The Hill Articles: June 28, 2012

June 28
Senate adjourns awaiting House vote on highway bill OVERNIGHT HEALTH: SCOTUS upholds ‘ObamaCare’ OVERNIGHT ENERGY: Climate showdown GOP chairman pushes for tax fraud bill 120 Republicans introduce bill to repeal the healthcare mandate Obama administration presses for renewal of trade deal with Africa OVERNIGHT MONEY: House, Senate inch closer to July 4 recess OVERNIGHT TECH: Verizon pushes for Law of the Sea Treaty Jewish Democrats oppose World Heritage designation for Bethlehem’s Church of the Nativity Roberts saves healthcare — and the court OVERNIGHT CAMPAIGN: The Supremes Reid blasts GOP on Holder OVERNIGHT DEFENSE: Stolen Valor Act ruled unconstitutional Roberts court upholds Obama health law House speeds through suspension votes before finishing work for the day AG Holder condemns ‘reckless’ contempt vote as result of ‘conspiracy theories’ Hillary Clinton: ‘Obviously quite excited’ about court ruling Romney campaign: ‘Day one, job one, repeal ObamaCare’ AG Holder decries ‘political’ vote, vows to go back to work DAY’S END ROUNDUP Roberts’s health ruling seen as tactical House Democrat: Sen. Paul ‘asleep during his high school civics class’ Rep. West charges Black Caucus of supporting Holder because of ‘the color of his skin’ House Dems refuse to sign committee deal on highway bill Dems stage walkout in contempt vote Governors faced with Medicaid dilemma in wake of court ruling In 255-67 vote, House places Holder in contempt of Congress US still faces ‘volatile situation’ in Iraq despite strategic gains Michelle Obama urges church-goers to vote Batter up! Lawmakers poised to take the field for annual Congressional Baseball Game House Judiciary moves to ban higher taxes on digital items GOP shocked by Roberts ruling Sen. Enzi’s first tweet decries healthcare ruling Pelosi to join walkout on Holder contempt vote Obama threatens to veto defense appropriations bill Biden pokes fun at hot-mic comment in celebratory tweet Before contempt vote, Boehner says ‘No Justice Department is above the law’ Obama threatens to veto bill defunding healthcare, Wall St. reforms Frank: Healthcare ruling an ill omen for legal challenge to Dodd-Frank A cage is a cage – Stop the ‘Rotten Egg Bill’ Boehner on Holder: ‘No Justice Department is above the law’ State Department exempts China from Iranian oil sanctions Pelosi suggests participation in House contempt vote walkoff Cantor: House will vote to repeal healthcare bill next month Obama initially thought his health mandate had been overturned New Zealand court rules Megaupload searches illegal Obama not fundraising off Supreme Court ruling Dems propose resolution disapproving of Issa’s actions against Holder Pelosi to walk on Holder vote: What GOP is doing is ‘contemptible, even for them’ House Speaker Boehner: ‘I respect’ Supreme Court decision on health law Rahm Emanuel: Good thing Obama ‘didn’t listen’ on healthcare reform House passes two port security bills Bicyclists oppose ‘bad bill for biking and walking’ in highway funding compromise Senators fuming over flood insurance compromise in highway bill Ruling surprises, angers healthcare opponents gathered at Supreme Court Former Rep. Wu spotted on House floor after SCOTUS ruling Boehner: Ruling strengthens GOP’s ‘resolve’ to repeal healthcare law GOP governor: Nation ‘stuck’ with health law, for now Holder touts voting-rights efforts in lead-up to House vote Ben Franklin impersonator, belly dancers turn out for healthcare ruling Another DOE-backed solar panel company goes belly-up Gingrich: Healthcare ruling makes election most important since Lincoln Milosevic ally to head Serbian government Enviros decry loss of conservation funds in highway bill compromise Pelosi: Ted Kennedy helped pass health law from heaven, can now rest in peace Russia pushes through helicopter shipments to Syria Festive crowd turns partisan at court Romney raises $2.5M off court ruling DNC staffers celebrate ruling: ‘It’s constitutional. Bitches’ Consumer bureau signs off on confidentiality rules Palin on health ruling: ‘Obama lies, freedom dies’ Obama: ‘We can’t fight the political battles from two years ago’ Ed Rendell: ‘Almost everyone in Washington is a wuss’ The Court has spoken – and we must listen Report: US mulls clandestine raids into Pakistan Sen. Cornyn: Ruling underscores importance of November election Obama basks in the glow of court victory House starts bitter debate on Holder contempt resolutions Rockefeller says big tech companies acting like Standard Oil Support Ron Paul’s bill to audit the Federal Reserve Board Romney: Healthcare ruling will raise taxes CBO: Deficit impact of Supreme Court health ruling unclear Harkin: Republicans voting for healthcare repeal ‘on wrong side of history’ Kennedy dissent: Court ‘imposes tax when Congress deliberately rejected tax’ Republicans delete mistaken healthcare tweets RedState: Highway bill compromise ‘a massive increase in federal gluttony’ McKeon moves to block measure ending military’s NASCAR sponsorships GOP lawmaker swipes at SEC head for criticizing bill Sen. Harkin: Supreme Court decision a ‘resounding’ confirmation of healthcare law Rep. Bachmann: ‘Activist’ high court ‘rewrote ObamaCare in line with its own designs’ Will Congress scramble the egg market? GOP Rep. Ryan: Healthcare decision makes stakes in November ‘much higher’ Appropriators send bill slashing EPA to floor Michael Bolton: Women ‘basically own me’ Chamber of Commerce CEO says he pushed US accession to Law of the Sea Treaty Obama lied: ObamaCare IS a tax! Politicians tweet reactions to Supreme Court ruling The death of the Court and the protection of individual liberty GOP: ‘Sad day for liberty in America’ McConnell: Ruling shows health law was sold ‘on a deception’ Reid praises high court for putting ‘the rule of law ahead of partisanship’ Michael Moore on healthcare ruling: Conservative ‘smackdown’ Chief Justice Roberts rises, Fox News reporters shine, President Obama wins, but … GOP vows repeal; begins election-year push on ruling The truth behind Argentina’s debt problems Attorney general picnics with lawmakers ahead of contempt vote RNC chairman: Healthcare decision ‘sets the stakes’ for November High court tosses law making it a crime to lie about military medals Ruling a victory for Obama as he heads into tough election Pelosi proven right as Supreme Court upholds healthcare reform law House foreign affairs leaders band together on designating Haqqani Network as terror group Barney Frank to get funny with Pauly Shore? Reid: Democrats are proud of support for Obama healthcare reform law Romney: ‘My guess is they’re not sleeping real well at the White House’ Black Caucus chairman vows ‘something dramatic’ during Holder contempt vote Sen. Schumer previews Democratic message if healthcare law overturned New Obama super-PAC ad: Romney ‘drowned’ companies in debt Bethlehem Mayor Victor Batarseh: Preserving a Palestinian identity Web traffic to Supreme Court spiked 270 percent in last week Sen. Thune: Healthcare overturn would be a chance for ‘a better way’ Unemployment claims fall but labor market struggles continue Former Dem Rep. Obey accuses GOP Senate candidate of McCarthyism Promises vs. reality: A look at ObamaCare Highway bill conference report released GOP Sen. Brown calls for Holder to resign GDP remains unchanged at 1.9 percent News bites: Google unveils Nexus tablet GOP Sen. Lee predicts Obama healthcare law will fall Poll: Romney, Obama deadlocked in key battleground states News bites: Bigger and bigger News bites: T-minus … Will ObamaCare ruling send a message to feminists? News bites: Biden hits Romney on energy tax credits, natural-gas prices rise Thursday’s global agenda: Iran sanctions edition Update: EPA chief’s showdown with GOP postponed House, Senate strike deal on transportation bill, student loans MORNING READ Thursday: Holder, healthcare, highways, spending, and then… baseball House approves several funding limitation amendments to Transportation/HUD bill House puts brakes on taxing cars by the mile Term limit for Ryan is Republican dilemma Multiple stumbles on the Democrats’s road to Charlotte, N.C. convention High court healthcare ruling will be verdict on Obama as a leader Democrats defect on AG Holder