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The Hill Articles: February 22, 2012
February 22
Five things to watch in pivotal Republican debate in Arizona
Poll: Thompson ahead of Baldwin in Wisconsin Senate race
Dem leader Pelosi blames Wall Street for spike in gas prices
Gingrich calls on Congress to investigate North Dakota bird lawsuit
Detroit editor criticizes Romney for selective editing of endorsement
Chamber to members: Tell Congress to make passing highway bill job No. 1
Conservative leader says Romney tax plan ‘not inspiring’
Federal judge strikes down Washington state’s morning-after pill mandate
Clinton on testify on foreign policy budget next week
Pro-Obama super-PAC ad hits Romney on auto bailout opposition
Rubio: Republicans need to reset messaging on immigration
Democrats largely embrace Obama tax framework
CBO: Stimulus continues to deliver
Sen. Brown: Let women serve in combat
From one Herman Cain super-PAC to another
Poll: Obama catches GOP field in Arizona
SEC head signs off on STOCK Act
Carney debuts new glasses (again)
T-Mobile asks FCC to block Verizon-cable deal
Senate, House offices sent mail containing suspicious powder
Finance ministers delay decision on European bailout fund
Sen. Scott Brown urges Pentagon to allow women to serve in combat
Ask A.B.: Romney’s last chance?
Senate Dems push FEC to toughen super-PAC rules
Sen. Warner calls for tougher standards for electronic medical records
Virginia House passes controversial anti-abortion bill
Kirk set to talk trade on Capitol Hill
Obama will find ‘something better to do’ than watch GOP debate
DeMint: Mitch Daniels only last-minute candidate ‘who could make it happen’
Done till December
House Dems to Obama: Be ready to tap emergency oil reserves
Supreme Court punts on right to challenge Medicaid cuts
Polls show Romney in trouble in two Super Tuesday GOP primaries
Obama super-PAC debuts new Michigan ad bashing Romney on auto bailout
AFL-CIO takes aim at Apple with petition
Consumer group accuses Google of misleading users about privacy changes
Rand Paul offers free cataract surgery for uninsured during break
Santorum responds to Romney tax plan: ‘Welcome to the party, governor’
GOP senator gives up beer and ice cream for Lent
Advise and assist or hold back and hope?
Carney: Obama ‘fully appreciates’ impact of rising gas prices
Obama corporate tax overhaul would lower top rate to 28 percent
Lawmakers strike a pose against same-sex marriage ban
Simpson calls Santorum ‘homophobic’
In t-shirt sales, Mitt Romney barely ahead of Sarah Palin
Mortgage applications dropped last week
Poll: Incumbent Stabenow opens up big lead over Hoekstra in Michigan
Nearly 400 House staffers left to become lobbyists, study finds
Cyber Security Act of 2012 requires a liability protection bug fix
Gingrich taps Rick Perry on campaign trail in Arizona
House GOP tax chief praises Obama for releasing plan
Exporting natural gas will be good for America
Seven killed in Afghan protests over Quran burning
In defense of bundlers
FCC chief calls for industry to boost cybersecurity
Sen. Burr: STOCK Act was a waste of time
The new transportation bill will only make a bad situation worse
Dem senators praise consumer bureau probe of overdraft fees
Romney: I’m going to lower tax rates ‘across the board’
Top Romney PAC donor gave millions to cap-and-trade effort
Obama tax plan takes scalpel to oil tax breaks, boosts renewables
New Romney proposal would cut individual tax rates by 20 percent
Israel dismisses warnings from US about attacking Iran
Christie among GOP governors taking fed funds for health law
Obama: African-American museum ‘a monument for all time’
Santorum gets ashes but Gingrich skips Ash Wednesday Mass
Obama says African-American museum ‘has been a long time coming’
Actor Kal Penn returns to politics as Obama campaign co-chairman
Social media monitoring is critical for government operations
Colbert says people riding his ‘wallet tails’ by creating super-PACs
The PBS Clinton series’ lack of proportionality
House looks to advance California water rights bill next week
Car crashes into congressman’s office
The Iran containment fallacy
Anti-abortion-rights PAC endorses Santorum
Trump tapes Michigan robocall for Romney bashing Santorum
Poll: Auto bailouts buoying Obama against GOP candidates in Michigan
Sales of existing homes hit near-two-year high
State flexibility necessary in education reform
Reason over relics: Restructuring our nuclear force
Top EU court to decide whether trade treaty with US violates rights
The highway to jobs (and re-election)
Jackson Lee to face challenge from rapper Cornbreadd in November
Santorum brushes aside Satan report as ‘absurd’
Gingrich looks to revive his campaign with 30-minute ad on energy
Sen. Schumer mixes up rappers, cites ‘L.L. Kool Herc’
Study: Three out of four low-wage workers lack access to employer coverage
Buddy Roemer to make third-party bid
A non-Western representative for World Bank chief
The Fed finances the deficit
Consumer groups urge FCC to block Verizon-cable deal
GOP interest in presidential race slips as Obama leads GOP challengers
Restoring our economy starts with infrastructure
Nuclear inspectors denied access in Iran
News bites: Welcome back
Pro-Santorum ad attacks Romney as similar to Obama
Gingrich calls energy key to reviving candidacy
Romney supporter: ‘My guy has a hard time’ connecting with people
Russ Feingold slams GOP candidates on foreign policy
News bites: Comcast to launch ‘Streampix’ video service
Rep. Kucinich accuses primary opponent Rep. Kaptur of stealing his campaign signs
Christie: Santorum Satan comments are ‘relevant’ in campaign
News bites: White House misses GOP’s Solyndra deadline
News bites: Train wreck
Polls show Obama holding slim lead over GOP presidential field
Longoria, Emanuel among Obama ’12 campaign chairmen
Poll finds voters pick Marco Rubio for VP
Detroit News endorses Romney, calls opponents unelectable
Polls: Romney tied with Santorum in Michigan, but trails nationally
Obama sings ‘Sweet Home Chicago’
Murdoch: If Santorum wins Michigan, ‘game over’
Auto industry turnaround is a two-party success
News bites: Virginia Gov. rethinks support for ultrasound bill
Romney’s reliance on older voters could backfire
Navigating minefield of STOCK Act
Treasury Dept. scrambled to dissuade credit agency as downgrade loomed
Romney, Santorum face pivotal debate
Fight over birth-control mandate becomes battle to frame debate
Report: Fannie, Freddie regulator must keep close eye on mounting legal costs
Consumer bureau targets overdraft fees
President still tuneful
Santorum risks GOP nomination with religious rhetoric
Congressman aids in tugboat rescue mission
White House seeks to deflect GOP criticism over high gas prices
Sen. Cornyn ahead in money race to become Senate Republican whip
K Street pessimistic about highway bills
Lobbying World
Tony Kaye
Justice Scalia on religious freedom
In T-shirt sales, Mitt Romney barely ahead of Sarah Palin
DC named best place to meet eligible ladies
Sen. Schumer mixes up rappers, cites ‘LL Kool Herc’
Santorum’s ’06 loss not just bad luck
Former Rep. Giffords’s husband writing kids book
Car crashes into congressman’s office
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