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The Hill Articles: September 29, 2011
September 29
Durbin says Democrats don’t currently have the votes for Obama jobs bill
Impending fundraising deadline brings flurry of last-minute appeals
Carney bets a bar tab on Obama’s jobs plan
Ariz. GOP, CNN to host December presidential debate
Poll: Americans split on whether US economically divided
Poll: Romney leads in Iowa, Bachmann not dead
TransCanada CEO says ‘market has spoken’ in favor of Keystone pipeline
Dems want probe of Justice Thomas as health law ruling looms
Federal housing regulator will extend forbearance for the jobless
Senators back telecom carriers’ plans for USF reform
Huntsman campaign moves HQ to New Hampshire
White House requires bureaucrats to shop based on price
Issa questions whether White House pressured Ford to pull ‘bailout’ ad
Clooney wants to see Gingrich on the big screen
Report: Romney raises between $11M and $13M in quarter
Carper, Coburn urge supercommittee to focus on Medicare, Medicaid waste
Judge extends treatment of Giffords’s alleged shooter
Pelosi calls booing of gay soldier at GOP debate ‘unthinkable’
Pelosi’s daughter to her mom: ‘Get a life’
Onion not backing off spoof ‘hostage’ report
Pelosi’s daughter to her mom: ‘Get a life’
Bank of America blames new $5 debit fee on Durbin measure
Engineers scale Washington Monument to inspect for damage
Airlines spent $3.2 million on lobbying in months before FAA shutdown
US-Cuba policy, and the race for oil drilling
Senate Republicans step up pressure on White House to submit free-trade deals
Federal workers warn supercommittee against Obama proposals
Green groups sue Interior to thwart Shell’s Arctic drilling
Founder of video downloading site faces prison time
The real cost of a muffin
Obama’s jobs plan still has a chance of passing Congress, says senior Dem
Fighting the wrong kind of trade wars
Proponents of net neutrality file three lawsuits challenging FCC’s regulations
Interior drilling chief to meet with Rep. Landry after ‘Gestapo’ remark
Don’t put international cooperation on Iran at risk
Rep. West: US ‘not an Imperial Empire,’ blacks have a right to complain
Castro blasts Obama as ‘stupid,’ denounces American foreign policy
DOJ taking a close look at Google-Motorola deal
Proposed cuts to Congress’s investigative arm spark protest
Christie, Palin star as ‘The Oddest Couple’ in Dem attack ad
For sale: gigantic flower planter of Rick Perry’s head
Fixed mortgage rates hit record lows this week
Biden: What’s relevant on the economy is ‘we’re in charge’
Privacy advocates want Facebook probed on recent changes
Rep. King: Capitol bomb plot shows threat of ‘lone wolf’
Energy Department invests $156 million in ‘game-changing’ research
House GOP seeks to block appropriation for ‘green jobs’ fund
NJ Dems dub Palin and Christie the ‘oddest couple’
Former Gov. Richardson: Perry has ‘edge’ in GOP race
House GOP to hit EPA regulations on cement, boilers next week
Senator chirps up about canary pin
Spending fight escalates with release of labor, health bill
Things go better with dictators (says who?!)
Republicans more excited than Dems about voting in 2012, poll says
Sanders to Obama: Fully fund LIHEAP
Rep. Frank, other Democrats say Bernanke must do more to help economy
South Carolina GOP says state will protect ‘sacred’ spot in primary calendar
Draft spending bill would defund Obama healthcare law
Interior drilling agencies ready for grand (re)opening
Sen. Lugar’s GOP challenger wins endorsement of Tea Party Express
McCain: US must be ‘willing partners’ in Libyan transition
Sen. Levin: ‘You don’t go to war with someone just because they have nuclear weapons’
Texas lawmaker still has a problem with New York space shuttle retirement
McMahon nabs support of six former Connecticut GOP chairs
Business groups push supercommittee to ‘go big’ on cuts, tax reform
‘Screams and gunfire’ tweets from satirical site elicit response from Capitol Police
Hemingway at war
Appropriators target NPR, Obama’s ‘Race to the Top’
The rise and fall of the West
Onion takes heat from Capitol Police after tweets about gunfire
Romney: Amtrak a ‘classic example’ of unnecessary government spending
Trump: I’m not meeting with Huntsman, he has ‘zero chance’ of winning GOP nomination
House averts shutdown, passes CR by unanimous consent
Advocates for disabled optimistic that CLASS Act program won’t be scrapped
Romney narrowly edges Cain in Florida poll; Perry trails significantly
Report: Web ad revenue up 23 percent for 2011
Perry: Shooting rifles ‘is my golf’
House passes stopgap spending bill by unanimous consent
Justice Department ramps up probe of Google-Motorola deal
Santorum defends early-primary states
Durbin: We can’t balance the budget while high unemployment persists
Club for Growth pushes GOP candidates on China
Businesses lower expectations amid political drama
Senators dish on how they like their spuds
News bites: T-Mobile sides with Samsung in Apple suit
Gingrich plan to allow opt-outs of Social Security, Medicare
Mitt Romney renews pledge to ‘cut, cap and balance’
Coke: The un-American cola?
First-time unemployment claims drop sharply
Palin to Obama: Stop ‘poking our allies in the eye’
GOP lawmaker says Dems pressured to ‘stay away’ from UN reform legislation
News bites: Maine needs speed
NRCC website hits Blue Dog Democrats
Perry blames feds for his controversial positions on illegal immigration
Nation’s economy grew faster than previously thought
News bites: Bottoms up
Huntsman: Back-and-forth between Perry and Romney a ‘distraction’
News bites: Boomers overconfident in their health after retirement
Republican senators travel to Libya to meet transition government
Lawmakers warn oil company to abandon Cuban drilling plans
News bites: Oil industry seeks united message on ‘fracking,’ the battle over the Keystone pipeline, and more
GOP’s Solyndra probe threatens to ensnare Energy Secretary Chu
Palin’s self-imposed deadline looms
Report says 111th Congress was a safer workplace for lawmakers, staffers
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