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The Hill Articles: April 20, 2012
April 20
Coroner: Breitbart died of heart failure, no foul play
Chamber boss: We’re preparing for lame duck
Romney: ‘My dad’s dad was not a polygamist’
Three more Secret Service agents resign
Fears of lame-duck session in Congress could boost K Street’s bottom line
Lobbying revenue – First quarter 2012
Romney on Keystone: ‘I will build that pipeline if I have to myself’
A closer look at next week…
Union encourages lawmakers to preserve public transit funding in highway bill
Senate Ag leaders come together on farm bill
Rebuilding the foundation of American competitiveness
Nuke agency chief: Allegations that I target women are ‘categorically untrue’
Union asks FCC to delay decision on $3.6B Verizon spectrum deal
Travel industry: Decouple Las Vegas from GSA scandal
Cleveland newspaper: Kucinich should resign before running for election elsewhere
White House: Keystone mandate ‘noxious’ to highway bill’s future
Obama raises $35M in March, has more than $100M stored away
Postal bill could bring hike in health premiums for federal workers
Tax cuts trump deficit concerns for some House Republicans
Jay Leno: Republicans ‘laugh at themselves more’ than Democrats
Ways and Means wades into controversial Medicare proposals
Newspaper: Misinformation war waged on its journalists
IMF announces $430 billion in new bailout funds
Jeb Bush: Romney should ‘stay above the fray’
House Dems fundraising off Giffords’s seat
Carney: Republicans ‘have to have a brick in your head’ not to act on student loans
Senate hearings: MF Global, tax reform
Carney: GOP seeks ‘political advantage’ from recent scandals
Local groups demand review of US troops in Philippines
House to vote on four cyber bills, leaves out Lungren measure
On scandals and spending
Romney campaign hits Obama on Hispanic unemployment rate
Senate to vote on overturning NLRB’s union election rule
NRCC puts Rabbi Shmuley ‘on the radar’
Senate acts to help bankruptcy courts
GOP freshmen defend tariff bill
Sen. Manchin might not vote for Obama
Senate Dems, GOP differ on saving USPS
Addressing violence against all women
Analysis says Ryan plan would have cost states $500 billion over past decade
Montana governor: Romney’s father ‘born on a polygamy commune in Mexico’
Obama administration clears hurdle for China, India investment treaties
Al Qaeda threatens new wave of attacks if terror suspect deported from UK
Jobless rate falls in Ohio, Florida, where Obama is opening lead in polls
Democrats hit Sen. Brown on Red Sox support
Walgreens reaches $8 million settlement with Justice Department
UN wants 300 observers in Syria
Privacy group wants un-redacted report on Google Wi-Fi snooping
The widening “justice gap” and why we must close it
CBO estimates Obama’s 2013 budget plan would hit economic growth
Group launches mobile phone app for reporting TSA profiling
Rep. Blumenauer reveals shoe of choice for running marathons
Romney: I haven’t eaten ‘bizarre’ foods
Sebelius to testify on HHS budget next week
Sen. Kyl endorses Romney
Moving too fast on cybersecurity
Thune’s “ambush elections” based on right-wing myths
Appropriations panel boosts war spending by $5 billion
A Web divided? Not on cybersecurity
Daniels warns Romney on negative campaigning
Ashley Judd and friends spoof Santorum campaign suspension
Getting drugs to market place faster
Biden: We think we have ‘a real shot at winning’ Arizona
Sen. Kerry: ‘Enormous’ money spent to preserve ‘status quo’ on energy
Republicans propose amending NLRB rules to allow performance bonuses, raises
Sen. Kerry: ‘Powerful interests’ standing in the way of progress on energy
Obama welcomes Crimson Tide BCS champions to White House
Polls: Obama leads in Florida and Ohio
Mitt Romney and Ron Paul: The vulture capitalist, the vulture ideologue and the war against women
Romney has best month in fundraising, topping $12.5M
News bites: Verizon to offer data-sharing plans
Crossroads groups raise $100 million
GOP looks to eliminate flexibility on FEMA spending
Israel’s mounting Middle East challenges
News bites: ‘Nude, not lewd’
President Obama to appear on ‘Late Night with Jimmy Fallon’
Congressional committees buy up TV airtime for the fall campaign
Interior: Rules for subsea oil-well blowout preventers en route
Despite long odds, Paul rakes in campaign donations
Warren, Brown trade fastballs at Fenway Park appearances
Palin: Ousted Secret Service agent who joked about her deserved to be fired
News bites: Three in a row?
News bites: ‘Banging the close’ to game oil prices yields $14 million penalty
200 days to go before the election
Follow Friday: @RepSpeier
EMILY’s List backs five more candidates
Charlie Rangel fights back injury plus tough primary opponent
Pros, cons of Capitol veep picks
Altmire becomes target for unions over healthcare law vote
Romney suits up for November election battle with President Obama
Democrats expressing buyers’ remorse on Obama’s healthcare law
Obama’s gender gaffe
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