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The Hill Articles: January 30, 2012
January 30
Michelle Obama to Jay Leno: Eat your veggies!
Favorite Girl Scout cookies of Congress: Sens. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) and Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.)
Lieberman invokes Dr. Seuss in urging relevant amendments
Senate Dems push Buffett Rule bill
A united GOP can win
Leveraging our vote
Obama should push back against super-PACs
Focus on Taliban is misplaced
OVERNIGHT MONEY: Hello, budget cycle
Weyants World: January 31, 2012
Monday fundraising numbers
OVERNIGHT TECH: Netflix wants video privacy law updated
OVERNIGHT HEALTH: All Romney all the time
Senate moves forward with a 93-2 vote on insider-trading legislation
OVERNIGHT ENERGY: House GOP takes aim at White House loan guarantee report
NATO: No change to Afghan withdrawal date
Liberal super-PAC picks its first six House targets
GOP lawmakers wants DOT to ground airline price rules
Poll: Republican voters less impressed with GOP field
In sprawling Florida, GOP primary fight centers on the airwaves
White House: No rush on Iran
Obama backs insider-trading ban
Report escalates rift within solar industry over China
Carney: RNC chairman ‘desperate for attention’ comparing Obama to Italian ship captain
‘American Idol’ producer wants Obama to sing on the show
Stimulus grants left power grid vulnerable to cyber attacks
Reagan’s son: Gingrich ‘a man who will fight’ for freedom
Due process, detention and defense
Michelle Obama to Jay Leno: Eat your veggies!
Axelrod tweaks Romney over strapping dog to car roof
Gingrich rips Romney for cutting kosher meals at nursing homes
FAA conference committee to meet Tuesday
Napolitano touts new ‘risk-based’ security approach
Obama is running for reelection on a ‘soak the rich’ platform, says Kyl
NY Times endorses anti-piracy alternative
CBO: Federal workers better compensated than in private sector
Food industry urges Obama administration to reject food safety fees
Obama touts economic ‘fair shot’ message across the country
Sen. Kirk upgraded to ‘fair’ condition
A safer and stronger Wall Street is already here
Democrats launch early offensive over GOP Medicare plans
RNC chief doubles down on comparing Obama to disgraced Capt. Schettino
Consumer complaints already pouring into CFPB
Reid: Republicans are trying to stop the STOCK ACT
Candidates look beyond Florida
Senate Dem calls out Citibank on airline miles
Casey urges Obama to stop Freddie Mac bets against homeowners
Sen. Feinstein joins Twitter
This Week in Tech: Senate shifts focus to cybersecurity
Alec Baldwin talks politics after winning SAG award
Former CMS official returns to Venable
Nursing home industry proposes alternative to funding cuts
Napolitano promises more efficient, ‘information-driven’ national security
Poll: Romney crushing the field in Florida
Romney camp touts clip of Gingrich backing individual mandate
Environmental group to lawmakers: ‘Don’t drill and drive’
House lawmakers request briefing on Google privacy policy changes
Tech group hires White House communications aide
House GOP looks to affirm reduced committee spending in 2012
Reagan’s son explains endorsement in Gingrich campaign video
Romney questions Gingrich’s debating skills
Rep. Markey releases draft of cellphone privacy bill
CHIPRA – an accomplishment to be proud of
Pentagon wants bigger bomb to be ready for Iranian underground nuke facilities
Rep. Chaffetz calls Gingrich a ‘convenient conservative’
US claims trade win over China
Weyants World: January 30, 2012
Some deceased veterans’ parents to be accepted for national cemetery burials
South Carolina governor starts her day with Adele
Poll: Obama, Romney tied in key swing states
Conservative Michelle Malkin endorses Santorum
Report minimizes online piracy impact
Megaupload data could be deleted
Drugmakers pledge to donate 14 billion treatments for tropical disease
Reagan’s son rallies to defiant Gingrich’s side
Cain: Finishing second a ‘win’ for Gingrich in Florida
Rep. Clarke asks Obama to bail out city of Detroit
Cain says he’s still endorsing ‘the people’
Ensuring responsible practices begins with oil and gas industry
Newly discovered JFK assassination tapes made public
House Yucca advocate won’t target GOP candidates for opposing the waste dump
Obamas tour art museum in nation’s capital
Senate GOP floats bill to bypass Obama and approve Keystone
Erskine Bowles for North Carolina governor
Obama fall surprise
Rohrabacher slams Ambassador Crocker’s comments on Afghanistan rebuilding
Polls show Gingrich cutting Romney Fla. lead to single digits
Vitter: Republicans ‘frustrated’ by excessive presidential debates
Former Rep. Adler’s widow to challenge Runyan
Ex-RNC chief rips current chairman for comments on Obama
News bites: BP feared massive spill rate
Week ahead: Armed Services to get closer look at defense cuts
This week: Transportation law rewrite finally to roll
News bites: Apple has new hires work on fake products
Jindal: Brewer, Obama confrontation ‘brought back memories’
The week ahead: House GOP to begin work on infrastructure, drilling package
Monday: STOCK Act in the Senate
Pennsylvania GOP picks favorite to run against Sen. Casey
Wasserman Schultz: Remarks likening Obama to disgraced captain ‘incendiary’
News bites: Lost and gone forever?
Trump won’t rule out run, but praises Romney campaign
News bites: FDA whistleblowers, Gingrich goes after in vitro clinics, and more
Romney criticizes Gingrich attacks as ‘sad and painfully revealing’
Gingrich hits Romney as favorite of bailed-out bankers, George Soros
This week: Fed pessimism raises stakes for jobs report
Week ahead: CLASS Act repeal vote to put Dems on defensive
Racial code words obscure real issues
Obama’s European blueprint bad for US
Facing his own reelection issues, Walsh focuses on beating President Obama
Hill Poll: Illegal immigrants’ children deserve shot at citizenship, say likely voters
Romney looks for Florida knockout
Week Ahead: Florida GOP votes, first lady hits the campaign trail
The Hill Poll: No benefit from tax holiday, say a majority of voters
New RNC web ad hits Obama on Florida’s economy
Santorum says daughter recovering
Sen. Hatch takes up pension reform—and his right flank
GOP rivals’ attacks on Romney healthcare record fail to land blow
Republican lawmakers begin pushback against Obama recess appointments
Panetta: Iran could have nuclear weapons, delivery vehicles in 2-3 years
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