The Hill Articles: March 10, 2011

March 10
Giffords plans to attend Endeavor launch Camp Aristotle’s focus is to encourage social interaction OVERNIGHT MONEY: Baucus and Hatch, together again Panel Republicans want further WH probe OVERNIGHT HEALTH: GOP, Dems seek CBO advantage Consumer confidence drops as gas prices go up Reid files cloture on small business bill Constitution is clear: US is not a Christian nation Holmes Norton says federal employees a ‘workforce to die for’ Congressman says TSA ‘cooked the books’ regarding cost of screeners Google feature allows users to block unwanted search results The latest McCarthyism Dems generous to a fault Weyants World: March 11, 2011 OVERNIGHT TECH: Obama’s ‘open gov’ work meets House scrutiny Around the wine world Himes’s Styrofoam cup runs over with sarcasm Ex-Rep. Hayworth says Flake has ‘delusions of inevitability’ Agora: A Mediterranean portal on 17th Street Senator calls on House to produce a better budget DAY’S END ROUNDUP Wisconsin Assembly passes union bill, sends it to Gov. Walker Dem still incensed over SEC’s Madoff miss Bernie Sanders: Revenue gaining momentum in deficit discussion From Irish radical to Muslim inquisitor CBO outlines health benefit cuts worth hundreds of billions Apple will require passwords for in-app purchases House approves bill ending mortgage assistance program Converting our citizens against the non-believers White House: Gadhafi isolated SEC head offers regrets over Madoff ethics snafu Senate antitrust panel to focus on Google and its search rankings Expert says data on federal transparency site is wrong Thinking past the no-fly zone debate: Charting a course for U.S. policy Redefining the moderate Muslim Clapper lambastes Russia; wait, isn’t Joe Biden in Russia? Graham calls on Obama to fire top intel official Muslim communities vulnerable to radicalization Concern over economy hits one-year high EPA’s Jackson lays out five ‘fictions’ about the agency’s agenda Ex-Sen. Allen staffs up Former House Armed Services chairman joins law firm Airline travel up last December Huckabee wishes Chuck Norris a happy birthday Obama admits he was bullied Medicare ups cost of president’s proposed ‘doc fix’ Walden worried FCC will reclassify broadband if net neutrality struck down in court House knocking off Democrat amendments to bill repealing FHA mortgage program Conservatives threaten to block Senate bills unrelated to debt Public broadcasting’s top GOP backer switches sides Rep. King’s hearings: Lessons forgotten Rockefeller lobbies for public safety bill Senate Dems wave off defections, say pressure on House GOP Bill would set aside $60 million to develop in-vehicle alcohol detectors Radicalization hearing singles out entire Muslim faith Vulnerable Dems introduce gas price ‘gouging’ bill Dingell warns against Muslim hearings drifting toward McCarthyism King defends Muslim ‘radicalization’ hearing, saying critics are ‘in denial’ Rep. King is wasting opportunity House Dems float bill to tap U.S. oil reserves CBO: Defunding health reform boosts deficit Conservatives threaten to block any Senate action unrelated to debt Vulnerable Dems introduce gas price ‘gouging’ bill Regulator: Oil speculators ‘tapping the gas pedal’ Obama administration offers guidance on state health reform alternatives Frank attacks GOP on farm subsidies in defense of federal mortgage program House GOP takes aim at pump prices Pete King’s hearings ignore extremism in a different hue Wisconsin Democrats return Gallup: Consumers expect to take major hit at the pump The need for investigation of Muslim radicalization Palin v. Christie Job creation — via the BEER Act House Democrats introduce legislation to provide infrastructure financing Murkowski uses rising gas prices to call for opening Alaska’s oil fields After ‘Project Runway’ push, Klobuchar, Cornyn to fight ‘rogue sites’ Boehner: Dems not serious, GOP cleaning up ‘last year’s mess’ TV watchdog: ABC show title demeans women, Christians LaHood: ‘Line outside my door’ for Florida high-speed rail money The next phase of U.S. strategy on Iran FCC calls WCAI suggestion ‘absurd’ House GOP to cut $6B in three-week measure funding government Healthcare reform hearing pits business against business Obama ‘focused like a laser beam’ on gas prices, official says GOP senators warn DoT it won’t get $556B request GOP warns DoT it won’t get $556B Trade deficit widens despite record exports Pence: GOP needs to ‘pick a fight’ to defend House spending bill Illinois GOP ‘winning’ presence on Twitter Democrat rips radicalization hearing for ‘playing into al Qaeda’ Unclear when NM GOP Senate primary field will grow, officials say Regulator: Oil speculators ‘tapping the gas pedal’ Clinton to visit Egypt and Tunisia Franken, Wyden to SEC: Allow AT&T, Verizon, Comcast shareholders to vote on net neutrality Ellison gets emotional at Homeland Security hearing Hoyer implies budget deal possible if broader spending cuts considered Hoyer implies budget deal possible if broader spending cuts considered The secret ballot protection act King hearing ‘counterproductive,’ L.A. County sheriff testifies There’s a lot to admire about David Broder Carson, Shuler, Hoyer? Dems bet on best free-throw shooter in Congress Cantor promises swift House vote on legislation to block EPA climate rules AFL-CIO head looks to seize momentum after Wisconsin setback Pawlenty: GOP primary foes ‘are going to be my friends’ Analysts: Approval for potential T-Mobile/Sprint merger ‘likely’ First Muslim in Congress breaks into tears during radicalization hearing Ron Paul says no-fly zone over Libya is an ‘act of war,’ needs approval from Congress Democrats ask Facebook founder Zuckerberg to keep lock on user info Small-business owners head to Capitol to push Durbin amendment Reid: Dems ready to compromise Lugar on Mitch Daniels: ‘Yes, that’s my choice’ Radicalization of Muslim-Americans is critical issue Poll: Republicans more likely than Dems to approve of Muslim hearing Rep. Price uses Twitter hashtag to attack healthcare reform law Nebraska electoral college reform stalls Learning from past transgressions Rep. Nugent says legislation needed to let him forgo congressional pension Bureaucratic overreach strangles small businesses Feinstein renews bid to end ethanol tax subsidy Diaz-Balart looks so good, he gets grief ‘from everyone!’ Initial unemployment claims bounce back up 26,000 Radicalization hearings unfairly target entire Muslim-American community Time for the U.S. to step in on Libyan civil war House Republican wants everyone to apply for health law waiver David Broder, gentleman and giant McConnell: Obama must get involved in entitlement spending fight Hatch: Conservatives won’t punish Romney for healthcare in 2012 Romney dispatches donations to 45 House Republicans Job creation — via the BEER Act Big Bird must learn to fly on his own A matter of congressional oversight Obama forced to defend health law constitutionality Snowe opponent looks to capitalize on CR ‘hesitation’ News bites: Climate change kills the morning buzz, Exxon vs. BP, and more GOP says all or nothing on trade deals LaHood before lawmakers again to explain Obama 2012 budget  Cuellar is Dem leadership’s new face MORNING READ Spending plan vote backfires as Democrats suffer defections GOP targets salaries, ‘offensive’ bonuses of federal workers Seniors told to fear GOP spending cuts Wisconsin Senate uses ploy to advance controversial union bill Second GOP panel looks into waivers of healthcare law Diaz-Balart looks good, gets grief ‘from everyone!’ Frank: ‘Lazy people don’t immigrate’ Sanders scores a win: Smithsonian to sell American-made products Carson, Shuler, Hoyer? Dems bet on best free-throw shooter in Congress Lawmaker concerned that Navy fleet isn’t ready for combat Obama hits Facebook ahead of White House bullying conference Bills to end Obama housing relief OK’d Art and politics Senate shows its heart by honoring surgeon-turned-senator Bill Frist OVERNIGHT ENERGY: GOP gas price claims under fire ahead of climate vote Simpson-Bowles has bipartisan support Duncan: Change Bush ‘No Child’ law OVERNIGHT TECH: Competitiveness to win the day