The Hill Articles: July 15, 2011

July 15
Treasury: Social Security could be exempted from debt Pawlenty: Pay ‘outside creditors’ before military if US defaults Ethics panel reauthorizes Massa probe Business chiefs ‘betting on the president’ to kill EPA ozone rule A closer look at next week… Katzenberg, Corzine and Wintour top Obama’s bundler list Reid and McConnell expect to unveil debt-ceiling ‘Plan B’ next week DAY’S END ROUNDUP Issa, Chaffetz: DHS allegations about ‘sensitive security information’ false President Obama urges Republicans to reach agreement to move free-trade deals Obama lays down new marker in Defense spending debate House Republicans release ‘Cut, Cap and Balance’ bill Has anyone heard of due process? Treasury exhausts options for freeing up room under debt limit The Obama enigma Number of healthcare waivers nears 1,500 Rep. Dale Kildee to retire after 18 terms Keystone XL is a pipeline to disaster Court: TSA’s full-body scanners do not violate the Constitution Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee raised $11.8M Senate Democrats press for more review of Keystone XL pipeline Federal workers ask for information on possible government shutdown House introduces another short-term FAA bill; no long-term deal in sight House Dems push bill to make gun trafficking a federal offense Keep Our Communities Safe Act prevents tragedies Jackson Lee: Congress complicating debt ceiling because Obama is black Gym pushes for political clients with new sign The Republican attack agenda on undocumented immigrants The Hill’s question for President Obama: What are the political repercussions of the debt debate? This is not your (founding) fathers’ gridlock Gingrich campaign $1 million in debt Liberal group drops off petition warning Obama on cuts Business groups take smog battle to White House, EPA Featured House hearings: Derivatives reform, foreign relations authorization next week Mica to Chamber: Stop criticizing highway bill Lawmakers spar over spectrum policy Cantor on support for new taxes: ‘I just disagree’ Consumer confidence drops as concerns grow over high unemployment Why Cantor didn’t speak at Thursday’s White House meeting Chu finds way to connect Harry Potter to energy policy Rep. Ellison tweeting recovery from knee surgery Mass. governor warns debt negotiators of pending catastrophe for states Bromwich, GOP spar over expansion of drilling rule enforcement Romney compares Obama to Carter Senate committees to examine disaster recovery, domestic energy, defense of marriage Murdoch apologizes to murder victim’s family House approves 2012 Department of Energy funding bill Obama backs Medicare means testing, cuts to drug industry Liberals worry embrace of McConnell proposal could harm Dem Party PhRMA touts success of Medicare drug program as debt talks threaten cuts DHS: ‘Sensitive security information’ disclosed by House House rejects significant cuts to energy and water bill US Libya policy: Much ado about nothing Leary adds laughs to D.C. “Rescue Me” event Obama: Public is ‘sold’ on tax increases in a debt-ceiling deal Report warns of possible Medicare fraud in nursing homes US must protect Iranian dissidents in Iraq Utah senator, governor slammed over Medicaid News bites: Take me out to airport security Financial crisis commissioner defends against Democratic charges Consumer prices drop as energy costs decline Nelson far outpaces challenger in Nebraska Senate race Club for Growth says no to McConnell deal As anniversary approaches, Republicans flunk Dodd-Frank Rep. Allen West: McConnell’s debt-ceiling plan a ‘dog that don’t hunt’ House quickly approves light bulb language by voice vote DeMint pledges to stop McConnell plan Nearly pitch perfect Dems win Congressional Baseball Game Ron Paul’s irresponsible amateur hour Low fundraising suggests Rep. Bill Young considering retirement Capitulate or compromise? Republican leaders embrace ‘Cut, Cap and Balance’ plan; vote set for next week Kaine: Cantor shouldn’t be pushed out of debt negotiations Rick Perry/Nikki Haley ’12 Bromwich: Federal drilling rules might reflect BP’s new standards Bachmann raises $2 million in two weeks to start campaign Clinton: US will recognize top Libyan rebel group as country’s government More debt drama Senators propose new federal grants to improve environmental education Congressman spoils ‘Harry Potter’ BP to impose voluntary offshore drilling safety standards News bites: Relying on the Internet affects memory News bites: No breathing room from Wall Street Vowing to act for veterans News bites: BP to implement voluntary safety standards Friday: House to finish Energy and Water, Senate is out Pawlenty reports $1.4 million in bank for primary News bites: Generic drug push for Medicaid Dem aide: GOP again rejects nixing oil tax breaks in debt meeting NRC’s Jaczko leads an agency in flux GOP leaders maneuver over McConnell’s fall-back plan for raising the debt MORNING READ Cantor is slammed by the Democrats and hugged by Boehner Daley says Korea deal could go to Hill soon Boehner: ‘Too many people’ in the room in White House debt talks Debt talks shine light on prickly relationship between Obama, Cantor House GOP plans meeting to discuss faltering negotiations over debt deal Gang of Six talks heat up as White House debt-ceiling negotiations melt down S&P sees a 50 percent chance of downgrade for US credit rating Obama: ‘It’s decision time’ Inside the Office of Rep. Loretta Sanchez (D-Calif.): Melanie Abe Pelosi: Markets might have to plummet before GOP acts on debt limit Under Contract House expected to vote down tougher cuts to water and energy bill on Friday