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The Hill Articles: March 11, 2011
March 11
LaHood makes $2.4 billion available for high-speed rail projects
Top GOP senator: I’ll block legislation that doesn’t approach House cuts
LaHood puts Florida rail money up for grabs
Florida senator seeks coalition to press action on oil market speculation
Inaccurate TSA radiation data ‘unacceptable,’ senator says
Scott slams the brakes on another Florida rail line
Pawlenty draws contrasts on healthcare; won’t criticize Romney
GOP spending plan plays better with Dems than conservatives
Dingell celebrates key Wolverines victory
Rogers defends candor of Obama’s intel chief
FTC finalizes settlement with Twitter over Obama hack
GOP budget barely touches health spending
A closer look at next week …
McConnell: Obama must address debt for GOP support on raising debt limit
Palin: ‘I’m gritting my teeth’ for HBO movie
Scarborough calls NRSC behavior ‘bizarre’
Tea Party senator presses for ‘vigorous’ oversight of Google
Congressman jealous of Sheen’s Twitter following
Democrats: Tsunami shows why GOP shouldn’t cut NOAA
GOPer blasts FDA’s Lance Armstrong investigation at budget hearing
House, Senate to hold dueling energy hearings next week
First Lady to plant White House garden Wednesday
Obama to House GOP: Some cuts ‘I won’t accept’
White House issues order on reorganizing trade agencies
Job openings take steep drop in January
Rep. Miller finds one cowboy poet who supports spending cuts
Trump adviser: Real estate mogul has an opening in Iowa
House Dems ready amendments for climate bill markup
Sebelius: No further study needed for Arizona Medicaid cuts
GOP Rep. Mica blames Obama for rail rejections
Obama says US is ‘tightening the noose’ on Gadhafi in Libya
Facing 21st century challenges side-by-side
Radicalization hearings are shameful
House Dems say GOP cuts would have hindered response to tsunami
Amid rising gas prices, President Obama calls for long-term energy strategy
Obama: No sense in defunding public broadcasting
Van Hollen introduces bill reforming spending process
Dem campaign chief patches things up with Black Caucus
Gallup: Economic worries highest in a year
Rep. Meehan: Hockey beats legislating ‘by about a mile’
Rep. Giffords’ condition improves by ‘leaps and bounds,’ doctors say
After GOP denials, Scarborough says he was courted for a Senate run
Hoyer warns he’s done supporting short-term funding measures
Tea Party group: CR must cut $105 billion from healthcare reform
House kills second mortgage program
The benefits of oil payment reporting
Hastings hires attorney suspended amid Waters probe to investigate Interior Department
Senate Dems to rally for R&D spending
Michael Moore’s hypocrisy
Obama: US ‘stands ready’ to assist Japan after huge earthquake
Using common sense in Muslim radicalization
Gas prices weighing on consumer confidence
We need to take a state-based approach to healthcare
Wisconsin Gov. Walker signs controversial union bill into law
Rep. Giffords’s condition improves by ‘leaps and bounds,’ doctors say
Consumer database opposed by House GOP goes live
Amazon cuts ties with Illinois over sales tax
Electrical line blamed for morning fire at Library of Congress
Wisconsin Republicans implode: Mass GOP recalls coming!
Consumer advocates decry defunding threat as product-safety database goes live
Insisting it’s not a net neutrality group, mobile coalition pushes for broader rules
Senators urge firm line on axing F-35 engine
GAO overturns $450 million DHS contract for CACI
Understanding earth science in the 21st century
Rand Paul thanks Palin for budget endorsement
DCCC names Boehner its ‘Hypocrite of the Week’
New Mexico lt. gov. coming to DC amid Senate buzz
Barbour jabs Obama on gas prices ahead of presser
Bingaman one of 11 Eagle Scouts in the Senate
Bipartisan group challenges Obama to tackle entitlements
Lawmakers target wireless taxes
Issa to FCC: Did the White House write the net-neutrality rules?
Two myths about the Middle East the world should do without
Himes’s Styrofoam cup runneth over with sarcasm
Retail sales grow in February
Barney Frank threatens Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo, and other banks on housing
Laura Bush admonishes House GOP on cuts to foreign aid
The questions Peter King should have asked
Let Brady, Manning and Brees run the country as a Council of Watchers
Good morning … House begins work to end another mortgage program
Wisconsin subterfuge violates American democratic values
Rep. Bachmann talks gov’t shutdown ahead of NH visit
Threat of homegrown terrorists real and growing
Practicing guilt by association
House panel to look for ways to privatize rail
News bites: Oil prices drop on news of Japan earthquake
Axelrod: Obama knows how to take a punch now
Congress’s approval slips to 18 percent
Lawmakers fall to lobbyists on ice
Ohio’s collective bargaining bill could affect 2012 campaigns
Palin: ‘We need much greater cuts’ than in GOP spending plan
Pentagon seeks $500M to beat cyber threats
Growing number of waivers a GOP rallying cry for healthcare repeal
GOP lines up $6 billion more in cuts
Pentagon warned steep cuts inevitable
Democrats demand Obama’s budget help
GOP woos ‘Morning Joe’ for Fla. Senate
Tears, fears at hearing on Muslims
Buried in the news
The voices we should hear
SEC presses Congress for budget boost
Congressman stands by his proposal: An iPad for every student
Senators raise pressure on trade deals
Obama to address energy prices in Friday news conference
Adventure, academics available for campers in Virgina, Maryland
‘Hot Times’ camp has something for everyone
Young performers premiere talents at Camp Shakespeare
Adventure, academics available for campers in Virgina, Maryland
The secret’s out: Spy Camp allows kids a unique taste of covert affairs
OVERNIGHT ENERGY: Obama enters gas-price fray
A summer of art
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