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The Hill Articles: October 21, 2011
October 21
Orrin Hatch: Occupy Wall Street just wants to cause problems
Panetta: Iraq is ready to ‘defend itself’
GOP lawmakers urge Republicans to steer clear of ‘birtherism’ in 2012
Herman Cain wins straw poll in Nevada
Former SC Gov. Mark Sanford joins Fox News
State unemployment rates stable
Ron Paul: Tuesday’s GOP debate was ‘disgusting
Exxon knocks Dems’ ‘pandering’ to supercommittee on taxes
Gov. McDonnnell will join Romney at Virginia event next week
Rubio praises 2012 presidential field, lists strengths for Huntsman, Perry, Romney
A closer look at next week…
Cantor: We need a ‘Steve Jobs’ plan
Carney shows Will Ferrell around White House
Issa has ‘work to do’ to make list of funny tweets
Anti-abortion rights group blasts Cain
It’s time to start over on long-term care
Mexico drops remaining tariffs on U.S. products following trucks dispute
Cain: Abortion should be illegal, but families will decide whether to break the law in ‘heat of the moment’
Obama declares Iraq war over with all US troops home at year’s end
Senate Armed Services chairman says risk in Iraq remains after December
Report: Bachmann’s New Hampshire staff resigns en masse
Wall Street protests force Cantor to cancel economic speech
DNC slams Romney on foreclosures
Cain: Critics of 9-9-9 ‘didn’t read my plan’
Senate confirms two to U.S. Trade Representative’s office
Senators would require travel websites to list health risks of travel destinations
Cain opens up double-digit lead in Iowa, Perry fifth in latest poll
Conservative group: Obama’s tax-the-wealthy pitch paying off
Giffords records final chapter for audio book
Anne Toth named head of privacy for Google+
Romney: Obama puts Iraq victory ‘at risk’
Paul raises more than $2.5 million in ‘media blackout’ moneybomb
Poll: More blame GOP for ‘do-nothing’ Congress
Tea Party Nation poll shows 52 percent will vote for Romney if he is GOP nominee
Federal appeals court backs rule to protect national forests
Sen. Graham: I ‘fear’ total withdrawal from Iraq will come back to haunt US
Liberal group jumps on Rubio controversy in attack video
With schedule change, GOP will hold 3 Iowa debates in 9 days
Clinton to testify next week on Afghanistan, Pakistan
Poll: Ohio Senate race tightening up
Senate Dems try again with third jobs bill
LaHood lauds Amtrak ridership record
House Democrats request second meeting with DeMarco
Let states legalize online gambling to stimulate the economy
The U.S. needs a proactive approach to wildfire
Senate bill would make selling fake maple syrup a felony offense
House to vote on Rep. Black bill paring down health law’s Medicaid expansion
Markey, Interior at odds over BP
Obama: US troops home from Iraq by the end of year
Lawmakers travel to Canada to take on EU emissions trading for flights
‘Noble experiment’ draws delight, chagrin from Senate leaders
Defections by Senate Dems hamper Obama’s message on jobs
Book: Obama sends personal checks in response to mail
CNBC schedules Michigan GOP debate
Dozens pack bologna for protest
Michelle Obama tweets for the first time
Sen. Jon Kyl hires renowned GOP lobbyist as his chief of staff
Senate approves bump in funding for trade office; three accords signed
Rep. Kucinich: Bridge report shows need for new monetary policy
Cain: Those under poverty line won’t pay income tax in 9-9-9 plan
Interior approves first BP drilling plan for Gulf of Mexico since 2010 oil spill
Union chief says Cain’s economic plan ‘almost laughable’
Energy defends loans for electric cars
Perry and Santorum going pheasant hunting with Rep. Steve King in Iowa
Conyers concerned over spectrum plan’s impact on Detroit
Constitution Project warns against bill stripping US citizenship
LightSquared harms GPS
The US needs a proactive approach to wildfire
Congressman’s staff races toward marathon finish line
Cain clarifies abortion comments as Santorum continues attack
Gallup: Obama’s latest approval ratings ‘the worst of his administration’
House panel probing contaminated cantaloupes linked to outbreak
Maximum limits for government-backed loans clears the Senate
Showdown over Nevada caucus pits state vs. national GOP
The man with the golden gun
Senate confirms trade, financial nominations
Employees lose coverage as unemployment rises, report shows
Ron Paul and Rick Perry lobbied for energy subsidies they oppose in the Republican reign of hypocrisy
Huntsman’s brilliant tactic
RNC chairman calls on Nevada to move caucus date
First lady sends first tweet
GOP chides Senate for rejecting withholding-tax repeal
Rep. Walsh: Boehner doesn’t want me around
Sen. Levin: US should threaten to cut ties with Pakistan over terrorism
Operation Libya a success — now go home
Rubio slams latest Obama jobs proposal
News bites: Details from Steve Jobs biography revealed
News bites: Tower power
Perry in DC to meet with lobbyists Friday
Sen. McCain: Obama administration deserves small credit for Gadhafi
Jindal breaks with Perry on tuition credits for illegal immigrants
NATO mission in Libya to end soon, commander says
Cain to clarify 9-9-9 plan in Detroit
News bites: Back to the drawing board
News bites: ABC questions Energy Dept. auto loans, and more
Romney says Obama deserves credit for Gadhafi killing
News bites: Everyday low benefits as Wal-Mart rolls back coverage
Social media giants share 2012 tips with GOP
Iowa conservatives see Romney snub
Senate adjourns for recess
A weary Senate agrees to move ‘minibus’
Friday morning: Vote-O-rama still in full swing
Senate clears amendment to block millionaires from receiving subsidies
A list of Thursday night’s amendment votes
Vote-O-rama begins in Senate
Senate blocks new Obama jobs bill
Senators brace for late night of votes
Test votes on rival ‘jobs’ bill set for Thursday night
Foreign aid shouldn’t be first thing on the chopping block
Key Senate votes still in limbo
House, Senate Dems’ fundraising for September tops GOP’s
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