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The Hill Articles: October 4, 2011
October 4
Lobbying World
Dem unity, minus Obama
What’s at stake in the cloud?
Mandy Moore
In defense of political consultants
Florida steps on Iowans’ Advent
Capitol Police Files
White House accuses McConnell of ‘political stunt’ with jobs bill maneuver
Keep Americans warm this winter
Investing in energy technologies will increase US global competitiveness
Dead on
Innovated in the US, made in China
We need ‘all of the above’ strategy for future of US energy production
Obama errors benefit GOP
Sen. Sanders on raising Medicare age to cut deficit: ‘Ain’t gonna happen’
Santorum: Perry ‘showed poor judgement’ with racially-offensive ranch name
Gary Johnson: Marijuana smokers may be ‘largest untapped voting bloc in the country’
Reid sets stage for next vote on China currency bill
Brinkmanship on air safety bill must stop
OVERNIGHT HEALTH: Supercommittee lobbying intensifies
Making progress on school meals
OVERNIGHT TECH: Energy and Commerce subpanel to review children’s privacy law
Santorum weighs in on Perry’s ranch controversy
OVERNIGHT ENERGY: NRC chief to discuss lessons learned from Japan nuke disaster
GOP co-opts Obama’s Twitter campaign
New York City gets authority to use buses for Occupy Wall Street arrests
Weyants World: October 5, 2011
Obama cabinet member: Perry flaming out
Poll: Nelson still unpopular in Florida, but trounces GOP candidates
OVERNIGHT MONEY: Trade deals teed up in the House
CBO: A third of 2012 deficit cyclical
Alec Baldwin wants to ‘hang’ with Christie
House E&C panel asks GAO to review security of communications networks
Small business owners support bold policies to spur innovation
Congress needs to investigate a corrupt Palestine Investment Fund
Schumer to Boehner: ‘heed your own chamber’
TSA begins testing ‘known-traveler’ program at four airports
Walden rejects ‘arbitrary deadlines’ for spectrum bill
DOD delivers mixed industrial base assessment to Congress
Bachmann: Now that Christie’s made his decision ‘I think the table is set’
House Democrats could offer amendments to Colombia trade deal
Schumer attacks Boehner over threat to blockade China currency bill
Top appropriators moving forward on 2012 spending
Liberal group opposes corporate tax holiday
Obama’s Centrist Switch
Government craziness
White House targets lawmaker for criticizing solar energy loans
Pentagon names new cyber chief
McConnell moves to force vote on Obama’s jobs bill
Rep. Shimkus criticizes Obama for defending Solyndra loan
Apple unveils updated iPhone 4
Reid blocks attempt by McConnell to vote on president’s jobs bill
Sen. Paul to meet with pipeline officials over bill he’s blocking
Bill aims to boost tourism, jolt U.S. economy
Poll: Cain leads GOP field in three states; Gingrich surging
House Dem: Hank Williams Jr. comments show ‘racist hatred’
LaHood touts odometer fraud cases
Consumer groups bash industry proposal to reform phone fund
Amid struggles, Bachmann heads to New Hampshire
Rep. Shimkus criticizes Obama for defending Solyndra loan: ‘I can’t believe he said that’
Romney defends debate audience for expressing views through booing, cheering
California senators to Rand Paul: Stop blocking pipeline safety bill
Rep. Berkley: ‘Shame’ on senators who opposed China currency bill
Cain: ‘I could be persuaded’ homosexuality is not a choice
Hoyer: Grand bargain still possible on deficit
Warren Buffett says he will release his tax return if Rupert Murdoch does
Huntsman threatens boycott of Univision Republican presidential debate
Senate GOP to force vote on Obama jobs bill
Gingrich a big fan of ‘The Hangover’
Obama signs stopgap spending bill after House passage
Huntsman campaign praises Christie as ‘tremendous public servant’
Senators call for crackdown on drug abuse in Medicare plan
House committee to investigate FEMA’s late change to its budget estimate
Sen. Bingaman planning hearing on clean-energy investment
Norquist: GOP lawmaker’s criticism ‘beneath him’
GOP Rep. Wolf rips Norquist, tax pledge
Christie: ‘The answer was never anything but no’
Rep. Frank: Keeping troops in Iraq past withdrawal date ‘totally unacceptable’
House GOP says delaying EPA rules better than Obama’s jobs plan
Christie: Now is not my time to run
GOP senator calls on Dem leadership to bring Obama’s jobs bill to the floor
McCain lashes out at Holder over Fast and Furious memos
GOP Senate candidate in Michigan raises $750K
House GOP freshmen slam Reid, Senate for inaction on budget
Durbin keeps up pressure on banks to explain fees
Long-awaited report finds next-wave biofuels unlikely to meet energy targets
Durbin says Obama’s jobs bill will likely need changes for Congress to pass
FCC chairman to unveil rural Internet plan Thursday
Potential losers in dollar-bill-versus-coin debate: Strippers
Governor Christie won’t run for president, Republican source says
House GOP freshmen push Senate to hold a budget vote
Tea Party lawmaker opposes NC anti-gay marriage amendment
Business group urges supercommittee to remember small businesses
Flight 3407 families enlist lawmakers to pressure Obama on pilot-fatigue rules
AMA wants supercommittee to limit malpractice suits
Cain says some black voters aren’t ‘savable’
Cleaver: Obama’s ‘tough’ talk firing up the base
GOP Rep Wolf rips Norquist, tax pledge
Groups urge supercommittee to scrap reform law’s Medicare board
In Texas remarks, Obama targets Cantor
House Dems condemn GOP’s tripling of Defense of Marriage lawyer contract
Republicans target Obama in Missouri Senate race
Democratic Rep. Costello to retire
Dem Rep. Costello to retire, giving GOP opening for his seat
Group says AT&T hid too much info about T-Mobile deal
Obama campaign announces ‘Tweet for Jobs’
Conrad, Sessions vow to work together for two-year budgeting
US foreign policy to refocus on Asia
Obama’s stimulus a ‘national punch line’ says minority leader
Ford, auto union reach labor agreement
Boehner: Senate’s China currency bill a ‘dangerous’ move
Wisconsin GOP Senate field getting crowded
Obama administration must act now to stop Darfur’s genocidal mastermind, Omar al-Bashir
Bingaman: Emissions question on shale gas must be settled
Hank Williams, Barack Obama, Adolf Hitler
Rep. Stearns: US ‘can’t compete with China’ on green energy programs
Subcommittee members should oppose PBM merger
President recalls Lady Gaga’s monstrously high heels
McConnell: Obama intentionally sowing discord in Congress
Bernanke calls on Congress to act
News bites: iPhone 5 debuts Tuesday
Gingrich surprises Al Sharpton with birthday wish
Christie expected to announce presidential decision at 1 p.m.
Local health departments slashing programs, workforce
Cantor introduces free trade deals as legislative text
News bites: Climate change could threaten chocolate production
News bites: Woman with a plan
Obama the focus of GOP in Missouri Senate race
Maryland Democrats release redistricting map, target Bartlett
Why is the NFL so clueless about halftime?
Romney batters Perry with ads on Social Security, immigration
Tuesday: Short-term spending bill in the House, currency in Senate
Cain touts new book, enjoys rise in the polls
Sen. Burr to run for GOP whip
Fossil fuel subsidies rising despite reform effort
Poll finds Perry losing support, Cain gaining
News bites: Doctors rationing care
Obama’s New Deal rehash
News bites: Drilling deep
Documents show Holder was informed of Fast and Furious operation in 2010
Obama administration kept Democratic senators hanging on the phone
Retail lobby amped up for battle with banking industry over credit card fees
Report: Federal housing regulator was lax on foreclosure abuses
Report: Constituent communications up nearly 1,000 percent
Aniston celebrates directing debut at D.C. premiere
Conservative group skeptical of corporate tax holiday
Officials warned White House about Obama visit to Solyndra plant
GOP, Dems fight over whether debt deal really mandates $350B in Pentagon cuts
Senate settles in for currency debate
Rep. Cantor rejects Obama, says president’s jobs package is dead
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