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The Hill Articles: June 14, 2011
June 14
OVERNIGHT ENERGY: EPA chief faces Senate environment committee
OVERNIGHT MONEY: Back to business
Bachmann steals GOP spotlight at debate by announcing White House bid
Balanced-budget condition is key to solving debt crisis
Bernanke: Debt limit hike is not optional
Update War Powers Act
House panel approves $11 billion increase in defense spending
Fostering change
Lobbying World
OVERNIGHT TECH: Genachowski to announce broadband adoption task force
In maiden speech, Rubio describes hopeful vision of a ‘new American century’
GOP NH Debate Analysis
The tax man always gets his due
Our revenue and spending problems
OVERNIGHT HEALTH: Ag approps debate offers venue for FDA showdown
Facebook hires former Clinton press secretary Joe Lockhart
Joe Lockhart joins Facebook team
Reconciliation with Taliban is hard, but necessary
Michelle Obama: Pelosi’s husband is my ‘other husband’
Taliban reconciliation all tied up in global politics
Mass. Dems bash Sen. Scott Brown on ethanol vote
Former federal officials: EIA budget cuts could result in ‘greater price volatility’
When reality bites back
White House adviser gets into squabble with debt panel chairman
GOP’s 2012 pecking order
If job creation is the goal, make E-Verify mandatory
No breakthroughs seen as bipartisan Biden debt talks begin busy week
Weyants World: June 15, 2011
Listen to Hispanic voters on reforms to immigration law
Tim Pawlenty’s fondness for ‘hogwash’
House bogged down in fight over women, infant and children food program
CFTC gives itself more time on Dodd-Frank
Carney needles GOP presidential field after debate
Coburn sees progress even in defeat on ethanol measure
Reid plans more ethanol votes next week
Texas Gov. Perry giving ‘serious thought’ to White House run, won’t set deadline
Breach of fuels concerns about House’s use of Skype
Gingrey to introduce antibiotics bill
Senators press federal agencies to hold mortgage servicers accountable for problems
Google introduces voice, image searches
Coburn says he is ‘sick of both parties’
House expected to strip FDA language, other parts of agriculture approps bill
Experts say better spending data is the key to transparency
A states’-rights defense against Anthony Weiner: Virginia’s HJR 542 offers a solution to New York dominance
GOP says menu-labeling rules hurt small businesses
Top Budget Republicans demand presidential action on Medicare
Bernanke: Debt hike is not optional
Avoiding taxes the way big corporations do it
House easily approves military construction, VA approps bill
Obama: ‘NextGen’ air traffic control system a ‘smart investment’
White House aide: Obama did not watch GOP debate
Rethinking radicalization
Rep. McCarthy: Weiner could resign this week
Vitter blocking SEC nominees over agency’s handling of Ponzi victims
Agriculture spending bill sparks bitter food fight in House
Durbin: More ethanol votes likely
Both parties stifle job creation
Report: Baby boomers face limited transportation options
Senate panel approves Panetta nomination for Defense secretary
Weiner beats Boehner in name recognition
GAO doesn’t fault healthcare reform waivers
US Chamber backs House patent reform bill
Dem says Weiner could resign in days
Business groups come out against corporate tax holiday
AFL-CIO to campaign hard against Colombia trade deal
House Republicans train their fire on top nuclear regulator
State Department questioned Chinese official on attack
Citing his own past, Barney Frank declines to judge Rep. Weiner
Senators ask Fed to crack down on business credit cards marketed to consumers
Ethics complaint filed against Boehner
SlutWalking misses the point of women’s liberation
Republican says visiting lawmakers ordered out of Iraq
The big debate
Look to ’94 crime bill to solve budget crisis
Sen. Alexander: Boeing expects to lose NLRB hearing
Dem senator: US ‘without direction’ in Libya
Rural Americans want jobs, not bureaucracy
Strategic communication lessons from Weinergate
Huntsman to enter 2012 Republican primary
Bankers expect economy to pick up steam
Republican: Nuclear regulator should resign
Fiscal commission’s Alan Simpson takes on both parties, Obama
Drug courts save lives, tax dollars
Bachmann won’t seek reelection to House while running for president
HSAs growing, despite curbs in healthcare law
CBO doesn’t see double-dip recession
Obama outlines high-tech jobs program
Farm state senators offer alternative to ending ethanol subsidy
Reid continues to attack GOP budget
Expanded wireless broadband: A necessity for rural America
Stocks boosted by positive economic data
DeMint ‘not considering’ presidential run
Wireless industry: ‘We’re #1’
Boehner says changes are coming for ethanol
Key Democrat says Obama should speed up Afghan withdrawal
Send them to Guantanamo
Netflix chief eyes a slice of broadband subscriptions
News Bites: Senate website hacked
Cantor: 2012 appropriations bills make good on GOP campaign ‘Pledge’
Boehner: Weiner should resign
How Mom and Pop can save the economy
Boehner: Bachmann ‘did a really good job last night’
Winners of Congressional Pet Photo Contest unveiled tonight
Ron Paul blows the debate, Bachmann wins big, Pawlenty disappears
Obama: Giffords’ recovery is a ‘genuine miracle’
Four more Republicans abandon Pickens natural-gas bill
Restore the horsemeat industry to create jobs
Obama: Rep. Giffords’s recovery a ‘genuine miracle’
Survey suggests CEOs will ramp up hiring in second half of 2011
Pawlenty rebuts critics: I didn’t back down from Romney on healthcare
Retail sales fall for the first time in nearly a year
Senators: Use Gadhafi’s frozen assets to fund humanitarian efforts in Libya
Patent reform gets key support in House
News bites: China’s grip
Tuesday: House to finish military/VA bill, start agriculture approps
Maryland Rep. Cummings’s nephew shot to death
News bites: Coming (to a gate near you) attractions
Obama rejects notion that he’s out of touch on the economy
Bachmann confident of ‘increased support’ in polls
Weiner: Let’s talk about Medicare
Leadership and indiscretions
News bites: Administration opposes ‘hard science’ amendment to regulatory regime
Protester heckles Obama at fundraiser
Bachmann: Hit EPA regulations with ‘mother of all repeal bills’
Ohio governor takes a swipe at LeBron James
California congressman: I was not kicked out of Iraq!
News bites: Wind and fish collide, oil companies spend big, and more
In wake of Abramoff scandal, Norquist is stronger than ever
President Obama’s 2012 focus is on Romney, Pawlenty and Huntsman
Senate GOP splits on axing ethanol subsidy
Senate holds collection of foreign gifts
GOP candidates answer ‘this’ or ‘that’
Romney escapes GOP debate unscathed
Pawlenty: Palin qualified to be president
Pawlenty uses kid gloves with Romney on healthcare
GOP DEBATE: Bachmann grabs spotlight with filing announcement
OVERNIGHT MONEY: Addressing agriculture
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