The Hill Articles: October 11, 2011

October 11
Obama ‘heartbroken’ NBA season will be delayed House defeats Dem amendments to EPA bill Robert Davi Congressional Outlook: the Grim & the Good Obama ‘jobs’ bill on edge of failure in Senate A laugh riot Behind the Solyndra headlines: US solar energy is booming History is on the Occupiers’ side Make the case for or against Congress should play ‘Moneyball’ on trade Obama’s jobs plan blocked in Senate Republicans should stick to traditions Primary polls point to Romney Protests peril for Obama OVERNIGHT MONEY: Jobs bill blues What they’re fighting for House approves rule for FTAs Jobs bill vote held open while Senate waited for Shaheen Best deficit-reduction plan? Put Americans back to work Getting back to ‘Made in the USA’ Innovators of tomorrow need the freedom to pursue dreams Two men charged, Iran implicated, in bomb plot to kill Saudi ambassador Democrats raise big sums for House, Senate races in Florida OVERNIGHT TECH: Lawmakers to examine LightSquared’s impact on small businesses OVERNIGHT HEALTH: Looking to the supercommittee for answers Weyants World: October 12, 2011 Shaheen to fly in for jobs vote Dems protest as House begins considering FTA passage Gov. Christie: Romney believes ‘American pie’ can be bigger OVERNIGHT ENERGY: White House auto rules under the microscope White House uses Twitter, Facebook to highlight individual jobs bill supporters House to consider infrastructure bank proposal DAY’S END ROUNDUP Stabenow raises $1 million in quarter Manufacturing group continues campaign against surtax Coburn will be absent for weeks while recovering from prostate cancer surgery Perry campaign declines Romney invitation to repudiate pastor Coburn to be absent for weeks to recover from prostate cancer surgery White House auto rules under the microscope Jumping kids take over White House to try to break world record TSA grounds air cargo screening deadline Webb to vote to move forward Obama’s ‘jobs’ bill Obama: Passage of jobs bill means new ‘American Century’ Panetta: More cuts would be ‘mindless’ Lawmakers: Bombing plot shows Iran’s danger to US Gov. Christie: Romney is the ‘man we need to lead America’ Cantor urges White House to weigh in on China currency bill Kelsey Grammer set to play politician in new TV show, disputes story on potential mayoral run Moderate Senate Dems still grappling with Obama ‘jobs’ bill Sen. Hatch says right shouldn’t expect supercommittee to tackle healthcare law Committee chairman presses Salazar to testify on gas ‘fracking’ Waxman’s draft of supercommittee recommendations includes spectrum auctions Waxman urges supercommittee to leave Medicaid and Medicare alone, extend drug rebates Holder: U.S. is ‘committed to holding Iran accountable’ Cain: I’m ‘going after Romney’ at Tuesday debate, Obama has ‘never been a part of the black experience in America’ Betty White announces her presidential run on late-night show Chamber to score vote on Obama jobs bill Rep. Waxman urges ‘supercommittee’ to adopt efficiency, export measures Betty White says she’s making presidential run on late-night show House Dem says GOP veterans bill violates Norquist tax pledge McConnell says Obama’s ‘jobs’ bill designed to fail Michelle Obama’s campaign promotes jumping jacks Obama’s ‘jobs’ bill designed to fail says McConnell Schumer predicts jobs bill won’t receive any GOP votes Government overreach at the breakfast table Bachmann packages jobs plan ahead of economic debate Requirements within the Lobbying Disclosure Act NH secretary of state feels “no pressure” for Jan. primary Romney faces increased scrutiny over shared healthcare advisers At 89, Norman Lear still pushing for the ‘American Way’ Voters share blame for gridlock in Congress, Dem leader says Giuliani rules out 2012 presidential run Cantor shifts tone on Wall Street protesters, calls frustration ‘justified’ FTC chairman shares lawmakers’ privacy concerns about Facebook Debate offers risks, rewards for Cain Six protesters arrested at Senate Hart Building Levin: Repatriation helps few corporations at expense of many LaHood, Mica and former transportation chairman Oberstar to speak at Florida event White House braces for defeat of jobs bill President’s jobs council report mirrors venture capitalist demands for FDA reform Economist Zandi: Recession odds high even with jobs bill Obama planning to watch Tigers-Rangers game instead of GOP debate Former congressman at DC power-lunch spot Sen. Lieberman says Occupy Wall Street should copy Tea Party tactics Democrats land top recruits in two GOP-heavy districts A question for candidates: Is Alabama your America? Green groups sue Obama administration for scuttling ozone rule Capitol Hill Agenda: Oct. 11, 2011 Administration touts early success of Medicare/Medicaid coordination DNC chairwoman: Occupy Wall Street embodies how ‘working people feel’ Jon Huntsman’s big debate moment Another Republican enters Senate race in Wisconsin Senate Dems look to prohibit racial profiling Daley plans to return to Chicago after election Sen. Coburn undergoes prostate cancer treatment Cain says he ‘left the Democratic plantation a long time ago’ Obama’s jobs council gives cautious endorsement to Keystone pipeline Obama jobs council offers up proposals appealing to GOP Grassley urges Issa to continue investigation into Holder Wisconsin Democrats announce bid to recall Gov. Walker File-sharing application settles with FTC Congress needs to shut down rogue websites Couric ‘chomping at the bit’ to start new ABC gig Regulators roll out Volcker Rule regulations Lingle set to announce Hawaii Senate bid FDA earns plaudits for flexible approach to approval of drugs for rare diseases News Bites: RIM restores BlackBerry service Cain: ‘No comparison’ between Occupy Wall Street protests and Tea Party California GOP looks to pull back millions in high-speed rail funding Rick Perry prepares for Tuesday debate White House fast-tracks environmental review of 14 infrastructure projects Rick Perry should apologize to Mitt Romney Most litigious nation in the world Tuesday debate could be make-or-break for Gov. Perry’s presidential hopes White House adviser: ‘Overwhelming’ Dem support for jobs bill News bites: Bill of Rights Wisconsin groups will push to recall Gov. Walker Poll: Cain closing gap on Romney in Iowa Poll: Romney, Cain in dead heat in Virginia Tuesday: Currency, jobs, trade Reid defends Senate rule change Plouffe: Wall Street protests sign people are ‘frustrated’ with economy News bites: Bratislava watch McMahon spotlights female-owned businesses News bites: Obama administration assails medical marijuana News bites: A Gulf oil mystery, tumultuous days for global energy, and more States press for delay of EPA mercury rule Chris Chocola: ‘Uniquely effective’ Taiwan lobbyists pressure White House to approve sale of F-16 fighter jets Bachmann’s team fights perception that presidential campaign is floundering For President Obama, it’s business vs. base MORNING READ Obama campaign memo warns Congress on jobs bill votes Senate report says repatriation tax holiday failed to create jobs in US Business Roundtable picks corporate honchos for panels Holder has hit new low, Issa charges GOP field largely silent on ‘Fast and Furious’ Dems scramble to save face on jobs bill Warren raises $3.15M, doubling Brown’s haul Army: Budget cuts are opportunity House Republicans expect bipartisan support for the trade assistance bill