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The Hill Articles: September 14, 2011
September 14
Coburn, Reid continue their fight on Senate floor over FAA, highway funding
Reid: Coburn like a ‘dictator’ for sustaining filibuster on disaster funds
OVERNIGHT HEALTH: Health stakeholders craft supercommittee pitches
OVERNIGHT TECH: Senators praise NASA plan for long-distance rocket
Stopgap measure to keep government running introduced
OVERNIGHT ENERGY: Drilling, clean air officials on the hot seat
Howard Schultz’s challenge — is
anybody listening?
Inside the Office of the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee majority staff: Mike Brinck
Senators’ first jobs:
Corker picked up trash, Cornyn pumped gas
ITK readers weigh in on
Romney campaign slogan
Celebrities line up for Will Ferrell award ceremony
at Kennedy Center
McDowell headed for rematch with Benishek for Michigan House seat
Obama campaign:
Fired up to grill? Buy
your aprons here!
OVERNIGHT MONEY: Boehner talks jobs, economy
Rep. Stearns: ‘Someone should be fired’ over loan to failed solar company
Big-drama Obama
Paul rebukes Cheney by saying ex-VP wants to be ‘dictator’
Opinion: Purity vs. victory
Dire jobs numbers spark renewed push for repeal of employer mandate
Coburn defends filibuster of disaster funding
Sanders: Right wing says that if you are middle or working class, ‘Forget about it, you’re on your own’
Weyants World: September 15, 2011
White House scrambles to eclipse Republican attack on Solyndra solar
Sen. Reid holds first Twitter town hall
House subcommittee votes to ban TSA’s ‘naked’ scan images
First-hand benefits of free trade
DOJ closes door on AT&T/T-Mobile merger
Poll finds support for Obama jobs plan
Actor protests proposed oil pipeline
House committee votes to ban TSA ‘naked body images’
Africa Command chief would advise Panetta against moving headquarters
‘Lost’ actor protests proposed oil pipeline
Who are the “DREAMers?”
Ex-Rep. Grayson seen talking with former colleagues on House floor
Sens. Hatch, Sanders agree: States should lead in healthcare
We need AAA vision for education
Transocean claims vindication on BP well blowout
Rep. Walsh: ‘No such thing as a two-state solution’ in Israel
GOP rep. introduces alternative American Jobs Act
AP: Dem lawmakers ignored alarms over healthcare law’s CLASS Act
Lawmakers praise visa programs to attract foreign investors, entrepreneurs
GOP senator: No need to cut entitlements
Obama’s jobs package refreshes push to repeal withholding rule
GOP House whip welcomes new members of Congress
GOP supercommittee member won’t fundraise while on committee
Dreier, three other Republicans vote against debt-ceiling disapproval
Rangel ‘embarrassed’ at laughter during GOP debate over people dying
Sen. Rand Paul channels Obama, calls on Congress to pass NLRB bill
Bachmann dines on Mexican fare with Cindy McCain
Bachmann to meet with ‘America’s Toughest Sheriff’
DNC pushes Obama jobs bill in Spanish ad
FCC will begin testing white spaces database
Supercommittee to meet privately for Thursday breakfast
Contagion and the need for health research
The bully pulpit
Aerospace industry campaigns against further defense cuts
Vitter bill would require audit of renewable energy loans
Harry Reid: Sen. Coburn blocking FAA, highway funding bill in Senate
Celebrities line up for Will Ferrell award ceremony at Kennedy Center
Delph won’t run for Senate, complicating Lugar’s reelection bid
Republican campaign chief: NY proves GOP can ‘be competitive’
Tea Partier’s attorney, judge argue over need for congressman to appear in court
Frank calls GOP debt-ceiling disapproval measure a ‘never-mind resolution’
When a trend is not a trend
Out of stock: A different kind of drug crisis
GOP winner in Nevada says his victory ‘means a lot’ for 2012
Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg on evacuated flight at Dulles Airport
Health industries back Medicare overhaul similar to Ryan plan
White House to announce new Treasury assistant secretary for legislative affairs Wednesday
Health care mandates stand in way of Obama’s Jobs Bill
Sessions: Obama’s ‘jobs’ bill could obliterate cuts made in debt-ceiling deal
Rep. Green will not bolster security in wake of district office shooting
Sen. Rand Paul channels Obama, calls on Congress to pass NLRB bill now
Supreme Court Justice Ginsburg on evacuated flight at Dulles Airport
Poll: Americans want Obama, Congress to focus on job creation rather than deficit
Report: Husband claims D.C. reality star wife may be abduction victim
Perry: NY election shows ‘people are getting the message’
Rangel ‘embarrassed’ at laughter during GOP debate over people dying
Liberals fear payroll-tax holiday will undermine Social Security
Cheney: ‘I literally felt embarrassed for my country’ after credit downgrade
House Dems mock GOP’s disapproval resolution on debt-ceiling vote
Senate Appropriations provides more funding for financial regulators
FOX News gears up for cross-country trip
Federal officials warn of mounting cyber threat against financial firms
Democrats work to stop the bleeding from GOP’s win in New York
Obama: ‘If you love me, you’ve got to help me pass this bill’
Medicaid directors propose savings for supercommittee
Blue Dogs push for debt panel to ‘Go Big’
Cain ad: Tax code is a ‘version of slavery’
Gov. Jindal: Perry ‘deserves a lot of credit’ for talking about Social Security
Geithner jokes about getting fired
Obama support dips below 50 percent in California poll
Interior Dept.-Coast Guard report faults BP, contractors for Gulf oil spill
Blue Dogs: Health benefits won’t be cut
Tim Gunn: Washington women dress ‘so gender confused’
NASA unveils new rocket plans
Hoyer says supercommittee must cut deficit more than $1.5 trillion, but also add revenue
Paul reiterates belief that ‘bad policy’ led to 9/11 attacks
Coburn to offer amendment to offset FEMA funding
House GOP: White House rushed $535M Solyndra loan guarantee
NRCC chairman: Obama’s ‘baggage’ cost Democrats Weiner’s seat
Obama’s stealth resource
Veteran Schumer staffer joins lobbying firm
Huntsman campaign names Nike founder, Morgan Stanley chairman as economic advisers
Biden announces progress in cutting federal government waste
Biden announces progress in cutting federal government waste
Huntsman calls Obama jobs plan ‘irrelevant’
Perry courts religious voters, calls for defense of ‘Christian values’
Romney defends states’ right to mandate
Sen. DeMint: Obama ‘knows’ jobs plan won’t pass as it is now
Invoking Reagan, Perry urges evangelicals to ‘speak past the oppressors’
Pennsylvania GOP proposes change to electoral vote distribution
Protect winter
Deal to pass trade bills remains elusive
Google hires Bush spokesman to reach out to GOP campaigns
Reports detail state-by-state impacts of proposed Medicaid cuts
Sens. Durbin, Paul battle over logistics of Syria resolution
Congressman’s son sleeps on buddy’s couch
Hoyer says supercommittee must cut deficit more than $1.5 trillion, but also add revenue
A rising tide of renters
Ex-Cain staffer: Campaign concealed gay aide’s role
Sen. McCain to Romney: ‘Welcome to Arizona’
News Bites: Feds investigate eBay employees
House Democrats seek to shift blame to Solyndra executives
Ron Paul and Michele Bachmann should call on Rick Perry to drop out
RNC pulls in $8.2 million in August, surpassing DNC
Mortgage applications increase
Jimmy Carter’s twisted global caliphate
Revisiting 9/11 from foreign soil
Pro-Obama hashtag backfires on Twitter
One senator alone is blocking disaster relief, says Reid
Dems: Bring back the House page program
Geithner: Opponents of Obama’s jobs plan need to offer their own
Reid introduces Obama’s jobs bill in the Senate
Reid introduces Obama’s jobs bill in the Senate
News bites: You can’t hear me now
Manchin’s 2012 strategy: Bash Obama’s green policies
Poll finds majority pessimistic on Obama job plan, economy
Warren announces Massachusetts Senate bid
News Bites: White House tried to rush Solyndra decision
Florida governor doesn’t think Perry comments on Social Security will hurt his campaign
Republican wins Weiner’s old seat in New York
Wednesday: House to register opinion on $500 billion debt-ceiling hike
News bites: Tough job
News bites: Obama upsets Democrats, CBO testifies before the supercommittee and unethical research gets aired out 60 years later
Energy regulators split on EPA rules’ impact
Perry to court conservatives in Virginia speech
Librarian of Congress has no plans to retire
Transportation groups declare ‘victory’ after FAA, highway funding extensions
Obama’s 2012 reelection stimulus
Manchin’s strategy for surviving 2012 in a red state: Bash President Obama
GOP coasts to victory in Nevada race
After Solyndra bankruptcy, White House defends clean energy investments
Republicans win Weiner’s seat
Don’t get mean on green energy innovation, Bill Gates warns Congress
Hearing familiar sounds in Ohio? It’s Obama’s campaign music
CBO says it will need supercommittee decisions by November
Grassley presses the IRS for better whistleblower rules
Napolitano denies knowledge of Fast and Furious gun-tracking program
Obama jobs bill would raise revenue by taxing health benefits for wealthy
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