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The Hill Articles: January 6, 2012
January 6
IRS: Tax gap ballooned to $450 billion
Obama takes advantage of Republican absence to score political points
Gingrich continues Romney assault, denies insulting ‘junior partner’ Santorum
Romney up big, but Santorum gaining steam in latest NH poll
Vitter: Obama shredded the Constitution with recess appointment
Paul blasts Santorum as ‘serial hypocrite’
Democratic PAC releases new TV ads calling Romney ‘plastic’
Energy Dept. pulls plug on $730 million auto loan
GOP congressman threatens lawsuit against Obama over recess appointments
BP appeals violation notices stemming from Gulf of Mexico oil spill
Key admiral: 21st century will be ‘century of the Asia-Pacific’
Israel, US plan joint military exercise
Romney: Happy anniversary, George and Barbara Bush
Report: IEA mulling plan to release emergency oil amid tensions with Iran
Santorum too late to buy TV airtime in New Hampshire
Touring gun factory, Gingrich admits to never owning firearm
Interior, Coast Guard to size up Cuba-bound rig
Obama’s military cuts placing the US in great peril, says McCain
Santorum will make Illinois primary ballot, says state co-chairman
SEC to require admittance of wrongdoing in some settlements
Ron Paul should demand in the debates that Mitt Romney release his tax returns
NinjaVideo founder sentenced to 22 months in prison
Obama administration defends healthcare law in Supreme Court brief
Jon Huntsman can save the party of Obama-hate from itself
Cain to endorse before S.C. primary
Paul campaign calls for removal of Huntsman ‘Manchurian candidate’ ad
Airlines made almost $3 billion in profits in third quarter
GOP: Could Obama make a recess appointment overnight or on weekend?
Panetta on US rescue of Iranian ship: ‘It’s what we do’
Report calls for investments in STEM education, broadband
Pro-Israel group releases TV ad bashing Ron Paul’s foreign-policy views
Christie, Pawlenty will stump for Romney in New Hampshire
HHS finalizes over 1,200 waivers under healthcare reform law
Clinton catches puck at ice hockey game
NAACP denounces Gingrich’s comment about food stamps
Former EPA official joins law and lobby firm Hogan Lovells
Rubio slams Obama’s ‘leadership failure’
Top EPA scientist returns to academia
Santorum to campaign Saturday while others prep for debate
At Interior, preparing for the worst
For Obama, an actual good week
Obama takes victory lap
Poll shows Romney pulling away in S.C., Santorum in second
GOP mutes Dem leaders on House floor
Rep. Barton cheers DOJ online gambling ruling
It’s worth putting Hamas to the test
Turkey to purchase two F-35 fighters
Huntsman says he’s happy to get endorsement from Globe
Republicans, economists urge Supreme Court to strike entire healthcare law
Santorum: No plans to team up with Gingrich
Justice expands definition of rape
Obama’s strategy envisions ‘innovative’ US military role in Africa, Latin America
New site helps consumers track data usage
New Hampshire poll: Romney still up big; Santorum gains
Time to reassess our national transportation program
Dem portrays opponent in Oregon special House race as tax evader
Jobs report prompts calls for drilling, green energy support
Pat Buchanan: Romney will beat Santorum
Senate meets for brief pro forma session
Obama to propose 0.5 percent increase in federal worker’s pay
FTC should block proposed Express Scripts-Medco merger
Former VP Cheney’s daughter joining Fox News
GOP candidates give Obama little credit for improved jobs numbers
Rep. West: House GOP leadership didn’t stand up to the Senate in payroll debate
RuPaul: ‘I am not Ron Paul’
Climate scientist spurned by Gingrich laments ‘politicization’
Rep. Clyburn blocked from speaking on House floor
News bites: Samsung profits rise at Apple’s expense
Economy adds 200K new jobs, unemployment falls to 8.5 percent
Republicans block Dem leader Clyburn from speaking on House floor
The Eastern Establishment Konservatives (EEK!). Wes Clark/Elizabeth Warren 2016
Perry campaign signals re-launch of SC campaign with new TV ad
Dem goes negative in ad for Oregon special House race
Rewarding innovation and not laziness
Sen. Mark Udall wants lawmakers to take bipartisan dates to State of the Union again
Officials: 2013 spending plan could be unveiled this month
Santorum spars with college students over same-sex marriage
Romney adviser shrugs off Boston Globe endorsement of Huntsman
Rasmussen poll: Romney, Santorum at top in South Carolina
News bites: Castro warns of climate change, natural gas drilling
News bites: Caught
Healthcare adds 23,000 new jobs
Santorum fundraising push blasts GOP establishment
Pro-Romney group hits Gingrich with attack ads in NH and SC
News bites: The American alternative
Gingrich turns fire on Santorum
Bay Buchanan endorses Romney
Gingrich: Romney should drop out if he doesn’t win New Hampshire primary
Gingrich ‘is welcome to release’ his contract, Freddie Mac official says
Iowa officials dismiss report of problems with vote count in caucuses
To right’s dismay, Santorum was active in passing controversial Medicare drug bill
Bidens catch a movie in Georgetown
Romney’s hometown paper endorses Jon Huntsman for president
Ask A.B.: Santorum’s Iowa Surprise
Rep. Mack expects to top $500,000 goal for Senate bid
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