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The Hill Articles: November 22, 2011
November 22
OVERNIGHT HEALTH: State regulators endorse controversial MLR changes
OVERNIGHT TECH: Outlook for AT&T/ T-Mobile deal grows bleaker
OVERNIGHT ENERGY: Energy security could be GOP debate theme
McKeon takes anti-DOD cuts message national
OVERNIGHT MONEY: Corzine heading to Capitol Hill next month
Reactions to supercommittee failure
Rep. Bachmann used to babysit Fox News host
Insurance commissioners back changes to healthcare law’s MLR standard
Homeland Security chairman urges ‘firm response’ on Iran
Bachmann book details intimate relationship with Israel
Report shows three in four states saw unemployment fall in October
Fed outlines new round of bank stress tests
Mark Kelly and daughters describe Giffords’s injury aftermath, recovery
House Energy panel to probe Keystone pipeline delay
Union targeting GOP lawmakers on FAA bill over Thanksgiving holiday
Kildee camp threatens legal action against accusers
Labor board chairman: GOP member has threatened to resign over union rule
Bachmann’s first thought on Romney: ‘Vice president’
Boehner: GOP willing to work with Obama on payroll tax
CBO: Obama stimulus helping economy
FCC chairman calls for administrative hearing on AT&T/T-Mobile deal
Senators’ Thanksgiving meal picks: No apple pie for Klobuchar, McCain wants a fried bird
Reid is right, but…
Think tank ad strikes Pentagon’s ‘outdated nuclear programs’
Partisanship in Washington even worse than it appears in the media, warns freshman senator
Pakistan’s ambassador to US resigns
McCain congratulates Braun on MVP award
Time for a militant centrist movement
Durbin: Obama right to stay ‘on the sidelines’ of supercommittee
Democrats join DOJ suit against Alabama immigration law
More hacked climate emails surface ahead of UN conference
Ron Paul should be given more time than Rick Perry in the foreign-policy debate
Gingrich would teach online course as president
Kansas attorney general urges FCC to kill AT&T/T-Mobile deal
GOP Rep. Issa rips ‘old guard’ Republicans
Retail groups file lawsuit over debit card swipe fees
Cybersecurity expert hails new DHS cyber chief
House, Senate signal more work on Iran sanctions bills
White House: ‘No wiggle room’ on Obama veto threat
Justice accused of withholding records on Kagan’s role in healthcare defense
Rep. Barney Frank: Supercommittee failure ‘good news’ for Dems
Romney’s list of possible VP picks includes SASC member Ayotte
Romney names Sen. Ayotte as VP option
Obama to GOP: Blocking payroll tax credit would violate tax pledge
Jason Segel, Kermit visit the White House
Big-name Dem donors to raise funds for Warren
Gingrich clarifies, but does not abandon, call for children to work as school janitors
Jason Segel, Kermit visit the White House
FCC’s Copps adds new wireline adviser
Protesters heckle Obama at New Hampshire speech
Obama heckled by protesters at New Hampshire speech
Hospitals, insurers would bear brunt of automatic Medicare cuts
Hensarling: Supercommittee failed after Dems refused entitlement reform, insisted on taxes
Nancy Pelosi hits the mother lode with the supercommittee failure!
Antoin ‘Tony’ Rezko sentenced to more than 10 years in prison
Democrat criticizes Obama for ‘4,200 pages’ of pending regulations
Solar companies to Fox News’s O’Reilly: We’ll help you go green
Who is Sen. Mikulski calling her ‘boyfriend?’
Sessions: Obama ‘irresponsible’ to not join deficit talks
Controversial Cain said he celebrated that his Lebanese doctor was Christian
Analyst: Keep defense cuts in place, avoid ‘exaggerated rhetoric’
THERE ARE NO CUTS! – The fallacy of baseline budgeting
AT&T must share documents with government witnesses, court rules
Cain slammed by influential group of Iowa conservatives
New report links costly extreme weather to climate change
Brewer takes another swing at Arizona redistricting chairman
Poll shows Romney with a commanding lead in New Hampshire
Anti-fraud program gets $9 million
Nebraska governor signs bills aimed at rerouting oil pipeline
Cain signs anti-abortion pledge, leaving Romney as sole GOP presidential outlier
Rising to top of GOP polls, Gingrich beefs up campaign staff
Jackson Lee: The Bush tax cuts are dead
Obama campaign blasts Romney New Hampshire ad as ‘deceitful, dishonest’
GAO tells Congress why federal IT projects succeed
Congress scrambles to assign blame for failed supercommittee
South Korea approves US trade deal
Med schools see record number of applicants
LaHood: Supercommittee failure ‘disappointing’
Sikorsky to lay off 3 percent of workers
Sen. Tester admits he can’t keep his glasses in place
Romney ad promises ‘smaller, simpler and smarter’ government
Embattled F-35 program quietly achieves another milestone
Every child deserves a family
Alabama congressional map gets Justice approval
News bites: 4.74 degrees of separation, says Facebook
DOJ reviewing banks for breaking antitrust laws with debit card fees
‘Occupy the highway’ group to arrive in DC
Commerce downgrades GDP third-quarter growth to 2 percent
House GOP to return to deregulation agenda next week
Supercommittee hidden agenda
News bites: Nebraska lawmakers set to vote on Keystone bills
The Rick Perry uprising
News bites: Upgrades to first class
Democrat gets clear field in Nevada House race
Gingrich: ‘Wage real cyber warfare’ to take down Iran’s regime
Toomey: Automatic cuts unfairly weighted in favor of Democrats
Durbin: Obama was ‘where he should be’ in supercommittee negotiations
News bites: The day after
Romney lays out attack in open letter to Obama
News bites: GOP candidates get grilled
Gingrich takes lead in fourth national poll
Poll: Heitkamp ahead of Berg in ND, but Obama trailing Romney
Congressional bust on deficit panel is a boon for lobbyists on K Street
GOP presidential field in DC as Obama touts jobs plan in Granite State
Insurers ‘terrified’ of Supreme Court ruling on healthcare reform law
Defense spending likely to dominate next GOP primary debate
Supercommittee failure gives both parties election-year ammunition
Retired general to serve as chairman of Dover review panel
Winners and losers emerge from supercommittee’s partisan stalemate
Debt panel was doomed from outset
Debt supercommittee dies
Panetta decries defense cuts, opposes plans to void them
Mitt Romney reveals eclectic music taste
Who is Sen. Mikulski calling her ‘boyfriend’?
SPOTTED: Rep. Aaron Schock (R-Ill.) at Founding Farmers
Senators’ Thanksgiving meal picks: No apple pie for Klobuchar, McCain wants a fried bird
Lobbying world
House Speaker mixes birthday with Turkey Day
Tester admits he can’t keep his glasses in place
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