Boehner softens image
Republicans seek to limit congressional spending
House vote on healthcare repeal expected next week
Rep. Cantor offers more detail on first few weeks of House floor action
Republicans target ‘job-killing’ healthcare law
Cantor sets Jan. 5-7 floor schedule
Dreier names four new Republicans to House Rules Committee
Pelosi says House Republicans want to put insurance companies ‘back in charge’
Senate has little on tap this week
Watch this space…
‘Cut and grow’ is new mantra of incoming House GOP majority
Reform of Fannie, Freddie unlikely despite House Republican push
Tight calendar for 112th limits GOP’s options on spending cuts
Ivory Coast turmoil spurs more lobbying work for K Street firms
Rep. King blasts critics, defends hearing on homegrown terror
Conservative lawmakers decry GOP rules with ‘Washington-style gimmicks’
OVERNIGHT TECH: President Obama signs the Competes Act
OVERNIGHT ENERGY: House GOP prepare attacks on ‘job-killing’ rules
Lobbying World
Alec Baldwin ‘very interested’ in running for public office
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