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The Hill Articles: October 28, 2011
October 28
Bachmann: Perry supporters behind calls for her to drop 2012 run
Cain to discuss healthcare vision next week on Capitol Hill
House to take up wireless tax bill next week
Contractors: Ban on political giving is unconstitutional
Oregon candidates pound the pavement in new and new-old ads
Perry ad touts economic plan, Forbes endorsement
President’s jobs bill is trailblazing policy for the real job creators
A closer look at next week…
Investing in America’s families,communities, and economy
Pelosi on low congressional approval: Congress has always been ‘the object of mockery’
AFL chief: Dems conceded too much
GOP bill would affirm ‘In God We Trust’ as national motto
Cain smoking ad brings flood of donations
White House to review energy loan programs as subpoena looms
Huntsman campaign video: Romney flips like a toy monkey
Huntsman daughters spoof Cain ad, blow bubbles instead of smoke
Senate poised to take up $60 billion infrastructure spending package
Cain says he opposes all federal student aid
Country singer says latest song inspired by Rep. Giffords
Lawmaker offers help to Iraqi war veteran hurt in Oakland fray
TSA to fire worker for leaving a sex note
Deficit Dems conceded more than at fiscal commission, liberals say
Rob Garagiola makes Maryland House run official
Lawmakers demand answers on user data from Facebook
House panel to vote on White House subpoena for Solyndra documents
Lawmakers look to create separate regulatory system for small automakers
White House stands by chief of staff’s remarks
In a position shift, Romney says the cause of climate change is unknown
Bipartisan duo lead opposition to supercommittee tax on health benefits
RNC chief blames media for badgering Perry with ‘birther’ issue
Justin Bieber: Sen. Klobuchar should be ‘put away in cuffs’
Justin Bieber: Sen. Klobuchar should be ‘put away in cuffs’
Consumers spend more despite stagnant incomes
Santorum accuses Perry of ‘hiding from the public’
Huntsman on rival Romney: He’s a ‘perfectly lubricated weathervane’
Rep. Blumenauer to re-air 1990s ad he says GOP candidate copied
Big 12 adds WVU despite McConnell lobbying for Louisville
Iran sanctions bills to be marked up next week
Obama pokes at Congress, flexes executive muscle
Senate subcommittees to examine financial issues next week
Sierra Club to Obama: Help us help you
Herman Cain: Obama’s weakness emboldens ‘so-called Palestinian people’
House Democrats spend week on food stamps
Obama orders federal labs to help businesses create new products
Poll: Support for war in Afghanistan at all-time low
Struggling Huntsman to give energy speech Nov. 1
House GOP, Dems seek to block Obama administration cuts to imaging reimbursement
Debunking three myths about the debt deal
Report uncovers DUI arrests, campaign suspension on Cain chief of staff
Tycoon insists he’s a bird lover
Why we need to protect the Land and Water Conservation Fund
Billionaire businessman Huntsman Sr. defends son’s campaign
Congress reasserts its role in labor law
Senior Dem blames gridlock in Congress on ‘outliers’
Bachmann files primary paperwork in SC, via her husband
Ron Paul should run for president as a third-party candidate
Obama: Europe must solve financial crisis ‘as soon as possible’
Incentivizing entrepreneurship
Boycott the debates
Like father, like daughter — one bundler begets another
News bites: Calling bluffs
News bites: HP ditches plans to spin off PC unit
News bites: Solyndra spotlight shines on Chu
Poll: GOP looks today like it did in 2008
News bites: Build transportation and they will come?
Paul denounces criticism of his student loan plan as ‘reckless’
House set to ease SEC rules on capital formation
Healthcare law’s popularity hits new low
Rep. Lee blames police for violence at Oakland Occupy Wall St. protest
Gingrich calls Obama student loan proposal a ‘Ponzi scheme’
Cain to slow campaign pace to avoid gaffes
Follow Friday: @boblatta
Watchdog Isaa seeks new role other than hounding Obama
Justice amps up enforcement of law on foreign advocacy
Trade groups say reporting rule for injuries, amputations is a job-killer
Taxpayer advocate battles bureaucracy
Cantor keeps peace among chairmen
Infrastructure legislation on agenda despite Boxer’s doubts
Liberals get ‘deja vu’ and complain Dems have bungled in debt talks
House schedule too light, say Democrats
Bachmann doubling down on Iowa
Space technology: A critical investment for our nation’s future
Perry plan to skip debates is a gamble
Boehner rejects Dem debt proposal
Reg Watch
Under Contract
McConnell says Senate should take up 3 percent withholding rule next week
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