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The Hill Articles: November 21, 2011
November 21
US shouldn’t forfeit influence within UN
OVERNIGHT TECH: Supercommittee fails, closing avenue for spectrum overhaul
The supercommittee fails
Norquist denies credit for supercommittee failure
Obama rips GOP for supercommittee failure
Divisive duo returns
OVERNIGHT ENERGY: Oil tax breaks safe as supercommittee flops
Weyants World: November 22, 2011
Obama: I’ll veto any legislation that would void Defense cuts
OVERNIGHT HEALTH: What next after failure?
OVERNIGHT MONEY: Obama ramps up push for payroll tax extension
Downgrade watch begins as debt panel concedes defeat
Obama authorizes new set of sanctions against Iran for its nuclear program
Wesley Clark defends Obama on Iraq pullout
Huntsman: Obama abandoned leadership on debt crisis, supercommittee
As health lobby looks past supercommittee, ‘doc fix’ trumps new Medicare cuts
Romney reveals eclectic music taste
Major software group backs off support for controversial online piracy bill
Newt Gingrich tops Mitt Romney for the first time in CNN poll
Issa staffer joins Institute for Energy Research
Wesley Clark slams Romney, GOP candidates on national security
Postal union puts forward cost-saving measures
Senator vows filibuster of copyright infringement bill
GOP chairman to offer bill to prevent automatic defense spending cuts
Lawmakers make last-ditch effort to reach supercommittee deal
Freshman lawmaker: End congressional pensions
Sen. Sessions: Kerry invoking fallen troops while discussing supercommittee ‘not appropriate’
FCC releases order to overhaul telephone subsidy
HHS targets Pennsylvania insurer in first use of rate review power
Inward foreign investment that can create high-wage U.S. jobs is an increasing necessity
Defense reveals program cost estimates
New fuel-efficiency target is a win for American families and the American economy
Gov. Patrick signs new congressional map for Massachusetts
Rahm Emanuel: ‘Not interested’ in running for president
PAC backs Wyden’s efforts to block online piracy bill
Poll: Gingrich closing the gap on Romney in New Hampshire
House Speaker mixes birthday with Turkey Day
Romney targets Obama with first ad buy
Reed, Grassley look to pry open disciplinary proceedings against auditors
Perry blames Obama for supercommittee failure
EPA delays rollout of refinery greenhouse gas rule
Romney: Defense cuts ‘like holding a gun to your own head’
Wyden to read petition names during copyright filibuster
For DoD, worry less about cuts, find creative use of existing resources
WikiLeaks suspect gets military hearing in December
Cain: Obama and his ‘comrades in the Democrat Party’ are ‘failing Americans’ on debt deal
GOP presidential candidates pledge to zero out foreign aid
Rahm Emanuel denies interest in presidential run
Restructuring defense spending for today’s budget reality: Five principles to cutting the defense budget without harming national security
Baucus: Don’t stop automatic cuts
Dems propose extending benefits to domestic partners of federal workers
Government sued for $25B over AIG takeover
US, China officials reach agreement to remove trade barriers
Spirit Airlines fined for tweets, ads
Wireless group to unveil mobile app rating system
Manchin wants Bowles-Simpson vote
White House: Congress should quit ‘pointing fingers’ for failure
US troop level in Iraq down to 20,000
Poll: Majority want supercommittee deal with spending cuts, tax hikes
European Union bans airport X-ray machines
Manchin: ‘Let’s vote’ on Bowles-Simpson
Polling from NY Dems downplays Rep. Bishop’s rematch with Altschuler
Poll: Obama rising in key swing states
Sen. McCain excited for daughter joining MSNBC
Obama signs ‘fix’ to health law’s Medicaid expansion
Gingrich says collapse of supercommittee ‘good for America’
Study finds five-fold increase in lobbying by religious groups
Sen. Paul wants to ‘reclaim’ power to end Iraq war from Obama
Obama signs bipartisan bill to hire veterans
Obama signs unemployed veterans bill
Ron Paul blasts supercommittee, Congress for failing to reach debt deal
Beacon to sell New York plant to repay Energy Department loan
Senator urges return to Gang of Six talks
Schock pairs dinner with a paisley tie
Boehner blames Obama for failure of supercommittee to reach a deal
NH Union Leader rips Cain for interview snub
Defense stocks drop as deficit deal seems increasingly unlikely
Recording industry touts bipartisan support for copyright bill
Rep. Langevin: Cyber attack on utility plant ‘a real wake-up call’
Kyl: Grover Norquist ‘didn’t like what we did’ on supercommittee
Keystone election year politics
GOP lawmaker looks to slash ‘pocket Constitution’ copies
Poll: Romney leading Obama in Michigan
Au revoir to noblesse oblige
Kerry: GOP ‘insistence on the Bush tax cuts’ blocking deficit deal
Conservatives use Solyndra to bash Harry Reid’s natural-gas bill
The Supercommittee can increase revenues and add jobs through spectrum auctions
Reagan & Reykjavik
Tying up loose ends
Supercommittee: Don’t force cancer clinics to close
Sales of existing homes increased last month but remain depressed
Study: Virginia, Hawaii, Alaska would be hit hardest by defense cuts
News bites: Happy expensive holidays
Ron Paul is surging, an Iowa and New Hampshire front-runner and powerful third-party possibility
Gigantic time bomb
OWS needs a warrior and so does America. It could be Jim Webb.
Stock market dives on news of debt panel’s apparent failure
Gingrich redux
Two Dem pollsters call for Hillary Clinton to replace Obama
Dreier presses for US-Egypt trade deal
Poll: Gingrich overtakes Romney and Cain
Dem field in Ariz. Senate race could get bigger
News bites: Bill Gates set to testify in lawsuit against Microsoft
Poll: Stabenow’s lead shrinks in Michigan
Kyl: Dems rejected ‘breakthrough’ offer
Norquist: GOP wasn’t ‘fooled’ into raising taxes in deficit talks
Trump: Might run if GOP chooses ‘wrong person’
Perry touts Washington ‘outsider’ status in TV ad
News bites: Tick-tock
NH Rep. Charlie Bass endorsing Romney
UN reports record greenhouse gas levels
News bites: Healthcare industry readies post-supercommittee lobbying
News bites: Chevron takes blame for Brazilian spill
Team Obama assumes Mitt Romney will be nominee — OK with that
Where in the world is Obama?
Thanksgiving tables show political divide
Europe’s woes drag on US recovery
Deficit supercommittee members expected to announce failure
First lady booed at NASCAR event
Mayor Bloomberg: Man arrested in plot to bomb police, troops
Rep. Kildee denies sex abuse allegations
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