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The Hill Articles: January 11, 2012
January 11
Chamber’s Donohue calls on White House, Congress to provide certainty for businesses
Angelina Jolie: ‘I’m kind of a closet geek’
Romney the GOP misfit
Ex-congressman played baseball with new Hall of Famer
Conservatives in crisis
DC journos pack a plane back from New Hampshire
John Glenn: I would rather ‘wrestle a gorilla’ than ask for campaign money
Gifts for Prince William and Kate Middleton from lawmakers: Calif. gov gives iPad, Australian mayor chooses trinket box
Cain will not endorse, ‘probably’ will not run for political office again
Weyants World: January 12, 2012
Opinion: The center is back — and Obama needs to be there
Time to decide on Keystone pipeline
Clinton: US didn’t kill Iranian scientist
Congress doesn’t know when to stop digging
Report: Fined airlines suing over DOT price advertising rules
Survey: Mortgage interest deduction wins out over lower tax rates
Nearly 500 state lawmakers to press Supreme Court to uphold healthcare mandate
Republicans weigh options if Obama nixes Keystone pipeline
Full speed ahead for Web domain name expansion, despite FTC warning
Gingrich not backing down from his criticism of Romney’s record at Bain
Amtrak plans ‘aggressive’ expansion in 2012; electronic locomotives on the way
GOP Rep. Scott defends Romney, says ‘making a profit is not an evil’
Pro-labor Latino group goes after Canseco
Sen. Tester defends votes in support of Obama policies
Donna Edwards challenger drops bid
Bringing the jobs home: How we get there
GOP makes play for Hispanic support
House subcommittees to assess impact of Volcker rule
Warren Buffett: I’ll match any Republican donation to pay down the federal debt
Feds bust ID traffickers
Democrats urge high court to uphold state workers’ right to sue over medical leave
Advocate: IRS needs greater understanding of domestic violence
Jolie speaks with President Obama at White House
Press secretary: Pentagon wants to ‘lower the temperature’ with Iran
Middle East ‘Marshall Plan’ will sustain Arab Spring
In defense of the Grand Canyon
Perry might not qualify for key SC debates
Obama: Job growth is ‘a race I want America to win’
Latest Gingrich Web ad a montage of Romney gaffes
EPA details the carbon pollution from power plants for the first time
Fed sees economy gaining strength
Santorum: GOP presidential race isn’t over with SC primary
Pro-Gingrich group’s Romney attacks channel Ted Kennedy
Google ‘surprised’ by Twitter’s criticism
D.C. journos pack a plane back from New Hampshire
House GOP introduces bill disapproving of recess appointments
Warren raises $5.7M for Senate race
Ron Paul adviser says Paul, Romney in ‘two-man race’
Mitt Romney wins nicely, Ron Paul wins big
Orszag: ‘No wise person’ should expect $1 trillion in DOD cuts
Civil liberties group sues FAA about drone surveillance flights
Liberal groups push Obama to probe Wall Street
Obama urges CEOs to invest in US
Gingrich campaign warns SC is the last chance to stop Romney
Inhofe skewers Obama’s defense strategy, calling it a ‘recipe for disaster’
Departure of CEOs slows in December, down from 2010
Dynamics shift as GOP hopefuls hit states with high unemployment
Paul brings back memories
Santorum to spend at least $1.5M on advertising blitz in South Carolina
Spanish-language Romney ad targets Fla. Cuban vote
Right wing rips Gingrich, Perry for attacks on Romney, capitalism
Romney goes after Cuban vote in Florida with Spanish-language ad
NHTSA: 450,000 Ford cars recalled
Cain defends Romney, Bain Capital, calls attacks a ‘bad strategy’
Patient groups seek delay on ‘essential benefit’ rules
Consumer bureau announces plans to examine mortgage market players
Santorum trails Huckabee’s totals in NH
Setting the record straight on immigration rule change
Angelina Jolie marks directorial debut in DC
Romney feels ‘sorry’ for Wasserman Schultz for having to defend Obama
Sen. DeMint urges Republicans to listen to Ron Paul
Keystone supporters use tensions with Iran to pressure Obama on pipeline
LightSquared huddles with FCC amid reports of cash problems
Advocate: Cuts taking toll on IRS
GOP lawmaker asks Boeing to hand over Wichita facility to state, local officials
Burma: Unraveling the paradox
Obama pitting Americans against one another, accuses Sen. Johnson
Protests planned at White House for 10-year Guantanamo anniversary
New Perry TV ad calls him best prospective commander in chief
Chu touts auto bailout, tougher fuel standards
Daschle, Frist join advisory board of health site ZocDoc
Election-night reflections
Mortgage applications rise on increases in refinancing, purchases
Angelina Jolie: ‘I’m kind of a closet geek’
News bites: Facebook inserts ads in news feed
House Democrats call for tougher food safety audits following deadly Listeria outbreak
Former Hill, Patton Boggs staffer joins Security Industry Association
Populism on the right is unbecoming
Romney raises impressive $24M in fourth quarter
Sen. DeMint predicts Romney will win SC
Romney, a vulnerable front-runner
Prelude to the fall of the Obama White House
Lawmakers challenge Obama, Karzai to address ‘flaws’ in Afghan government
Pro-Romney group raises ad budget to $3.4M in Florida
News bites: Citing climate change, scientists say ‘doomsday’ is closer
Mitt Romney/Nikki Haley 2012 or Gingrich/Palin 2012?
News bites: Air shows
Romney: Evangelicals know I’m not running for ‘pastor in chief’
Boehner, legislators meeting with Colombian president to discuss trade agreement
On the FCC and censorship
Poll: Romney narrowly leads Obama in Florida
Paul predicts fiscal policies will benefit him in South Carolina
Romney likens work at Bain Capital to Obama’s auto industry bailout
First lady: I’ve tried to deal with image that I’m an ‘angry black woman’
News bites: Just the beginning
News bites: Soda tax, legal changes and more
Romney wins New Hampshire
Romney goes for the knockout in SC
Bloodied field looks to South Carolina
Santorum gambles, and loses, in NH
Gingrich says ‘on to South Carolina’
Biden takes aim at Romney
Santorum downplays NH results, promises to continue on to SC
Biden: Romney’s ‘fire’ line ‘taken out of context’
Gingrich pushes forward: ‘This campaign is going to go on to South Carolina’
Romney surrogate says no way forward for Huntsman after NH
Huntsman: ‘Third place is a ticket to ride’
Romney hits Obama for wanting to ‘put free enterprise on trial’
Santorum downplays NH results, promises to continue on to SC
Huntsman insists he’s staying in race despite third-place NH finish
Ron Paul: Second-place finish a ‘victory for the cause of liberty’
Huntsman predicted he would win New Hampshire
Romney attacks Obama over new defense strategy
Romney takes swipe at Obama over new defense strategy
Perry: New Hampshire results show search for Romney alternative not over
Paul says he’s true GOP alternative
Romney on New Hampshire win: ‘Tonight we celebrate’
Reddit will black itself out in protest of SOPA
Huntsman says third-place finish in NH means he’ll stay in race
Michelle Obama says she’s a confidante for husband, not an expert on issues
Decision time in New Hampshire
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