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The Hill Articles: April 19, 2012
April 19
Reid announces deal to consider 39 postal bill amendments
‘We the People’ petition site the newest tool in K Street lobbying repertoire
Under Contract
Capitol Police officers: Asbestos concerns ignored
Reg Watch
GSA hearings should focus on spending, not location
A ship sinks, and what remains? Bubbly bottles of Champagne
Sen. Grassley facing pressure from GOP to lift holds on Obama nominees
OVERNIGHT HEALTH: More retiring Dems pile on Obama for healthcare focus
Poll: Obama leads Romney nationally
Cooking from the heart
Dem. lawmaker says Secret Service will be tougher on itself ‘than Congress could ever be’
War on
women stays
Twin GSA, Secret Service scandals pose new threat to Obama
OVERNIGHT MONEY: It’s tax time
Weyants World: April 20, 2012
OVERNIGHT TECH: FCC to hand over more LightSquared documents
Obama raffles dinner with George Clooney to campaign donors
OVERNIGHT ENERGY: The Gulf oil spill, two years later
Obama raffles dinner with George Clooney to campaign donors
Four US soldiers killed in Blackhawk crash in Afghanistan
Audit finds ‘significant’ errors in Gulf oil spill compensation process
Unions, watchdogs decry delays on workplace safety rules
Charting a new course for the US ship of state
Nugent cleared after ‘good, professional meeting’ with Secret Service
VA plans to add 1,900 mental health workers
Iran outlines no-go zones for US warships
Benefits of joining the Law of the Sea Convention
Officers: Capitol Police ignored asbestos exposure concerns
New York accuses Sprint of ducking taxes
House Dems dismiss Allen West’s ‘childlike’ communist comments
Karzai calls for quicker NATO withdrawal after photo scandal
Tariffs on imported solar cells are a bad idea
A path for Romney
Dem leader Pelosi ‘stunned and disgusted’ by Secret Service scandal
GOP lawmaker calls Cantor tax cut a ‘sugar high’
Panetta: Russia cooperating with US, allies on Syria peace plan
Matt Damon would ‘kiss George W. Bush on the mouth’ for work on AIDS
Ron Paul leads ‘Road to Revolution’ in video game
Gloria Steinem: Flap over Hilary Rosen comments ‘stupid’
FCC tracks wireless carriers’ efforts to stop ‘bill shock’
Moving beyond boom and bust in clean energy
GOP lawmaker calls Cantor tax cut a ‘sugar high’
House Dems press Holder to probe oil-market manipulation
Senators want own ‘Kony’ video to go viral
Lawmakers question FAA on privacy of drones
India cannot wean itself off Iranian Oil overnight
Cantor: 2013 appropriations floor process to start May 7
Dem lawmaker: Secret Service scandal could affect President Obama’s safety
SB1070 is working
Kim Kardashian’s supposed mayoral run hits a snag
Bringing science back to the Keystone Pipeline decision
Rep. Paul Ryan spars with US bishops over criticism of budget cuts
Regulators: Banks need not play by ‘Volcker Rule’ until mid-2014
Obama sits on Rosa Parks’s bus
White House spokesman: Romney in the ‘doghouse’ in presidential canine clash
Obama to nominate nuclear official that Reid accused of lying
Senators: Peace plan in Syria has failed
Goldie Hawn, John Legend on Correspondents’ dinner after-party guest list
Obama hasn’t spoken to Secret Service director about prostitution incident
Romney speaks at shuttered Ohio plant, blasts Obama’s economic record
Rep. Cantor’s small-business tax cut bill passes House in 235-173 vote
Sen. Sessions blasts Dems for lack of budget: ‘You can spin it any way you want’
Obama to give women’s basketball coach Pat Summitt presidential medal of freedom
House GOP challenges Pentagon on war powers for Syria
Software group reorganizes to focus on lobbying, anti-piracy efforts
States to compete for slots in new job-training program
Has Ron Paul left the country?
Sen. Warner calls for inventory of nation’s radio spectrum
The Pulitzer committee does the right thing
Gov. Perry intends to give 2016 presidential run a ‘good’ look
NRSC raised $5.75M in March, has almost $20M in the bank
Sen. Sessions blasts Democrats for refusal to bring budget for vote
Sen. McCain brings mom to watch shuttle fly over
Sen. Lieberman praises DHS-EU agreement on sharing airline passenger info
Study: Healthcare law will help close pervasive gaps in insurance coverage
Former PM Blair: US should ‘remain strong’ despite criticism from overseas
Sen. Franken chides GOP no-shows at hearing on impact of climate change
Romney to raise cash for Christie ally in NJ
NLRB’s ambush elections would hurt local businesses
Sen. Conrad defends decision to avoid budget vote
AFL-CIO chief blasts executive pay, renews push for rule to shame CEOs
Rockefeller announces witnesses for future of television hearing
California Dem grills copyright chief over meeting with movie lawyers on SOPA
Rubio’s stumble while denying VP interest has some suggesting Freudian slip
Chamber backs Nebraska’s Bruning, widening rift with fiscal conservatives
Modest progress and an open door with Iran
Redirect the nuclear weapons budget
McConnell sides with White House with his vote on spending bills
Sen. Coons calls for making R&D tax credit permanent, open to start-ups
Ill. Rep. Walsh settles with his ex-wife over unpaid child support
House advances small-business tax cut over Democrats’ objections
Report: CIA seeks to expand drone campaign in Yemen
Reid: House postal reform bill ‘unacceptable’
Obama to nominate Republican nuke regulator to another term
GOP Senate candidate compares smoking laws to Nazis’ Jewish star
Jordin Sparks’s political pick for ‘Idol’ judge: Obama
Romney says Obama ‘likes to attack’ people who are successful
Romney to speak at Jerry Falwell’s Liberty University
Rep. Polis attempts to kill ‘zombie’ earmark
McConnell, GOP turn up pressure on Obama to renominate Svinicki to NRC
Cantor: GOP will expand majority
Jobless claims remain high as evidence mounts of stalled labor market
Actress Louis-Dreyfus: VP job is ‘ripe’ for comedy
Bachmann: Obama ‘waving tar baby in the air’ with oil crackdown
Poll: Obama edges Romney; Christie top VP pick
Rep. Latham reserves $1.5 million in campaign airtime
News bites: iPhone challenger sales are mixed
Hillary Clinton would win in a landslide against the party of Ted Nugent, Allen West, Ron Paul and Paul Ryan
DSCC posts nearly $18M in first-quarter fundraising
Rep. West doubles down on communist ‘ideology’ of Progressive Caucus
Who understands women better?
Keystone pipeline developer proposes new route
Thursday: Small-business tax cut in the House, postal reform in the Senate
Report: Former Democratic senator’s wife pressed to resign insurance co. board over political spending on health law foes
Polls: Rice, Christie top GOP voters’ choices for Romney running mate
Romney’s cookie joke prompts ‘Cookie Gate’ attack
News bites: In the cross hairs
News bites: New FDA mission, health reform jobs at risk and more
Dem senator: Romney in 1 percent on wealth and 3 percent on climate change
News bites: Loans for gas-giant CEO under scrutiny
Romney: Rosen comments ‘extraordinarily unknowledgeable’
Altmire ads unfair, say Dem colleagues
Key Dem senator warns Obama, Karzai on post-war Afghanistan spending
Carmona earnings close to $1 million
Trade bill raises fight over earmarks for GOP
‘War’ of words returns to party campaign messaging post Giffords shooting
News bites: Strip search
Rep. West misses recent CBC meetings
House GOP leaders rebuff White House push on cybersecurity mandates
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