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The Hill Articles: March 17, 2011
March 17
Political columnist and master wordsmith, Brooks turns his pen to social interaction
New biography cautions: Don’t sell bin Laden short
Dems don’t embrace GOP’s marker on tax rates
Bullfeathers 2.0
House Afghan war opposition grows
Congressman does shtick to eat up floor time
Reid trashes House vote to defund NPR, adjourns Senate
OVERNIGHT MONEY: Tray tables up
Senate GOP leaders put balanced-budget amendment on hold
House Republicans jockey for the reins: Regulating online ad companies
GOP, lay off NPR, PBS
OVERNIGHT TECH: FCC releases tentative April agenda
OVERNIGHT HEALTH: Reid makes a stand for Planned Parenthood
Revere real journalism
UN Security Council approves no-fly zone resolution for Libya
Weyants World: March 18, 2011
House adjourns, likely until late March
Pending survey will help determine scope of health reform benefits
NASA: Messenger craft ready to enter Mercury’s orbit
Frank wants Wall St. to pay for housing relief
Obama to headline Chicago reelection fundraiser
Geithner names insurance director to head new insurance office
Sprint ads tout unlimited wireless data plans
Day Four: Zarzis, Tunisia
Dems push regulators to crack down on oil market speculation
GAO offers critiques of Obama housing relief programs
House committee questions future of Election Assistance Commission
Kucinich says Bush should be held accountable for Iraq
Cantor announces spending effort in partnership with Dems
Seven House Republicans vote against measure to defund NPR
Gas prices hit economy and Obama
Reid: GOP must give in on Planned Parenthood to get spending deal
A thoroughly modern death penalty
White House video promotes IT dashboard
Irish drink? Bloomberg should tune in to ‘Mad Men’
Inhofe: Senate Dems have ‘stalled long enough’
Issa to investigate DC mayor’s office
Bipartisan House duo looks to shield agents, brokers from healthcare reform reg
Justice in jeopardy
House rejects resolution calling for Afghanistan troop withdrawal
House approves GOP bill to defund NPR
Utah state lawmaker states objections to health reform opt out
House approves bill to defund NPR
New bill would limit Miranda rights for foreigners arrested as terror suspects
Tough talk on immigration comes with huge credit card bill
The luck and loyalty of the Irish
Senate approves stopgap spending bill in 87-13 vote
Rep. Courtney wants UConn game on network TV
Hagan wins BBQ after UNC upsets Arkansas
Western cities want to apply for rail money too
Energy, food push up consumer prices
Sessions lays into OMB nominee but not threatening hold
We need a tide of moderates
House GOP questions CLASS Act startup funds
Spectrum hoarding heads to the House in April
Hensarling drops bill that would drop Fannie, Freddie
Top nuke lobbyist calls new US plant forecast unchanged
DeMint won’t back Romney without repudiation of Mass. health law
Poll: Large majority believes Social Security headed toward trouble
Top Democrats step up call for broad US nuclear review
Lawmakers pressure Obama to crack down on Palestinian incitement
Consumer group: Google CEO not good for Commerce post
Accelerate repeal of ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell’
Slaughter says new report bolsters case for action on antibiotics
Florida Rep. West to Georgia for GOP dinner
IOM rings alarm over HIV patients’ access to caregivers
Keep fighting for small business
Approps chairman warns further cuts will harm government and the economy
US meltdown evacuation standards different than recommendation for Japan
Kucinich bill for troop exit draws GOP support in Afghan debate
Gingrich: Obama NCAA picks ‘trivializing the presidency’
Rep. Chaffetz to support Afghanistan withdrawal resolution
White House stops short of veto threat on NPR defunding
NYT rolls out online pay wall
GOP tax chairman wants to reduce top rate to 25 percent
Rep. McCotter to attempt rock-and-roll world record
Classified Middle East briefing set for senators this afternoon
Air Force: F-22 expected to be used in ‘early days’ of any Libyan no-fly zone
Lawmakers debate train anti-collision technology
The scars you can’t see and the deaths that happen at home
Union of Concerned Scientists gives US nuclear oversight ‘mixed reviews’
March Madness hits Congress
Senate GOP marks one-year anniversary of Dems’ healthcare law
US-Colombian trade officials set to meet again Thursday
General: No-fly zone not enough to reverse Libyan fighters’ gains
Pence: Boehner will ‘denounce’ Tea Party critics in GOP
Pew: More than half of adults used Web for political news
Democrat pitches individual mandate as key to genetic testing innovation
House GOP clarifies 72-hour rule before procedural vote on NPR funding
Giuliani swipes at Romney over health plan
Sarah Palin’s name floated for Arizona Senate
Republican accuses White House of doing labor’s bidding on trade deals
Rep. Polis experiences ‘Charlie Sheen’ effect
Weekly jobless claims dip for third week in four
Senators call for bus safety legislation
The real way to win the future
Storm clouds are gathering over Sunshine Week
Democrat wants 2012 rematch with Rep. Lungren
Student voting: A ‘problem’ becomes an opportunity
CNN shames itself on NPR coverage
Democrats lash out at NPR defunding attempt
Trump torches GOP presidential field
Gov. Daniels needs to work with ISTA
Dem lawmaker: Congress needs a St. Patty’s Day drink
Mira Sorvino visits Capitol Hill
A page turned in the capital punishment debate
American benevolence in the wake of tragedy
GOP campaign chief irate over ‘leak’
Ryan: Entitlement reforms could come back to haunt GOP
A demoralizing consensus on free speech and family grieving
Sharron Angle to attend ‘conservative Joes’ funder
Sen. Hagan predicts NC Dems will benefit from convention
Good morning … budget, Afghanistan and NPR funding
F-35 engine makers invoke defict reduction as lobbying tactic
News bites: The battle to contain the stricken Japanese reactors
Senator has beef with Obama’s NCAA picks
Obama and Japanese prime minister discuss nuclear crisis
Palin to make first visit to Israel this weekend
GOP’s new attack: Obama ‘all talk, no action’ on deficit
Rep. Wu crashed into parked car in 2010; didn’t want police involved
State Dept. to evacuate US citizens from Japan amid nuclear crisis
Dan Quayle on Obama’s greens habit: ‘I’m glad he’s out there playing golf’
Mitt’s backers: ‘RomneyCare’ overblown
20 questions with Larry Flynt
Connecticut lawmaker wants March Madness game on network TV
Democrats hope union battle will garner Obama independents
Keep the earmark requests coming, say some lawmakers to constituents
OPINION: NPR part of ruling ‘elite,’ should lose federal funding
Gas prices hit economy and Obama
Happy Planniversary! Q&A with NBP architect Blair Levin
House Republican campaign chief furious after leak on party dues
Obama in campaign mode: ‘Delivered on change that we can believe in’
Dems wary of Afghan war costs; GOP of precipitous exit
Debate over policies, not numbers, dogs long-term budget negotiations
March Madness hits Congress
Polis experiences ‘Charlie Sheen’ effect
Mira Sorvino visits Capitol Hill
Carney and Baca unlikely stars at hoops game
Audit: Taxpayer info still at risk
OVERNIGHT ENERGY: House GOP agenda coming into focus
GOP wants to overhaul the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
It’s time to focus on jobs
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