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The Hill Articles: October 19, 2011
October 19
Leadership abandons amendment votes for Wednesday night
Biden: Republicans protect the rich at expense of teachers, responders
Inside the Office of Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah): Alisia Essig
Charter schools — the smart answer to public education
Cain has more than one gold tie
Rubio salutes each of his interns, formally
Simple, homey Mexican
President has no love for the Kardashians
Senator joins the ‘nerds’
Obama not first to use ‘country first’ slogan
Spotted: Albright, staffer hail a cab outside the Capitol
The Senate settles into period of silence
Senators send out not-so-sweet Halloween card
Delayed votes suggest strife over ‘minibus’ amendments
OVERNIGHT HEALTH: Cain endorses healthcare ‘replace’ plan
OVERNIGHT TECH: US wants details on Chinese Web bans
Time to get off the bus
50 million will march
Sen. Crapo looks to limit CFTC rules
Dem senator: GOP hears about hiring teachers when ‘not going to their country clubs’
Weyants World: October 20, 2011
Need a jobs plan? Look online
House Dems demand answers from Issa on travel request denial
OVERNIGHT ENERGY: Senate panel queries EPA on gas ‘fracking’
OVERNIGHT MONEY: Joe Biden heads to New Hampshire
Dutko Grayling looks for fresh start as ‘lobbying firm-plus’
Bivens scores second big endorsement in Ariz. Senate race
US seeks information on China censorship of American websites
Cain would ‘feel comfortable’ leaving nomination to Gingrich or Romney
Bill would send Justin Bieber to prison, group says
Obama tells crowd ‘the whole goal is to marry up’
Sen. McCaskill crafting legislation to crack down on waste in war zones
Farm groups try to shape supercommittee payment cuts
House Democrats urge quick access to generic drugs in pending trade deal
Natalie Cole threatens to beat Congress up
NRCC ad has ‘a problem’
Obama buys pumpkins during surprise farmer’s market visit
Sen. Grassley not endorsing for 2012, says Iowa GOP too divided
GOP senators hold hostage Obama’s public printer nominee over vacant NLRB slot
The gang that couldn’t shoot straight
AirTran to charge overweight passengers for two seats
DOJ probes campaign finance claims against Rep. Buchanan
Rifts harden over budget process reform
Senate GOP looks to exempt animal waste from EPA rules
Wall Street Journal takes on Amtrak on ridership numbers
Poll: Half of Americans believe Obama doesn’t deserve reelection
GOP lawmaker pushes Reid to move more quickly on Defense bill
Federal budget must prioritize opportunities, not arrests, for our young people.
Poll: Republican Lingle could win Hawaii Senate race
Trump on Obama: Campaigning is ‘frankly all he’s good at’
Sen. McCaskill says Twitter helped her lose 50 pounds
Senate Democrats will hold vote Friday on $35 billion jobs bill
Reid accuses Republicans of keeping ‘economy weak’ to defeat Obama
After eight debates, the GOP hopefuls get personal in Vegas
Solar manufacturer presses Obama administration to investigate China
House committee takes ‘first step’ on legalized online gambling
Increase in housing starts could portend improving market
Fed: Economy growing slightly as concerns remain
TSA solicits passengers for ‘Pre-Check’ program
Supercommittee gets advice from Gang of Six
Focus on the Solyndra default distracts from the benefits of solar
Gingrich: Obama defeat is the chance to stop America’s leftward slide
The lessons of prohibition
U.S. should abandon support of SCAF
NRCC targets Garamendi with small ad buy
Priebus: 2012 will be ‘most important election of our lifetime’
GAO avoids layoffs amid budget shortfall
Corporate group asks supercommittee for tax reform progress
After eight debates, the GOP hopefuls get personal in Vegas
Firefighters urge Congress to pass Obama first-responders jobs measure in new ad
Sen. Inhofe hopes to sway Perry camp on Yucca nuke site
Sen. Paul shuts down education hearing, demands time on No Child Left Behind
Durbin presses Wells Fargo on new fees amid rising profits
Rockefeller asks FTC for report on privacy implications of facial recognition technology
Firefighters run multi-state ad in support of Obama’s first-responders, teachers bill
NJ Rep. Pallone likes new Bon Jovi restaurant
Obama campaign manager: Romney ‘has no credibility’ on middle-class issues
Perry to call for flat tax in economic plan
Paul campaign hammers GOP front-runners on TARP support
West counters Obama: MLK would not have backed Wall Street protests
Hatch: ‘Maybe I look like a terrorist’
President Obama has no love for the Kardashians
A woman wronged
McCain’s beautification legislation crashes in Senate
Paul says deep budget cuts needed to preserve national security, prevent violent protests
House Republicans slow to back health bill endorsed by candidate Herman Cain
Feingold endorses Baldwin in Wis.
Senate confirms Mariani nomination
Liberals hit GOP Rep. Mica for taking credit for FAA grant
Reid: ‘Private-sector jobs have been doing just fine’
Obama campaign manager: ‘It’s going to be a close election’
Tax group: 9-9-9 raises taxes for 84 percent
Citigroup pays $285M for selling, and betting against, iffy mortgage package
More Americans support legalizing marijuana than oppose it
Mortgage applications dropped sharply last week
McConnell: Dems creating ‘political theater’
Report: DOJ turns to outside help in AT&T suit
Reid seeking vote on Commerce nominee
Abortion rights foes shift attention to Senate
DNC targets Romney for ‘flip-flopping’ following debate
Obama pledges to keep fighting for jobs bill, veterans
NH congressional Republicans call for Nevada caucus boycott
Pryor puts hold on all Treasury nominees
Energy efficiency programs have real value
Trade can bridge the partisan divide
Congressman: Regulators risk making a ‘debacle’ out of bipartisan health law provision
GAO: Fed needs to be more transparent about its directors
US should repudiate Shariah law in Libya
LaHood defends road beautification ahead of Senate funding vote
Romney campaign slams Obama for lowered grade
McGovern, Olver could face primary in new MA map
Spotted: Albright, staffer hail a cab outside Capitol
White House needs to send a thank-you note
Rhetoric or reality at FERC
Economic health
Reid signals government jobs must take priority over private-sector jobs
Social Security recipients’ benefits hiked
McConnell: If the GOP wanted the economy to fail, it would support Obama’s policies
Murkowski: Don’t ‘pull the plug’ on energy loans after Solyndra
McConnell: Obama ‘out there doing his best Howard Dean impersonation’
Consumer groups file complaint against PepsiCo over teen marketing
GOP rips Dem silence on anti-Semitism in Wall Street protests
Huntsman hits Romney, Obama on financial reform
News bites: Setting the pace
News bites: iPhone sales down because of 4S anticipation
House could repeal 3 percent withholding rule next week
Bachmann picks up endorsement on ‘date’ with Wayne Newton
Cain only has three staffers in New Hampshire, but new super-PAC could help efforts
Paul ad goes after Perry, Cain, Romney on TARP
Cain: Banks ‘want to help people, they really do’
News bites: Axelrod credits Romney healthcare plan
News bites: Miracle hunting
Obama: We’ll find those who ‘screwed up’ Fast and Furious operation
Wednesday: Senate to vote on highway beautification
News bites: Steven Chu hits climate skeptics, Big Oil spends big in Iraq, and more
Trump says Obama has been a ‘total and complete disaster’
Coburn: Give Congress deadline for tax reform
GOP senators angry about Reid claim that they’re rooting for economic failure
Questions sparked on CBO reform
President Obama’s strategy on jobs is working — even if Americans aren’t
Tea Party’s ‘anybody but Obama’ attitude benefits Mitt Romney in general election
Iowa the make-or-break state, Santorum says after debate
Romney campaign makes Perry the top target after debate
Candidates go for jugular in testy debate
Cain backtracks on trading Gitmo prisoners
Romney: Nevada ‘ought to have the final say’ on Yucca nuclear waste dump
GOP candidates compare themselves to Obama
Romney: ‘I didn’t get the job done’ lowering healthcare costs as governor
Perry, Romney tread carefully on ‘Mormon question’
Romney, Santorum mix it up over healthcare
Romney vs. Perry on immigration at GOP debate
Immigration sparks war of words between Romney, Perry at debate
Santorum, Romney set feisty tone for GOP debate
GOP candidates pile on Herman Cain in testy Las Vegas debate
GOP looks at international tax revamp
Democratic, GOP lawmakers clash on language for terrorist detainees
Obama’s ICE reports record number of deportations of illegal immigrants
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