The Hill Articles: October 13, 2011

October 13
Under Contract Reg Watch Appointments House panel approves bill to shed excess federal properties House passes anti-abortion bill Boosting America — and creating jobs— through free trade Google’s big bet on a mobile future GOP abortion bill passes House Reform the farm bill, agricultural regulation at the same time Scott Pelley, Billie Jean King, Janelle Monae on White House state dinner guest list Hydraulic fracturing has been done safely for years Senate to take up appropriations bill en bloc next week Tanning tax falls short of early expectations Ron Paul says he will not join other candidates in boycotting Nevada caucus Barney Frank says he made a mistake calling for curb to Geithner’s travel Cain says campaign debt free and hiring staff, but does not give specific fundraising numbers OVERNIGHT ENERGY: Republicans set to hear from Treasury on Solyndra Rogue 24: Breaking rules never tasted so good. McCaskill raises $1.2 million in third quarter CA primary opponents Berman, Sherman split on trade votes My new hero from Omaha OVERNIGHT TECH: AT&T fighting to save T-Mobile deal High-tech lynching, part II Weyatnt’s World: October 14, 2011 OVERNIGHT HEALTH: GOP raises privacy issues with Obama health law A peek inside the Korean State Dinner menu Hoyer says abortion bill violates GOP principles OVERNIGHT MONEY: Leaders take tour of Motor City Ways and Means passes repeal of tax provision Gingrich joins Huntsman in threat to boycott Nevada caucus Telemundo to host December GOP debate DAY’S END ROUNDUP Sec. Clinton asked to intervene on subpoena for oral histories of IRA members GOP rejects Dems’ call for Energy Department witness at Solyndra hearing South Korean leader thanks Congress for free-trade vote Lawmakers file bill to give local transit systems funding ‘flexibility’ Obama tries to stay dry at outdoor ceremony with South Korean leader FCC’s Genachowski under pressure on reform of $8 billion phone fund GOP claims Obama administration wants your medical records LaHood won’t serve in second Obama term DNC ad blames GOP for ‘delay’ of jobs bill in Congress Armed Services panel leaders warn supercommittee against defense cuts Rick Perry ‘brutalized’ by own party over his faith, says wife Bill would force firms to disclose data on 4G wireless service Rep. Ryan says to follow Canada’s lead on cutting taxes Obama calls wrongfully convicted 52-year-old ahead of boxing debut Dems use Amtrak ridership numbers in privatization fight Lawmaker mixes up ‘Korea’ and ‘Carolina’ House GOP counters Dems’ proposed cuts to legislative branch Senate confirms new US ambassador to South Korea Watchdog sues SEC in push for FOIA documents FCC: AT&T has given ‘almost nothing’ to support jobs claims House panel slogs through on postal reform bill Paul Ryan ‘loves’ Cain’s ‘specific and credible’ 9-9-9 plan Airline offers 9-9-9 vacation package Embattled Solyndra CEO resigns Senate Republicans present Obama with counteroffer on jobs Lawmaker mixes up ‘Korea’ and ‘Carolina’ Iran planning ‘Kristallnacht in Farsi,’ suggests GOP senator LaHood to lawmakers: Pass transportation portions of the jobs act Barbour says wife would vote for Cain if primary was held today New union ads push Obama jobs agenda Reps. Conyers, Lewis balk at Obama’s position on Iran Setting deportation priorities is legal and wise
 Condoleezza Rice debuts on Twitter Bachmann: Cain’s 9-9-9 ‘not a jobs plan’ Senate confirms controversial Obama judicial nominee House adjourns until South Korean President Lee’s remarks Joint Chiefs chairman raises concerns about cost of three F-35 models Obama on Iran: ‘pattern of reckless and dangerous behavior’ Obama to attend college hoops game on aircraft carrier Demonstrators arrested at Defense Secretary Panetta’s testimony House Democrats want deficit panel to find ‘significant’ new revenues Obama tries to stay dry at outdoor ceremony with South Korean leader Why Keystone XL is not in the national interest House votes to advance abortion bill Political costume sales not so bewitching this Halloween Perry defends Texas malpractice limits Cain book debuts on NY Times bestseller list Public-sector union launches ads for Obama jobs bill Obama: ‘we’re not going to create a lot of theater’ with GOP on jobs bill Scott Brown’s Senate website featured language lifted from Elizabeth Dole Obama challenges GOP to offer jobs plan Obama: Iranian government knew of assassination plot, no options off table Bono Mack seeks attention of Chairman Upton on data security Durbin scores underwear bomber’s guilty plea as Democratic victory Obama, Romney campaigns spar over trade policy Hastings alleges political timing behind Interior’s oil spill citations Clinton expects Obama to win second term but won’t work in administration House Dems propose legislative branch cost-cutting measures Boehner keeps hopes modest for supercommittee McCain says GOP will counter jobs plan votes with own proposals Anti-war protesters interrupt House hearing Kaine outraises Allen again in VA Senate race Rep. Speier calls House GOP ‘misogynist’ for bringing up abortion bill USPS not pleased with overpayment report Dem: House GOP ‘misogynist’ for bringing up abortion bill Interior rebuffs call to bar BP from lease sale Graham on Iran’s regime: ‘I think they’re crazy’ Senate worker to offices: ‘It’s clean-up time!’ Barney Frank: Have Geithner fly commercial to help cut the deficit Trade deficit narrows, hits record high with China California insurer to give back $295 million Ford CEO praises passage of Korea trade deal Program for rural docs has more than doubled under Obama Pfeiffer observes ‘weird obsession’ with vice presidential replacement rumors Norquist: Cain 9-9-9 plan more dangerous than current code Herman Cain has peaked Rep. Issa: Holder was ‘dodging’ in ‘Fast and Furious’ testimony Can common sense prevail? Poll shows Menendez on thin ice in NJ Leader McConnell welcomes South Korean president House Dem pleads for GOP leaders to bring up currency bill Huntsman to boycott Nevada caucus unless it bows to NH Cain names Jim DeMint, Paul Ryan as possible 2012 vice presidential picks Romney earns support of Arizona sheriff tough on border security Reid says the only jobs Republican senators care about are their own House panel votes to toughen Medicaid eligibility requirements GOP lawmaker says Scarlett Johansson hacking shows need for legislation House Dems call on Holder to investigate bank fee hikes Clinton helps Letterman make fun of Leno Duckworth, Krishnamoorthi rake in the money ahead of competitive IL primary Dinner with Rep. Bono Mack? Don’t serve cooked liver Reid: Republican senators only care about their own jobs Al Gore backs Occupy Wall Street protests BP won’t address oil spill report findings at committee hearing Dem says abortion bill kills promise to let people keep current coverage First-time jobless claims drop slightly Huntsman: I’d rather lead in early primary state polls than national polls Sen. McCain suggests hotel to Prince Harry Walk the stairs Lawmakers seek to strip citizenship from people supporting terrorism against U.S. News bites: Demolition men News bites: Officials in Perry’s administration edited climate report DCCC touts recruitment wins News bites: My way or the highway LaHood to speak Thursday at National Press Club Poll: Voters prefers Dems, but GOP better on economy Bachmann blames Obama for weakness on Iran Thursday: Abortion bill next in the House Sen. Corker: Only progress on deficit reduction or job creation will come from supercommittee News bites: BlackBerry service improving Van Hollen: Keep ‘plugging away’ on jobs bill News bites: Private plans want to take over dual eligibles’ care Obama campaign reports raising $70 million in third quarter GAO suggests Postal Service did not pay too much into retirement program Key races to watch as third quarter fundraising numbers dribble in Friendly fire hits Boehner on Dodd-Frank reform law Anxious Dems want party leaders to embrace balanced-budget measure Obama’s struggles mirror Nelson’s Sen. Schumer gets the last laugh over President Obama on tax rates MORNING READ Justice Dept. sues Transocean to force cooperation in Gulf rig blast probe President gets win as trade deals pass Rep. Paul to meet with French anti-immigration party leader Obama team zeroes in on Romney High price means high stakes for Rep. West Senate overwhelmingly approves free trade agreements Perry backers worry time is running short Lawmakers sound warning on Iran, give Obama latitude in response to plot House GOP calls on Obama administration to explore Iran, Mexico drug cartel connections