The Hill Articles: June 1, 2012

June 1
Romney worth between $190 and $250 million A closer look at next week… Jeb Bush OK with tax hike in debt deal Democrat worried about tainted seafood from Japan’s nuclear meltdown Cardon says Flake ‘the same as Obama’ on immigration in new ad Report: Sen. Kirk backed three bills benefiting former girlfriend DAY’S END ROUNDUP Obama’s Twitter influence beats Romney’s with women, young users Memoir from Edwards’ mistress Rielle Hunter set for June 26 release Poll: Obama and Romney neck and neck Sen. Boxer: Jobs report underscores ‘the necessity of passing a transportation bill’ Pentagon: Afghans not getting weapons, equipment needed to take over US mission Stocks suffer worst losses of the year on poor jobs numbers Jobs report upends 2012 race Obama the hawk More Dems join call for airline to hold union election Sebelius touts health law’s work for LGBT community GOP senators question ‘same old, same old’ policies at EPA after court ruling Obama signals support for Rep. Rothman in Dem primary fight Heitkamp outraises Berg in North Dakota Obama adviser: ‘No doubt we need faster job growth’ Pentagon chief: Vote in lame duck on defense cuts ‘unacceptable’ House GOP to push bill aimed at lowering healthcare costs next week Perils of sequestration Cantor hints highway bill deal might not be reached by deadline The Miscellaneous Tariff Bill: A tax cut, Not an Earmark Jeb Bush: ‘I am not a candidate’ for vice president Make members come to work Follow Friday: @MarkeyMemo Dem lawmaker blasts FDA for ‘ignoring’ antibiotic resistance with recent court appeal Obama remains hopeful after disappointing May jobs report Obama, Romney spar over figures Sen. Grassley asks GAO to investigate foreign-student work program Bill Clinton rallies Wisconsin Democrats to vote Walker out in next week’s recall Rasmussen: California GOP House candidates in ‘serious trouble’ Romney: Jobs report is ‘harsh indictment’ of Obama’s presidency Curbing junk food options doesn’t help weight loss, study finds Reports: Chinese intel official charged with spying for the US Ecuador, Chevron face off over trade deal renewal GOP split leaves $1.5 billion uncut in Energy and Water spending bill House Democratic leaders blame poor jobs numbers on GOP obstructionism Panetta: No military action in Syria without UN Security Council Why the right, the GOP and some Dems fear Elizabeth Warren and Occupy Wall Street Advertisers fume after Microsoft makes ‘Do Not Track’ the default in Internet Explorer Romney releases Web ad featuring surprise Solyndra appearance Where is your deficit reduction plan Mr. President? Responsible forest management is imperative Sen. Casey seeks CDC help in fighting Lyme disease in Pennsylvania A few miles from Houla, a massacre hits home Despite bleak jobs report, transportation sector sees gains Michelle Obama refers to daughters in explaining support of same-sex marriage Anna Wintour tells Obama supporters ‘don’t be late’ to campaign dinner Anna Wintour tells Obama supporters ‘don’t be late’ to campaign dinner Republicans pin weak jobs report on Obama’s ‘failing’ policies John Edwards’s trial House rejects $27 million cut to $32.1 billion energy/water bill, highlighting GOP split GOP leaders seize on weak jobs report to batter Obama News bites: Obama ordered cyberattacks on Iran Report: Obama, Bush ordered cyberattacks against Iranian facility Democrat Van Hollen tells Jeb Bush he should be criticizing his brother DCCC ad hits Jesse Kelly for calling to end Medicare Boehner to NYC Mayor Bloomberg: ‘Are you kidding me’ on Big Gulp ban? Elizabeth Warren’s fake minority status Barrett focuses on criminal probe of ex-Walker aides in debate News bites: Mitch is not interested Warren admits she’s ‘concerned’ about her campaign in wake of heritage controversy Less government, better education in America A hat for Lady Gaga but not for Eisenhower A portrait of a president 8 years ago: When George & Laura hosted Bill & Hillary Does God endorse the John Edwards comeback? Obama apologizes in writing for ‘Polish death camp’ verbal gaffe Friday: Energy and water spending bill in the House Obama Web ad uses GOP primary opponents to bash ‘Romney economics’ News bites: Digging deeper Report: Obama prepping to revise health law if Supreme Court strikes it down Nancy Reagan meets with Mitt Romney, offers endorsement News bites: Ex-Medicare chief backs premium support, and more Romney continues ‘day one’ theme in new television spot Portman’s bipartisan reputation could hurt chance of joining GOP ticket Obama, Romney ready to do battle over jobs Romney gets his reintroduction Bill Clinton says Mitt Romney qualified to run, defends Bain work MORNING READ Public sector union head says Dems could do more for Wisconsin recall Dems ignore Obama veto, join GOP to pass Veterans Affairs spending bill Rep. McKeon rips Obama, Sen. Reid for ignoring sequestration House members slam Obama on closing Yucca Mountain nuclear waste site Slew of amendments approved for military construction/Veterans Affairs bill