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The Hill Articles: February 6, 2012
February 6
House advances bill to sell off federal properties to reduce debt
Biden hits Gingrich’s food-stamp comment as ‘inappropriate’
Weyants World: February 7, 2012
Senate could move to surface transportation bill on Tuesday
General explains why he withdrew from West Point speech
Church, flock at odds
OVERNIGHT HEALTH: House panel targets abortion rights
Quayle to confront Schweikert in Arizona GOP primary
Santorum ties Romney and Obama together on healthcare
OVERNIGHT MONEY: Bernanke to talk economy, probably budget, with a Senate panel
It’s not just the economy
OVERNIGHT ENERGY: Keystone, drilling battles rage in both chambers
Senate sends FAA bill to Obama’s desk
Elections official says Santorum still doesn’t qualify for Indiana ballot
States say Supreme Court must strike healthcare mandate
OVERNIGHT TECH: House committee delays markup of FCC overhaul bills
Gingrich drops Va. ballot challenge
Senators see harbinger of bipartisanship in expected passage of FAA bill
House makes quick work of land-use bills
White House ramps up criticism of China, Russia after Syria resolution veto
GOP’s transportation bill would eviscerate mass transit funding
Republicans accuse health department of ‘financial mismanagement’
Obama to host second White House science fair Tuesday
Groups urge Congress to take it slow on piracy
Rep. Issa threatens Chu with subpoena
Members struggle to get hearing on bill punishing Congress for budget failure
Cantor: GOP wants year-long payroll extension, won’t settle for two months
Crooner Pat Boone endorses Rick Santorum
Sen. Kirk’s condition upgraded to ‘good’
The Onion editor on fooling Rep. Fleming: We’re ‘delighted’ he’s a regular reader
Fake Romney picture circulates on Twitter
Carney: Chrysler Super Bowl ad was ‘news to me’
A price to be paid with over-regulation
House Democrats fret over administration’s deference to states on health law
Senators press White House to intervene in ‘fracking’ fight
Dems, labor say federal workers are being scapegoated
Republicans downplay jobs report, point to lower workforce participation
Bachmann: ‘I was the perfect candidate’
Chrysler CEO defends Eastwood Super Bowl ad as not political
Clint Eastwood and Chrysler upset the ‘Hope America Fails’ Republicans
Reid takes the first swing in Senate payroll fight
Energy Department to recover cash from loan guarantee
Brad Pitt reports ‘great’ conversation with VP Biden
Obama campaign releases new Web ad trumpeting jobs growth
Rep. Walden promises ‘aggressive’ review of cyber threats
Amb. Rice: US closed embassy for security reasons, has not ‘abandoned’ Syrian people
FTC warns background screening apps could be illegal
Study: House Dems edge out GOP at retaining staff
Romney campaign disputes ‘seriously flawed’ polling data
Critz gets more union backing over Altmire in Pa. redistricting battle
Democrats praise Eastwood Super Bowl ad
Congressman wears same ‘super’ scarf over and over again
White House holding dinner for Iraq war veterans
FreedomWorks will back primary against Rep. Murphy in Pennsylvania
Payroll tax cut decision needed now; waiting is bad for business.
House Dem says oil, gas taxes should pay for transportation bill
Lawmaker office duped by The Onion’s Planned Parenthood satire
Rove ‘offended’ by Eastwood’s Super Bowl ad touting Chrysler
After 185K Solyndra documents, GOP is hungry for more
Planes, taxes, and bureaucrats
Weyants World: February 6, 2012
Obama taps Bill Baer to lead DOJ antitrust division
Mitt Romney rips President Obama on birth control, attack on ‘religious liberty’
Housing market shows wider improvement
NBC likely to face complaints to FCC over Super Bowl halftime show
GAO report spurs calls for medical device price transparency
Rep. Jeff Miller proposes veterans’ exemption to sequester cuts
Sen. Coburn defends friendship with Obama
Army Chief of Staff Odierno defends Panetta’s Afghanistan comments
Trump says he deserves credit for Romney’s decisive Nevada win
Obama imposes new sanctions on Iran
Romney campaign slams Santorum on healthcare
Hoekstra defends ad against charges of racial insensitivity
Obama, Ryan in budget rematch
Prominent conservative blogger endorses Santorum
Mass Dems say housing regulator is misreading his authority
Ex-Obama official might not back Obama this year, citing birth-control decision
Santorum expects to make Indiana primary ballot
GOP lawmaker surprised Romney is polling so well against Obama
US to comply with WTO rulings on anti-dumping duties
Coburn: Gingrich lacks ‘moral rudder’
No force more powerful than English
Sununu: Low turnout means GOP satisfied
Bockorny Group scores Senate GOP health staffer
Romney pivots to Santorum
Tim Tebow: Politics ‘possibly’ in his future
Coming together to get out of debt
US closes Syrian embassy
The week ahead: Defense world in holding pattern as budget release looms
This week: After long war, FAA bill to pass
Biden to campaign for Menendez
News bites: Super Bowl tweets hit 10,000 per second
Monday: FAA in the Senate, land use bills in the House
Poll: Romney strong in Colo., but Santorum leads in Minnesota
The week ahead: Keystone pipeline, Solyndra probe in focus
News bites: What earmark ban?
News bites: Ari Fleischer gave informal advice to Komen on PR
Obama: I’m getting ‘better as time goes on’
News bites: Mining report delayed, rethinking economic growth, and more
Amb. Rice says Russia, China will ‘come to regret’ vetoing UN Syria resolution
Mitt Romney, Bob McDonnell, Nikki Haley: A new conservative order
Poll: Obama opens lead on Romney, but faces concerns on economy
Why Obama needs Jon Huntsman (and others like him)
This week: Payroll tax cut, insider trading head up Congress’s money issues
Week ahead: States to make their case against healthcare law
The Hill Poll: Voters reject Newt’s lofty lunar ambitions
Internet protests could be equalizer
The Volcker Rule: Let’s get it right
Tornadoes’ damage put Rep. Sewell to the test early in her first year
Obama, Ryan in budget rematch
The Week Ahead: Insider-trading bill hits the House floor
Hill Poll: Voters willing to see US attack Iran over nuclear weapons
CBO score could blunt momentum for Senate Postal Service reform bill
White House to push housing plan despite Republican opposition
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