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The Hill Articles: January 10, 2012
January 10
Gallup: Consumer confidence still on the uptick
‘Tebowmania’ lands at Denver airport after football game
States link health law’s Medicaid expansion to individual mandate
New EADS North America chief faces some big challenges, experts say
US rescues another Iranian ship
Ros-Lehtinen calls on Obama administration to denounce Ortega inauguration
Fannie Mae CEO is stepping down
Twitter slams Google for search changes
GOP lawmaker: ‘I wholeheartedly agree’ with Romney’s firing statement
Ron Paul defends Romney, Bain Capital from GOP attacks
Anti-immigration group buys ads in South Carolina
Obama to ask for increase to debt ceiling in a ‘matter of days’
Administration defends its powers to police ‘indecent’ TV content
Sen. Vitter skips Gov. Jindal’s inauguration for football game
Gingrich says ‘real goal’ in New Hampshire is hurting Romney
Rahm Emanuel defends Daley’s tenure
Huntsman responds to Stephen Colbert polling higher in SC
Hatch to push pension legislation this year
Trump hopes NH vote goes against Huntsman
Buddy Roemer declares success in NH
Steelers star Polamalu touts controversial anti-fracking movie
Obama picks immigration reform advocate to lead domestic policy
Perry: South Carolina is not ‘our Alamo’
Infrastructure group launching ad in South Carolina
Report: Army-Marine combat vehicle program still faces hurdles
Do the right thing: Fix the COLA for seniors
CBO: Raising Medicare age would save $148 billion
Group backs calls for unlicensed spectrum
Obama pledges to stand by EPA
House panel releases report on worst foodborne illness outbreak in 25 years
Federal Reserve hands over $76.9 billion profit to Treasury Department
Santorum: Romney’s ‘fire people’ comment not ‘a very good message’
Hiring picks up, job openings drop
Carney plays to soccer moms ahead of Obama’s EPA visit
House GOP shuts down Dem speaker in pro forma session
Tebow has declined ‘more than one’ request for GOP endorsement
Crowds swarm around GOP contenders in New Hampshire
Congress accomplished ‘not much’ last year, says Rep. Honda
Obama’s real reelection problem
Report: Democrats receive more private-equity cash than GOP
Poll: Comedy Central comedian polling higher than Huntsman in South Carolina
Former Navy Secretary O’Keefe named EADS North America chairman
Navistar receives $880M contract to upgrade military trucks
House Dems won’t get top recruit in West Virginia
House Republican links Daley’s departure to Solyndra probe
Rep. King: US should expel ‘so-called Iranian diplomats’
Carney downplays friction as cause of Chief of Staff Daley’s resignation
FCC lawyer joins Jenner & Block
Pro-Gingrich super-PAC hits Romney, Bain Capital for ‘greed’
Alzheimer’s group applauds administration’s goal to stop the disease by 2025
Fox’s John Roberts campaign-trail trick: jerky
Corker rejects NY Fed’s loan modification proposal
Google gets personal in search results
Congress can put a stop to use of chimpanzees in biomedical research
Law firm Venable hires former Fannie Mae official
Corker opposes write-down of mortgage principal
GOP candidates mobbed as NH primary voting begins
Santorum campaign selling sweater-vests
Defense exports should be part of budget deliberations
Gingrich ad blasts Romney as ‘pro-abortion’ governor
Huntsman receives first congressional endorsement
Chinese trade surplus with US grows
Crisis might be needed for GOP to agree to critical cuts, suggests lawmaker
Lawmaker bemoans lack of progress on mental health one year after Tucson shooting
Sen. Kirk: Iran making ‘empty threat’
Lugar, citing Iran threats, pushes Obama on Keystone pipeline
Jon Huntsman’s big moment; Ron Paul defends the fort
Romney poised for double-digit NH win
Top admiral touts US partnerships in Asia-Pacific region
News bites: Apple’s Cook one of the highest-paid CEOs
Santorum: Finishing second in NH primary ‘beyond our dreams’
More on Supreme Court ethics
Polis requests GAO study on sexual abuse of LGBT immigrants
Poll: Romney only ‘acceptable’ candidate to majority of conservative, centrist Republicans
Obama to visit EPA to thank employees
Huntsman misses Arizona ballot after paperwork error
DNC chairwoman slams Romney for ‘pattern of insensitivity and callousness’
News bites: Ready for takeoff — and some football
Primary-day RNC Web ad blasts Obama for ‘false hope’
Nearly 6 in 10 GOP voters unhappy with presidential field headed into NH primary
Romney could lose New Hampshire. Here’s how.
Allen increases fundraising in Virginia, spends most of it
The Ron/Rand Paul hidden agenda
Newt Gingrich: Bain Capital ‘undermined capitalism,’ killed jobs
Gingrich’s former firm refuses to release consulting contract with Freddie Mac
News bites: The other oil sands pipeline battle, high court conservatives rip EPA, and more
News bites: Tough room
Report: Rep. Herger won’t seek reelection
News bites: New York exchange, health law repeal, and more
Huntsman: 2012 bid isn’t dry run for 2016, doesn’t need family money to win
Obama reelection effort picks up speed amid noise of NH primary
Romney faces moment of truth
Romney and Huntsman tie for first in midnight NH voting tradition
Auditor says Treasury keeping quiet on TARP money losers
Is that a wrap?
Huntsman rally projects triumphant air
Daley to leave White House
Romney looks forward to South Carolina
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